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36 Cards in this Set

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hundred days
economy was about to collapse and roosevelt took over and out in place TVA,NRA,AAA. aimed at recovery in agriculture and industry.
national recovery administration.economic planning to establish codes to control production, prices, labor relations,and trade practices among buisnesses. unconstitutional sc 1935.
agricultural adjustment administration. attempt to regulate agricultural production through subsides.
work progress administration. work relief program funded projects from construction to acting. fdr got rid of it during ww2.
civilian conservation corps. young men from city families on relief were put on projects.
public works administration. gave 5 billion for emergency relief. under hopkins, reduced unempoyment and promoted private investment.
civil works administration. emergency relief program to put people to work during the winter ended when winter ended. hopkins in charge.
farm security administration. granted loans to farmers and tenents for rehabilitation and purchase of small farms.
tennesee valley authority. attempt to regional planning. to build dams in 7 states to control floods, ease navagation, and produce electricity.
rurual electrification administration. made electricity available to most eased cultural gap.
commitee on industruial organization. lewis. used wagner act to extend collective bargaining to auto and steel industries.
john lewis
head of united mine workers. took leading rolde in forming CIO.
court packing scheme
roosevelt said court was off schedual because of age of justices. get rid of everyone over 70 up to 6.
bonus army
under hoover. when veterans came to white house asking for military pensions early and he denied them.
united automobile workers. union of auto workers who developed and effective strike technique. violent.
wagner act
outlawed company unions and unfair labor practice in order to ensure collective bargaining for unions. created NLRB.
national labor relations board. to watch labor management relations and enable unions to engage in collective bargaining.
social security act
guarenteed retirement programs for enrolled workers over 65, set federal-state system of unemployment, insurance, and care for dependent mothers, children, and handicapped.
fireside chats
FRD told public what he did with banks through national radio.
new deal
reform and restore american economic system not dramatically change. temporary to meet specific economic problems.
fair labor standards act
established a min wage, and max workweek.
federal farm board
hoover. loaned money to aid conservatives and bought up surplus crops in open marlet in hope that it would raise prices.
harry hopkins
roosevelt used to direct releif program. former social worker. CCC, PWA, CWA, and WPA.
new deal coalition
south, west, industrial states, farmers, workers, protestants, catholics, immigrants, and native born.
townsend plan
proposed giving evryone over 60 a monthly pension of 200 with a rule it must be spent in 30 days.
huey long
turned against fdr, political threat to president. killed by assasin.
charles coughlin
roman catholic priest. colled of monentary inflation and nationalization of banking system in sermons.
francis townsend
assist elderly. against fdr. townsend plan.
indian reorganization act
measures to stress tribal unity and autonomy instead of attempting to assimulate them.
eleanor roosevelt
set an example and encouraged women. traveled and observed wrongs and told president about them.
charles evans hughes
cheif justice. pointed out court was on scheduale.
liberty league
group of wealthy industrialists to assult new deals assult on property rights.
harold ickes
headed PWA. seceratary of interior. intent on quality of projects rather that human needs and failed to get people work.
hattie caraway
put in senate by roosevelt.
alf landon
govenor of kansas. ran as republican canidate in 1936 election. dissapointed voters by refusing to campain for the repeal of new deal reforms.
authorized by hoover to distribute 500 million to states to help industries and families in need.