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33 Cards in this Set

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What is a neuron?
Cells within our bodies that are responsiblie for receiving, moving, and processing informaiton
Where are neuron's located?
Located throughout our body and make up the nervous system and the brain
What does a neuron do?
Carry information to and from the spinal cord and brain
What are afferent neurons?
Neurons that send messages to the spinal cord and brain; sensory neurons
What are Efferent neurons?
Neurons that send messages from the brain and spinal cord to other structures in the body; motor neurons
What are nicknamed "The Loop"
Interneurons, they are nerurons that connect sensory neurons to motor neurons
Waht is The Basic Structure of a Neuron
The cell body, the axon, and the dendrites
What are dendrites?
Dendrites recieve information from the surrounding cells and carry the information toward the celll body
What are axons?
Carry information away from the cell body to the terminals in order to transmit the information across the synapse.
What is a synapse?
A snynapse is very small. Neurotransmitters released by the axon terminals cross the synapse to stimuate receptors on the cell body or the dendrites of another neuron
What are neurotransmitter?
A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance that is stored within a synaptic vesicle in the axon terminal vesicles and that when relased moves across the synaptic space and binds to a recepter site on an adjacent cell
What is pharmacology?
pharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the body
What is psychopharmacology?
psychopharmacology is the study of how drugs affect behavior
What makes up the Peripherial Nervous System
Somantic System and Autonomic
What is the Somantic System?
Controls voluntary muscles
What is Autonomic System?
controls the involuntary muscles
What does the Sympathtic System preapre the body to do?
Prepares the body to use energy
What does the Parasympathetic system do?
works to conserve enegry
What does the Frontal Lobe do?
Memory, movement, speech and lanuage production
What does the Parietal Lobe do?
Sense of touch and body position
What does the Occipital Lobe do?
Visual Sensing
What does the Temporal lobe do?
Hearing, and some visual information processing
What happens if the Broca's area is damanged
Broca's Aphasia, or disrupted speech
Damange to the Wernicke's area causes what?
Unable to reconginze the spoken word

Unable to understand the meaning of words

Unable to convert thoughts into words
Results of damange to the right hemisphere
-Problems with verbal communications
-langauge control
-attention deficits
-blindness to objects in the left visual field
The endocrine system consits of...
Consists of ductless endocrine glands that create and release hormones into the bloodstream
The pituitary gland is what?
The pituitary gland is the master gland
Genetics is the study of what?
What is Nature vs. Nurure
Nature and nurture work together and both contribute their infulence
Our genese are segments of...
DNA that are the basic units of heredity
What is a Genotype?
Genetic Makeup
What is a phenotype?
A phenotype is any observable characteristic or trait of an organism
What does the branch of evolutionary Psychologysuggest?
Suggests that all species are subject to the process of biological evolution throughtout their history