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59 Cards in this Set

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D. All of the above
Individual-level analysis studies the decision-making process of people
A. as a species
B. in groups
C. idiosyncratically
D. all of the above
wishful thinking
What mental strategy did Saddam Hussein employ when he argued that Iraq could withstand a U.S. invasion?
What is biopolitics?
researchers who examine how the specific pressures of our positions can affect our behavior study
A. major shifts in policy
Which of the following is not an effect of groupthink?
A. major shifts in policy
B. dismissing people who "think outside the box"
C. limited policy choices
D. a lower quality of policy options
A. President Bush's ego
According to individual-level analysis, which of the following contributed to the Persian Gulf War?
A. President Bush's Ego
B. economic interdependence
C. international need for oil
D. Iraq's attempt to gain more power
poliheuristic theory
Seeing human decisions as a mix of rational and irrational inputs is a tenet of what?
C. Decision makers are free of media attention
Which of the following is not characteristic of a crisis situation?
A. decision makers are usually taken by surprise
B. decision makers often feel threatened
C. decision makers are free of media attention
D. decision makers only have a short time in which to make a decision.
What is sinocentrism?
Chinese belief that China is the political and cultural center of the world
What is two-level game?
situation in which negotiators have to deal with officials from other countries, while at the same time negotiating with subnational actors at home
C. negotiating directly
Bureaucracies use all of the following means to influence policy decisions except
A. filtering information
B. tailoring recommendations
C. negotiating directly
D. implementation
D. both intermestic AND crisis issues
Which types of issues tend to draw significant public attention?
A. intermestic issues
B. crisis issues
C. pure foreign policy issues
D. both intermestic AND crisis issues
states are not legally answerable to a higher authority for either international or domestic behavior
What does the traditional concept of sovereignty mean?
C. the United Nations
Which of the following is an IGO?
A. Greenpeace
B. Great Britain
C. United Nations
D. McDonald's
helps determine how countries are likely to act
What do some scholars believe about the number of power poles in existence at any one time?
If the U.S. were to impose tariff hikes and other sanctions on Beijing, both the Chinese and the U.S. economies would be damaged. What does this economic reality provide an example of?
The operation of the international system is influenced economically by what?
they worried that their oil contracts with Iraq would be abrogated and given to U.S. firms
Why is there speculation that France, Russia, and some other countries opposed the U.S. led invasion in Iraq?
generally recognized and followed
A norm is only valid when what is true?
A. Norms
Which principle likely kept the U.S. from using nuclear weapons in Iraq?
A. Norms
B. groupthink
C. biopolitics
D. ethology
True or False: A stereotype is a type of heuristic device
True or False: Emotions represent an external barrier to rational decision-making.
True or False: Women and men differ in their attitudes toward the use of military force
True or False: There is a possibility that some differences in political behavior are related to gender
True or False: The worst combination of personality types for a leader is passive-aggressive
True or False: Domestic factors cannot, by definition, play a role in determining the shape of the international system.
True or False: State-level analysis is mostly concerned with how states are affected by the international system.
True or False: More subnational actors participate in foreign policy decisions during crisis situations than at any other time.
True or False: Bureaucrats is a generic term to describe all persons involved in policy making.
True or False: Public opinion can act as a constraint on the policy-making power of the chief executive
True or False: A system-level analyst would argue that a system operates with a degree of regularity based on structural characteristics.
True or False: The current system can be described as a state-centric system
True or False: The U.S. is heavily dependent on other countries for sources of products that it needs and as markets for products that it sells
True or False: Bipolar systems are characterized by acute hostility between poles
True or False: Values and norms are becoming less important to international conduct and are growing more disparate
What is cognitive decision making?
making choices within the limits of what you consciouslly know
What is Munich analogy?
belief amongst Post-World War II leaders, particularly Americans, that aggression must always be met firmly and that appeasement will only encourage an aggressor
What are heuristic devices?
range of psychological devices that allow individual to simplify complex decisions
EX: evaluating people and events in terms of how well they coincide with your own belief systems
What is biopolitics?
theory examines the relationship between the physical nature and political behavior of humans
What is ethology?
comparison of animal and human behavior
What is gender opinion gap?
difference between male and female along any one of a number of dimensions, including foreign policy preferences
What is groupthink?
- how an individual's membership in an organization or decision-making group influences his or her thinking and actions
- tendencies within a group to think alike to avoid disordinance, and to ignore ideas or info that threaten the consensus
What are roles?
how an individual's position influences their thinking and actions
What is idiosyncratic analysis?
individual level analysis approach to decision making that assumes the individual make foreign policy decisions and that different individuals are likely to make different decisions
What is poliheuristic theory?
- view of decision making that holds it occurs in two stages
- 1st stage, nonrational considerations such as how an issue and the response to it will affect a decision maker's political or professional future are applied to narrow the range of choices
- 2nd stage, decision makers use strategic considerations and other criteria to make final policy choice
What is state-level analysis?
analytical approach that emphasizes the actions of states and the internal cause of their policies
What is authoritarian government?
political system that allows little or no participation in decision making by individuals and groups outside the upper reaches of the government
What is a democratic government?
governmental system a country has in terms of free and fair elections and levels of participation
What is crisis situation?
circumstance or event that is surprise to decision makers, that evokes a sense of danger, and that must be responded to within a limited amount of time
What is the rally effect?
tendency during a crisis of political and other leaders, legislators, and the public to give strong support to a chief executive and the policy that leader has adopted in response to the crisis.
What is political culture?
- concept that refers to a society's general, long-held, and fundamental practices and attitudes.
- based on a country's historical experience and on the values of its citizens
- attitudes are often an important part of the internal setting in which national leaders make foreign policy
What is foreign-policy-making actors?
- political actors within a state
- including political executives, bureaucracies, legislatures, political opponents, interest groups, and the people who influence the foreign policy process
What is system-level analysis?
analytical approach that emphasize the importance of the impact of the world conditions on the actions of states and other international actors
What is vertical authority structure?
system in which subordinate units answer to higher levels of authority
What is horizontal authority structure?
- system in which authority is fragmented
- international system has a mostly horizontal authority structure
What is state-centric system?
system describing the current world system wherein states are the principle actors
What is unipolar system?
type of international system that describes a single country with complete global hegemony
What is a power pole?
- actor in the international system that has enough; military, economic, and diplomatic power to determine the rules and policies of a system
- are either;
= single country or empire
= group of countries that constitute an alliance or bloc
What is balance of power politics?
notion that countries seek to conserve and amass power, that some countries seek to dominate their regional international system, and that some countries will seek to counter hegemonic power by further increasing their own power or cooperating with other powers in preventing any country or bloc from achieving dominance
What is a hegemonic power?
- single country or alliance that is so dominant in power in international system that it plays the key role in determining the rules and norms by which the system operates
- has central position in both making and enforcing the norms and modes of behavior