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57 Cards in this Set

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Five Main Types of Blood Vessels

1) Arteries

2) Arterioles

3) Capillaries

4) Venules

5) Veins

Artery Characteristics

** Vessel that transports blood away from the heart

** Carries oxygenated blood to body (except pulmonary arteries)

** Artery circulates blood under high pressure and is thick-walled with a smaller lumen

Capillary Characteristics

** Thin narrow wall blood vessel located in tissues

** Site of exchange substances between blood and tissue cells

Vein Characteristics

** Vessel that transports blood toward the heart

** Carries deoxygenated blood from body to the heart (except pulmonary veins)

** Vein circulates blood under low pressure and is thin-walled with uni-directional valves which prevent back flow of blood and a large white lumen

** Lacks internal or external elastic laminae

Three Tunics (Layers) of the Vessel Wall

From inside to outside: Nearest the lumen

1) Tunica Interna

2) Tunica Media

3) Tunica Externa


** Occurs when Smooth muscle in tuncia media contracts


** Occurs when Smooth muscle relaxes

** The diameter of the lumen affects blood flow through vessel and resistance in the vessel

Wall of an Artery

** All three layers are present; Has very thick tunica media

** Their wall stretch or expand easily without breaking

** Aorta has thickest wall

Wall of a Vein

** All three layers are present; Wall is much thinner, but Lumen is larger

** Valves are extensions of Endothelium

Wall of Capillary

** Diameter of lumen: 5-10 micrometers

** Wall is very thin and lacks both tunica externa and media

** Contain Endothelium and Basement membrane

** Perfect for rapid exchange of material

Two types of Arteries

** Their classification is based on predominant tissue in Tunica Media

Types: 1) Elastic and 2) Muscular arteries

Elastic Conducting Arteries

** Largest diameter, wall 1/10 total diameter

** Thick tunica media with mostly elastic fibers which give the arterial wall the ability to stretch

** Function as a pressure reservoir; it moves blood forward while ventricles are relaxed

Muscular Distributing Arteries

** Medium sized; 1/4 of total diameter

** Tunica Media contains more smooth muscle and fewer elastic fibers; Distribute blood to organs

** Stronger vasoconstriction/vasodilation to Adjust rate of blood flow and Maintain vessel pressure

Three types of Capillaries (Exchange Vessels)

1) Continuous

2) Fenestrated

3) Sinusoidal

** Microscopic blood vessels of tissues where exchange of nutrients and waste products occur

Continuous Capillary

** Endothelial cells form a continuous tube; that are found in CNS, Muscle tissue, Skin, and Lungs

** Intercellular clefts are spaces between neighboring endothelial cells

Fenestrated Capillary

** Plasma membrane of endothelial cells have many fenestrations (small pores)

They are found in: Kidneys, Villi of Small intestines, Choroid plexuses in ventricles of brain, Cilliary processes of Eye ...

Sinusoidal Capillary

** Widest capillaries; endothelial cells have large fenestrations and intercellular clefts

** Basement membrane is absent or incomplete

** They are found in: Red bone marrow, Liver, Spleen ...

Capillary Bed

** Network of 10-100 capillaries that arises from single Metarteriole (terminal end of Arteriole)

** Structures involved: Precapillary sphincter, Arteriole, and Venule

Precapillary Sphincter

Located in metarteriole regulates blood flow from Arteries to Capillaries

Arteriole and Venule

Arteriole: Delivers oxygenated blood to capillary bed; Stays dilated and active

Venule: drains deoxygenated blood from capillary bed

Capillary Exchange

** Exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products occurs between blood and interstitial fluid in capillary bed

Three types of Methods of capillary exchange:

1) Diffusion

2) Transcytosis

3) Bulk Flow

** Excess filtered fluid drains into Lymphatic capillaries


** Most important method of exchange

** Movement of substances from High to Low concentration

** Substances transported are:

Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Glucose, Amino acids, and Steroid hormones


** Has enclosure of a substance within a vesicle

** Movement of vesicle through endothelial cell via Endocytosis and exit through Exocytosis

** Substances transported are large proteins such as Insulin

Bulk Flow

** Movement of water with Solutes from Higher pressure to Lower pressure

** Important for regulating the volume of blood and interstitial fluid

** Has two types:

1) Filtration: Solutes and fluid move from blood capillaries into interstitial fluid

2) Reabsorption: Solutes and fluid move from interstitial fluid to blood capillaries

Starling's Law of Capillaries


* Filtration is greater than reabsorption

Four pressures that drive Bulk Flow

1) Blood Hydrostatic Pressure (BHP)

2) Interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure (IFHP)

3) Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure (BCOP)

4) Interstitial Fluid Osmotic Pressure (IFOP)

Blood Hydrostatic Pressure (BHP)

** Outward Pressure exerted by blood on wall of Capillary

** It pushes fluid out of capillaries into interstitial fluid

** Blood always flow from high to low pressure

Interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure (IFHP)

** Pressure exerted by interstitial fluid; which is pushed back into capillaries

** Has an inward force exerted by fluid in interstitial space

Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure (BCOP)

** An inward pulling force exerted by Solutes that are dissolved in Plasma

** It pulls fluid from interstitial fluid into blood

Interstitial Fluid Osmotic Pressure (IFOP)

** An outward pulling force exerted by Solutes dissolved in interstitial space

** It pulls fluid from blood into interstitial fluid

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)

** Balances of pressures

NFP= Outward force - Inward force

Pressures promoting filtration - reabsorption

which equals (BHP + IFOP) - (BCOP +IFHP)

Net Filtration Pressure at Arteriole End of Capillary

Net bulk flow is outward: Filtration

Example: (BHP + IFOP) - (BCOP + IFHP)

35+1 - 26+0 NFP= 10mmHG

NFP at Venular End of Capillary

** Net bulk flow is inward: Reabsorption


Example on paper

Hemodynamics of Blood Flow

** Blood flow: Volume of blood flowing through a tissue per minute (mL/min)

** Factors that affect blood: 1) the pressure difference and 2) the resistance to blood flow

Blood Pressure

** Pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels

** Contraction of ventricles generates blood pressure

** The greater the pressure difference > more blood flow

Peripheral Resistance

** The opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood and wall of blood vessel

** The greater the resistance > less blood flow

Effect of Blood Pressure on Blood Flow

** Blood flows from region of higher pressure to lower pressure

** The greater the pressure difference > more blood flow

** Highest pressure in Aorta and Large systemic arteries

** As blood flow farther from heart, BP falls; It is zero when blood flow into right ventricle

Arterial BP

** Systolic BP: Pressure measured in an artery during Ventricular Systole

** Diastolic BP: Pressure measured in an artery during Ventricular Diastole

** In a resting adult: 110/70 mmHG

Pulse Pressure (PP)

** Reflects difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure

PP= Systolic BP - Diastolic BP

Example: BP is 110/70

So pulse pressure= 110-70 = 40 mmHG

Mean Arterial Blood Pressure

** An average blood pressure in arteries

** MABP = Diastolic BP + 1/3 (PP)

** MABP = 70 + 1/3 (110-70) = 80 mmHG

Also: MABP= CO x R

R stands for resistance

Vascular Resistance (R) MABP

** Vascular resistance depends on: Diameter of blood vessel, Blood Viscosity, Blood vessel length**

** Size of the lumen of blood vessel affects resistance

** Viscosity of blood mostly depends on ratio of RBCs to plasma, and to smaller extend on the concentration of proteins in plasma

Venous Return

** Amount of blood returning to the heart through Systemic veins per minute

Occurs because of:

* Pressure generated by left ventricular contraction

* Skeletal Pump and Respiratory Pump

** Venous return should be equal to Cardiac output

Venous Return and Pressure Difference

** Pressure in venules: 16 mmHG

** Pressure in right heart: 0 mmHG

**** Blood always flows from regions of higher pressure to regions of lower pressure

Venous Return and Skeletal Pump

** Standing at rest, both venous valves are open >> Blood flows upward toward heart

** Contracting leg muscle pushes blood through proximal valve (open) and closes distal valve

** After relaxing leg muscle, proximal valve closes and distal valve opens due to higher pressure in foot than in leg

Venous Return and Respiratory Pump

** During inhalation, Diaphragm move downward which INCREASE pressure in Abdominal cavity and DECREASE pressure in Thoracic cavity

** During exhalation, the valves in veins prevents backflow of blood which is downward movement

Role of Cardiovascular Center in Regulating Blood Pressure

** Located in Medulla Oblongata

** It regulates heart rate, stroke volume, blood pressure ...

Parasympathetic Effects on Blood pressure

** Parasympathetic stimulation >> Transmitting impulse through Vagus nerve >> which Decreases the activity of SA and AV nodes >> Decreases HR, CO, and BP

Sympathetic Effects on Blood pressure

** Two types Sympathetic nerves arise from Cardiovascular center:

** 1) Cardiac accelerator nerves: Heart

** 2) Vasomotor nerves: Blood vessels

Cardiac Accelerator Nerves

** Sympathetic stimulation >> Increases activity of SA and AV nodes >> which Increases HR, CO, and BP

** It also increases contractility >> which increases SV, CO, and BP

Vasomotor Nerves

** Sends signals to Smooth muscle in Arterioles especially in Skin and Abdominal Viscera

** Sympathetic Simulation: Smooth muscle contracts >> Vasoconstriction >> Increases resistance >> which increases BP

** Sympathetic Inhibition: Smooth muscle relaxes >> Vasodilation >> Decreases resistance >> which decreases BP

Neural Regulation of BP

** Nervous system regulates BP as two types of reflexes:

** Baroreceptor reflex: Activated when BP changes in large arteries

** Chemoreceptor reflex: Activated when levels of H+, CO2, and O2 changes in blood

Baroreceptor Reflex

** Baroreceptors are pressure sensitive, when pressure falls they detect low blood pressure

** So the send signals to Cardiovascular center at a slower rate:

** From Internal carotid artery through Glossopharyngeal nerves

** From Aorta through Vagus nerves

** Cardiovascular center activates Sympathetic nerves and inhibit Parasympathetic nerves, which in turn Increase heart rate, contractility, and vasoconstrict vessels which Increases blood pressure

Chemoreceptor Reflex

** When they detect Hypoxia, Acidosis, or Hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide), it sends signal to Cardiovascular center

** The center activates Sympathetic nerves and inhibit parasympathetic nerve which in turn Increase heart rate, contractility, and vasoconstrict vessels which Increases blood pressure

** Chemoreceptors also send input to Respiratory center to regulate rate of breathing

Four hormones that regulate Blood Pressure

1) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

2) Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

3) Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

4) Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

** Sympathetic stimulation to Adrenal glands release Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

** It increases heart rate and Contractility; Cause Vasoconstriction which in turn blood pressure increases

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

** Produced by Hypothalamus

** When blood volume is low >> Posterior Pituitary gland releases ADH; it causes Vasoconstriction which increases blood pressure

** ADH reduces Urine volume which increases blood volume and blood pressure

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

** When blood pressure is high, Cells of Atria releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

** ANP causes Vasodilation, increases urine output and decrease blood volume and blood pressure