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41 Cards in this Set

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What reflects aspects of the Chinese Communist Party's strategy on its revolutionary path to power

Land reform and guerrilla warfare

What did the Russian and Chinese revolutions share in common with the french Revolution

A vision of the good society inba modernizing future

In contrast to Russia, the communist revolution in China

Focused on building peasant support in the countryside

What made modernization more difficult in China than in Russia

The larger population in China

What was a feature common in both Soviet and Chinese policies toward women

They were largely state - directed

In contrast to china, the collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union

Was marked by extensive violence and the execution or deportation of wealthier peasants

What waa criticism of the Soviet model of industrialization made by Chinese leaders in the mid-1950s

It promoted indivdualistic and careerist values

In what respect did the communist movements in the twentieth century depart from Marxist theory

They occurred in largely agarian societies

What was the end results of Mao's two great campaigns- the Great leap forward and Cultural Revolution

The death and ruin of tens of millions, and the widespread discrediting of communism

How did the cold war affect countries emerging from colonial rule in the second half of the twentieth century

Both the United States and the Soviet Union gave them military and economic aid in the hope of gaining their support

What contributed to American global influence in the decades following World War II

The absorption of the former colonies of European empires within the American sphere of influence

What describes relations among those countries controlled by communist parties

Bitter and divisive conflict undermined any sense of communist solidarity

What contributed to the failure of Soviet reforms to strengthen socialism and revive a stagnant economy

They planned economy was dismantled before a functioning market - based system could emerge

What was the result of the reforms instituted under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping in China in the 1980s

Rapid economic growth based on capitalist models

What effect did the Soviet policy of gladnost have on the communist countries in Eastern Europe

It sparked demonstration that toppled the communist states in Eastern Europe

In what country did a Soviet-backed communist regime assume power in 1979


What did the different expressions of global communism in the twentieth century share in common

A common ideology derived fromz European Marxism

What refers to the military alliance that united the Soviet Union with European communist states against Western capitalist countries during the cold war

The Warsaw Pact

The contributed to the outbreak of the Russian Revolution

The pressures of World War I

The promises made by the Bolsheviks resonated with the majority of the Russian population in 1917

Worker control of factories

What contributed to the Bolsheviks' victory in the Russian civil war

The divisions among their opponents

What was a value empathized in the socialist modernity of communist states


What was a feature of most communist states

Mass organizations controlled by the Communist Party

What events in China was most similar to the search for "enemies of the people" in the Soviet Terror of the late 1930s

The Cultural Revolution

What countries' membership in the "second world" of communist countries occurred without Soviet military intervention


What countries was an arena for a "hot war" between Soviet-backed communist forces and U.S - backed resistance force


The tension of the cold waa strengthened the influence of the what on the government of the United States and the Soviet Union

The military-industrial complex

What occurred in the wake of the collapse of thw Soviet Union amd the end of communism

Ooen conflict among different ethnic groups language

In the twentieth first century, international tension born of communism remain in

East Asia and the Caribbean

What was a feature of both Soviet and Chinese reforms in the 1980s and 1990s

Welcoming foreign investment in joint enterprises

What was a phrase used during the Soviet Terror to describes the activities in the gulag camps

Land improvement

Whose perspective is expressed in the following statement from the Soviet Union

A communist party official working in the collectives

In this poster what is attacked as a feature of the "Old War"


The Great leap Forward poster depicts overcoming what

The divide between agriculture amd industry

Whay does the poster suggest about how the Chinese state under the leadership of Mao Zedong sought to achieve gender equal

By having women wngage in the same work as men

In this poster in Visual Source 21.4 the red books in the hands of people in the crowd contained quotations from

Mao Zedong

What color is associated with the new society created by the Communist revolution in China


What occurrences during the Cold war best supports the main contention of the passage above

Both the Ubites States and The Soviet Union armed and supported rival countries and factionz in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

What was the most immediate effect of the collaspe of the communist regime in the Soviet Union

The end of the cold war

What best describes the main argument that Harris is making in the passage above

The failure of the international community to provide effective economic assistance to latin america has fueled interest in Guevara's

What challenges to superpower domination by a smaller nation during the Cold War

Prague Spring