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17 Cards in this Set

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what is progressiveism?
- white urban middle class movment in effort to fix industrializations social biproducts
- regulate the governments hand to make a system that works
- trying to regulate the process by which business and government interact (wealth gap makes them realize this)
what are the 5 areas of focus?
- efficency
- regulation
- social justice
- prohibition
social reformers:
veblen, croly, dewey, Homes, Muckrakers, McClures
- Veblen- denounced wealthy for conspicuous consumption- should help the poor with their wealth
- croly- called for an activist government that promoted teh welfare of all citizens
- Dewey- reform the public school system- teach how to function correctly within society
- Holmes- law must evolve as society changes
- Muckrakers- writers who experiences then depicted the realities of the horrible conditions that the lower class endured
- McClures- increased awareness of the corruption and bribery that existed in big business

Political reformer= Hine
political reform? Democratic
- Sam Jones
- electoral reform: direct primary, initiative, and referendum- POWER TO THE PEOPLE DEMOCRATIC
- city manager system- made running a city more EFFICENT and business like
--replaces politicans with business people
-- break utilities monopolies at local level--> get better prices for everyone DEMOCRATIC
- Lafolette- direct primary system- "wisconsin idea" regulated business by creating political libraries so they wouldnt rely on lobbyists for facts
health care reform
- "Typhoid Mary"- creates desire for health improvements with sanitation
Moral reform PROHIBITION
- "Nickelodeons"- thought moral trap (5 cent halls)
- Mann Act 1910- stop prostitution for moral reasons
--ex. Jack Johnson- arrested
- Anti-Saloon League- ban on sale of alcohol
- Narcotics Act 1914- ban all addictive drugs
immigrant reform
- Lodge- physical tests, literary examination=racist and public health concerns
- Eugenics- fake scientific data denoucning immigrants
--Buck v. Bell- right to sterelize criminals, sex offenders, and mentall deficent people
- the birth of a nation 1915- racist movie
- Ida Wells- anti lynching
- B T Washington- prove themselves to white -economically--> respect
- WEB Dubois- immediate equality
- Niagra movement- conference demanding immediate racial eqality
- niagra movement joined with whites to form the NAACP (national assoc. for advancement of colored people)- ACTIVISM
-Sanger- birth control
--1921- American Birth control league
- National american Woman Suffrage Assoc. (NAWSA)- Catt- state by state approach
- Paul- wanted faster- pressured congress to enact womans suggrage amendment
- WEAKENED VIEW OF "womans sphere" with incrased ACTIVISM
- end to capitalism and public ownership of factories, utilities, RR, and communication systems
workers/strike movements
- triangle shirtwaist factory fire- increased the desire for better conditions
- IWW- 1905- labor union
- Danbury Hatters case 1908- came at labor unions by forbidding them to support strikes (said violated sherman anti trust act by restraining trade)
- united mine workers strike- TR defended workers rights to organize
- Northern securities company- gov ordered dissolveed because it formed to control the RR
TR's stand on labor, Rr, trusts, consumer protection, racial issues, and environment
labor- defended workers rights to organize (ex. united mine workers strike)
- RR- "trust busting" broke up monopolies.
--"Square Deal"- make companies serve the public good- no special treatement for capitalists
- RR regulation rather than anti-trust laws
--1906 Hepburn Act- gave ICC the power to regulate the RR and eliminate fraud-1906
- consumer protection- Pure Food and Drug Act, meat Inspection Act
success of progressives*
- 1911- triangle shirtwaste fire- safety codes- increases awareness of bad factory conditons
- leads to health codes, elimination of child labor, national consumers league- F. Kelly
weakness of progressives*
- social treatment
- change from going directly to people to making a larger campaign that affects everyone
- clean up moral traps
whom did the progressives blame for the reasons for the moral decline in the cities?*
- immigrants
campiagn to beautify/better the cities
- by 1920 over half is in urban cities
- Burnham- architect
- make cities better for people to live in
racism/ discrimination*
- eugenics
- sterilization
- lodge