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51 Cards in this Set

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What year was the Great Depression in?
What is Black Tuesday?
The day the stock market crashed. October 1929
Who was the president during the stock market crash?
Herbert Hoover
Who got blamed for the stock market crash?
Why did the stock market crash?
Common people started buying stocks. Unequal distribution of money. World economy was slow
What is a margin loan?
You borrow money and pay it back when (if) you make money.
How did the stock market work?
You invest in a business, You own a small piece of the business, You are an “investor” in the business, Buy low, Sell High, You get dividends each year. It is gambling & people were addicted.When market fell, they freaked out.
What did hoover do to try and help?
Lowers the income tax, but it was already low, so it doesn’t help. Gives aid to farmers and business. Did NOT help people or families.
What is a Hooverville?
living in empty lots in shacks made out of scraps and boxes
What was a hunger march?
Men steal food
What did farmers do to strike?
Farmers use violence to protect their land
What was a Bonus Army March?
Army-Veterans march on Washington to get life insurance cashed. Camp near White House, protest. Hoover uses force to push them out of D.C. Hoover looks VERY bad!!
What was the Dust Bowl?
MAJOR amounts of dust blowing across the Great Plains. Killed animals, destroyed farms. Buried roads and railroads. Buried houses and barns.
What caused the Dust Bowl?
Over Farming & Severe Drought
How high did the Dust bowl get?
1,000 foot high & miles long
What did the Dust Bowl lead to?
Rotating crops. Planting trees as windscreen. No plowing until just before planting
What were Okies?
Farmers fleeing area (to Calif) were
Who was Dorthea Lange?
Great Depression Photographer
What was The New Deal?
F.D.R’s plan to get U.S. out of the Depression
What was the famous quote by Roosevelt?
"Nothing to fear but fear itself"
What were Fireside chats?
Weekly talks on the radio that Roosevelt would do to tell the people of the country What he was doing & how
It would help the country.
How did Fireside chats get its name?
F.D.R. wanted it to seem like he was in the room with his listeners, by the fire in a living room
What did FDR do as President?
Took control, good leader, Created programs
What did the Bank holiday do?
shut down banks so people could settle down and banks could regroup
What was the Rural Electrification Act?
Electricity to farms
What were the three R's?
Relief- Jobs, money (CCC, WPA, FERA)
Recovery- Get cycle going (AAA, TVA)
Reform- Changes (SEC, FDIC)
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.?
Insured & protected people’s money in the banks. Restored faith in banks and people started using them again. Reduced fear and loosened people up
What is the Securities & Exchange Commission?
Regulated the stock market. Kept an eye on activity in stock market. Made rules for stock market
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority?
Brought electricity to the Tennessee Valley for first time. Dammed rivers to create lakes and hydro-power
What did the Tennessee Valley Authority lead to?
Led to jobs: By
Damming rivers
Tourism (fishing)
Factories (now that there is electricity)
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration?
Paid farmers to NOT farm part of their land & kill some of their livestock. Decreased supply which raised prices. Allowed farmers to stay in business. Concept still around today
Is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration still around today?
What is the National Recovery Act (Admin)?
Put rules on businesses to encourage growth
What did the National Recovery Act do for jobs?
40 work week. Overtime pay (minimum wage). Banned child labor. Fixed prices
What created minimum wage?
Overtime pay
What poster did people have to put up for people to buy from them?
NRA (National Recovery Act)
What is the Public Works Administration?
Put men to work building structures that would help the country. Salaries paid by Federal Govt.
What building structure's did the Public Works Administration build to help the country?
Bridges, Park buildings, sewers, etc
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?
Put men to work in national parks improving the environment. Salaries paid by Federal Govt.
What is the Federal Emergency Relief Administration?
Federal Govt. gave money to states to help “relieve” the people.
Who did the Federal Emergency Relief Administration give money to?
Soup kitchens
Help the unemployed
Help pass out blankets and clothes
Employment schemes
What was the New Deal Opposition?
American Liberty League- did not like the debt U.S. was gaining. Supreme Court cases shooting down some of his programs
Who were some of the opposers?
Huey Long-Senator
Father Charles Coughlin
Dr. Francis Townsend
What did Social Security do?
Made people feel more secure socially
How does FDR help Labor?
Creates minimum wage
Who was Francis Perkins?
First woman cabinet member- Sec. of Labor
Who shot down the idea of Minimum Wage?
Supreme Court. But it was soon created again and it stuck
What did Minimum wage do?
Allowed workers to join unions
Who didn't win the election of 1936?
Alf Landon (Rep)
What did people use to get their mind off of the Great Depression?