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23 Cards in this Set

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August 15, 1914

"The greatest liberty that Man has taken with Nature" - The first ship ANCON traveled through the newly built Panama Canal.
An isthmus about 50 miles wide between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean - site for a canal for easier access to American overseas territory

A narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land
Canal Lease and Treaty

1/1879 a French company leased from Colombia the opportunity to construct a canal, but failed.

2/ 1901 US bought the lease from the French

3/ 1903 Secretary of State John Hay negotiated a treaty with Colombia for 99-year lease for $10 million plus $250,000/year. Colombia said no and Roosevelt called Colombia "bandits."

Revolution in Panama

US wanted the land - told Panama they would support independence from Colombia - Panama revolted, Colombia sent forces, US intervened with warship NASHVILLE.
November 6, 1903

US recognized Panama's independence, then Hay signed a treaty with Panama: 10 mile strip of land across the country for the same amount as offered to Colombia: $10 million, then $250,000/yr.
Colonel William Gorgas

Army doctor who had helped eliminate yellow fever in Cuba, went to Panama to help.

One of the Greatest Engineering Feats

Panama Canal:

1/ path carved through jungle and mountains

2/ dug huge amounts of earth and built a dam

3/ lake and giant locks created to raise and lower ships from sea level over the mountains and back again on the other side

Benefits of Canal

1/ reduced shipping costs by eliminating 7,000 miles

2/ extended US naval power

3/ guaranteed a strong American presence in Latin America

4/ soured relationship between Latin America

Policing the Western Hemisphere

President Roosevelt quoted an African proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Known for his BIG STICK Approach to prevent anarchy


Disorder and lawlessness

Roosevelt Corollary

An addition to the Monroe Doctrine (US foreign policy allowing US to police aggressive action from European nations) - now added Latin America to these nations
When was Roosevelt Corollary used

1905 -took control of Dominican Republic's finances

1906 - troops sent to Cuba to stop a revolution

1912 - Marines sent to restore peace in Nicaragua revolution

Dollar Diplomacy
Taft's policy of joining American business interests to diplomatic interests abroad - designed to avoid force by substituting dollars for bullets.
Benefits of US presence in Latin America

1/ Helped build roads

2/ railrads,

3/ harbors

4/ stimulated trade and brought benefits to both Latin America and US

Wilson's "Moral Dipomacy"

Believed US had a duty to teach the South American republics to elect good men - believed in following a foreign policy based on moral principals.

Porfirio Diaz

Mexico's brutal dictator

Francisco Madero

Mexican reformer - led a revolution to overthrow Porfirio Diaz

Victoriano Huerta

General - killed Mexican dictator Diaz - Woodrow Wilson refused to recognize Huerta's "government of butchers" - after taking power, a civil war broke out in Mexico.
Venustiano Carranza

Huerta's rival - Wilson authorized arms sales to him to help overthrow Huerta - Carranza took power
Francisco "Pancho" Villa

Rebel leader - overthrew Carranza, seized and shot Americans - burned Colombus, New Mexico killing 18 Americans.

US chased him for a year, then withdrew when World War 1 was raging in Europe.

Jovita Idar

1/ Journalist for her father's newspaper LA CRONICA

2/ Helped organize the White Cross to help with the wounded on both American and Mexican sides

3/ First President of League of Mexican Women

John J. Pershing

General sent by Wilson with a large force of troops to capture Panch Villa