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64 Cards in this Set

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the heart, blood and blood vessels comprise the..........
cardiovascular system
what carries blood away from the heart to the lungs...via the pulmonary arteries
what connects arteries and veins, where does the transition take place
what carries blood back to the heart?
What does blood consist of?
serum and formed elements
formed elements consist of....
erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
_________is the liquid remaining when formed elements and clotting proteins are removed from blood
the heart is composed of two parallel pumping chambers each of which contains an ....
atrium and ventricle
what are the three heart tissues in order from outer to inner
pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium
Blood is normally _______, that is it contains no microbes
blood and lymp may spread microbes througout the body to cause ____________
systemic diseases
in a patient with _______ pathogens are present in the blood and cause illness
Septicemia results in the inflammation of the lympatic vessels, a conditon called....
________refers specifically to bacteria septicemia
the cause of septicemia in the majority of patients is hidden and therfore it is called________
occult septicemia
the symptoms of septicemia are chacterized by fever, chills, nausea, vomiting..these signs and symptoms can progress rapidly to _______
septic shock
characterize septic shock
a life threatening condition of extremely low blood pressure resulting from dilation of blood vessels
bacterial septicemia can cause skin lesions called _______ or invade bones to cause_____ an inflammation of thebone and marrow
petechiae, osteomyelitis
when bacteria remain fixed at a site of infection but release toxins into the blood, the condition is called______
living microbes release ______which can inhibit cell function or cause cell death
when a dieing gram negative bacteria disintegrat they release....
endotoxin which is related to lipid A
when endotoxins are released into they blood they may cause sever clotting called.....
desseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
______is cause by bacterial colonization of the endocardium that triggers an inflammatory condition and the formation of vegetation
fragments of vegetation called ________ can lodge in small blood vessels, stopping the flow of blood and causing damage such as a stroke
when endocarditis develops quickly it is called
acute endocarditis
when endocarditis develops slowly and over time it is called........
subacute endocarditis
endocarditis is usually cause by.........
viridians streptococci
diagonosis of endocarditis can be confirmed by visualization of vegetations via.........an
What causes brucellosis?
Brucella melitensis
what is the classic symptom of brucellosis?
a fluctuating fever that spikes ever afternoon, giving the disease a common name called undulant fever
What is a way a human can get brucellosis?
drinking unpastuerized milk
Francisella tularensis causes..............
tularemia, a zoonotic disease
this is caused by bacillus Yersinia pestis
Plague, also known as bubonic plague
what is the classic symptom of bubonic plague?
the sudden appearance of painfully inflamed lymph nodes called buboes
what is the condition called when the plague bacilli spread from the bloodstream to the lungs, or are inhaled
Pneumonic plague
the bite of an Ixodes tick carrying the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi causes.......
Lyme disease
what is a symptom of lyme disease?
an initial symptom is a red "bull's eye" rash at the site of the tick bite
what causes erlichiosis?
erlichia chaffeesis
what causes anaplasmosis?
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
what are the symptoms of both erlichoisis and anaplasmosis, that have pretty much the same symptoms?
flu like, and the decrease of white blood cells and platelets
Infectious mononucleosis also known as kissing disease results from what virus?
human herpesvirus 4, which is also known as Epstein-Barr virus
a virus that remains laten and can be transmitted via sexual intercours, vaginal birth, blood transfusion....
Cytomegalovirus Disease
Yellow fever is cause by......
how is yellow fever transmitted?
it is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
Yellow fever has how many stages?
What is the first stage of yellow fever?
mild fever, headache, muscle aches, vomiting
What is the second stage of yellow fever?
what is the third stage of yellow fever?
delirium, sezures, como, and degeneration of the liver kidneys and heart
Dengues fever is similar to yellow fever in what aspects?
cause by viruses in the genus Flavivirus and is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito
dengue fever's other name is?
breakbone fever
Reinfection with dengue results in a much more sever disease called?
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is caused by what virus?
Ebola virus
Marburg hemorrhagic fever is caused by what virus?
ebola and marburg are endemic to what country?
Which is more fatal ebolavirus or marburgvirus?
Ebolavirus is fatal in up to 90% of patients
Malaria is causes by protozoans of the genus?
Toxoplasmosis is caused by?
Toxoplasma gondii
What is the definitive host of T Gondii?
What causes Chaga's disease?
Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas is endemic to where?
Central and South America
How do we become infected with trypanosoma cruzi?
the disease is carried by blood sucking bugs in the genus Triatoma
how do you diagnose chagas?
by xenodiagnosis, a procedure in which a physician allows an uninfected bug to feed on a person
What causes schistosomiasis?
Parasitic blood flukes of the genus chistosoma, and causes swimmers itch
what are the intermediate host of schistosomas?