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62 Cards in this Set

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What system is a separate set of thin vessels that return fluid lost from the blood capillaries back to the circulatory system?
Lymphatic System
What are the components of the Lymphatic System?
lymphatic vessels
lymphoid organs
What are the lymphoid organs?
lymph nodes
thymus (found only in children)
Peyers Patches
What system helps with body defense?
Lymphatic System
Name the lymphatic vessels?
Lymphatic capillaries
Collecting vessels
What are the six main functions of the lymphatic system?

Use this mnemonic:
For Five Pounds Lola Dances Twice.
Fluids-transports fluids back to tissues
Fats-transports digested fat via villi of SI back to blood.
Plasma-return plasma proteins to bloodstream
Defense-Immune fights invaders
Transportation-move large molecular compounds to bloodstream
What tiny vessels become more porous when inflamed?
Lymphatic capillaries
Define trunks?
large vessels that drain a broad area like legs, abdomen, arm, etc.
Why are collecting vessels similar to veins?
have valves but are not as rugged as veins
What is the largest of all lymphatic vessels
Which duct arises from a bulbous collecting structure in the abdomen and empties into the left subclavian vein?
Thoracic Duct
What mechanism helps move lymph through the ducts, similar to the vena cavae?
Respiratory pump
Which lymphatic vessels collect fluid from tissues and have similar endothelial cells like their blood carrying cousins?
lymphatic capillaries
Explain the lymphatic process
-Arterioles/arterial system leaks fluid (interstitial fluid)
-Interstitial fluid collects debris, old cells, etc. which is called lymph
-Lymphatic capillaries collect the leaked fluid
-Lymph is passed through muscular pumps
-Collecting Vessels receive the leaked fluid from the LC
-Lymph nodes filter fluids before entering trunks and ducts (this is when antibodies are produced)
-Thus fluid is passed on to trunks and ducts
Lymph nodes are full of ____________and _____________to help process antigens and produce antibodies critical for body defense.
lymphocytes and macrophages
What is especially abundant where collecting vessels converge to form trunks?
Lymph nodes
What are lymph nodes?
small discrete organs that lie along the path of lymphatic vessels. Critical in body defense.
What is the largest lymphoid organ?
What quadrant is the spleen located in?
Left upper quadrant or LUQ
What is the function of the spleen?
it cleans blood of debris and old erythrocytes
What lymphoid organ provides a site for a large number of lymphocytes and macrophages involved in immunity?
What lymphoid organ is only found in children?
What does the thymus do?
Helps build early immunity in adolescents
Where is the thymus located?
Name two lymphoid organs that are a collection of lymphatic tissue found in the submucosa of areas highly prone to bacterial invasion?
tonsils and peyer's patches
Ducts empty back into what system?
circulatory system
What does the right lymphatic duct do?
The rest of the body is drained by what duct?
thoracic duct
Name the process in which the fluid is cycled through the lymphatic system?
Interstitial Fluid
back to Plasma
Name the route in which the lymphatic system uses when fluids drain into the tissues?
Lymphatic Capillary
Lymphatic vessels
Lymph node
Lymphatic vessels
Lymphatic trunk
Collecting duct
Subclavian vein
What are the two main types of mechanisms that body defense is divided into?
Innate or non-specific defenses
adaptive or specific defenses
Which defenses are not necessarily directed against a particular type of invader as specified by the invader's antigens?
Innate or non-specific defenses
Which defenses are directed against a specific invader as identified by its surface proteins (antigens)?
Adaptive or specific defenses
What type of cells are found within the adaptive or specific defenses?
Humoral Immunity - B cells

Cellular Immunity - T cells
Name all of the defenses found within the innate or non-specific defenses?
Skin barriers: Skin and Mucous membranes

Internal defenses: Phagocytes, Fever, NK cells, Antimicrobial proteins and Inflammation
What is the first line of defense?
What needs to be intact in order for defenses to be effective?
Name the barriers?
mucous membrane and it's secretions
What is a natural killer cell?
recognizes and destroys cancer cells and viral infected cells
What innate defense will consume any invader but are much more efficient when directed by an adaptive mechanism?
What is a general response triggered by tissue damage?
Damaged tissues release a host of chemical mediators such as:
kinins, prostaglandins, histamines, etc.
Depending on the type of damage, name the three responses?
What happens in a cellular response?
macrophages and neutrophils are attracted to the damaged area
What response could cause pain or itching?
Neural response
What type of response causes heat, redness or swelling?

vasodilation cause redness and heat
increased capillary permeability causes swelling
Vascular response
What may decrease availability of some minerals that bacteria need, while increases overall metabolism, and most importantly forces rest?
What causes the hypothalamus to reset the body temperature higher?
When macrophages consume an invader they release compounds called what?
What is a global increase in body temperature?
What does the Humoral Immunity do?
involves the design and production of antibodies
What is Cell mediated immunity?
mainly T-cells
In cell mediated immunity macrophages consume an invader, processes the antigen, and presents to it a _________________ helper?
In humoral immunity within the tissues of lymphoid organ, a macrophage consumes an invader and processes the antigen specific to that type of invader.

True or False
In humoral immunity the macrophage presents a _________________helper in a lymphoid organ?
In humoral immunity the helper T-cell further processes the T-lymphocyte and presents a ______________________.
In humoral immunity ___________________attaches to any cell with the specific antigen and tag it for destruction by __________________and compliment proteins.
In humoral immunity the _______________designs an antibody and then differentiates into lots of ____________ cells (cloning).
In humoral immunity the B-cell designs can mass produce the antibody and a ____________which can quickly divide into many plasma cells if the antigen is encountered again.
memory B-cell
In cell mediated immunity a helper T-cell differentiates into a ______________ which destroys the invader and releases attractors for ______________.
kill T-cell
In cell mediated immunity a helper T-cell differentiates into a __________________for remembering the specific antigen.
memory T-cell
In cell mediated immunity a helper T-cell differentiates into a __________________to turn off the killer cells after the threat has been resolved.
suppressor (regulator) T-cell