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101 Cards in this Set

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Low VA/Q units impy (VA/Q>0.8)
poor are absent
(VA/Q=0) ventilation with respect to blood flow
impairing O2 uptake
High VA/Q units imply (VA/Q>0.8)
poor or absent
VA/Q=~ blood flow with respect to ventilation resulting in inefficient elimination of CO2 from:
the pulmonary arterial blood
VA/Q=0 complete loss of ventilation with respect to blood flow is called a
complete loss of pulmonary blood flow with respect to ventilation (VA/Q=~ is called
dead space
The ratio of alveolar CO2 excretion to blood O2 uptake is called___ and has a resting value of about ____
respiratory exchange ratio (R)
R= 0.8
The ratio of CO2 production to O2 consumption at tissue level.
respiratory quotient (RQ)
RQ=CO2production/ O2 comsumed
what can cause the R value to deviate from 0.8?
excercise or high metabolic states
O2 is carried in blood by: dissolved O2 in____ and combined with _____?
plasma and hemoglobing
arterial o2 content
Hb O2 saturation
arterial O2 tension
____ equation: amount of O2 transported in blood to the peripheral tissue (O2 delivery or DO2) DO2=CaO2x10 QC
cardiac output in L/min
In adults at sea level and rest DO2 is
Rate of O2 uptake by the body is measure by analyzing__&__ O2 in ventilator circuit; about __mL/min in adults under rest condition
Inspired and expired O2
O2 extraction fraction can increase under what conditions?
(exercise) increase tissue demand
(congestive heart failure decrease cardiac output & O2 del.
servere anemia reduced CaO2
Bc the brain and heart extracts the highest % of O2 they are highly susceptible to O2 deprivation caused by a lack of blood flow known as___and low CaO2 ___
Oxygenated blood is measure by ____ or know as ____
Deoxyhemoglobin and Oxyhemoglobin is also known as being in the
T or tense state
R or relaxed state
The transition between states is induced by the ___ of the heme iron when O2 in bound or released
90% of CO2 that enter the blood diffuses into RBCs under goes 3 chemical reaction:
remains as dissolved CO2
combins with NH3 group of Hb to form carbaminohemoglobin
combins with H2O to form H2CO3
when CO2 binds with H2O to form H2CO3 it dissociates into
H+-->HCO-3 bicarbonate
The remain 10% of CO2 in the plasma exists as ___ CO2 and___ compounds after reacting w/ NH3 groups of plasma
dissolved CO2 in plasma determines
H2CO3 and pH
The reaction rate of CO2 w/ H2O in the RBC is about 13,000 times faster than in plasma due to the influence of __ __an catalytic enzyme
carbonic anhydrase
as HCO-3 accumalates in RBC its intracellular concen. rises; HCO-3 then diffuses down its concen. gradient into__ it is respon. for nearly all__ in plasma
Cl- the most abundant anion in plasma, diffuses into the RBC this is called the__ __ which maintain intracellular electrical neurtality
chloride shift
some movement of H2O inward occurs simultaneously w/ the Cl- shift to maintain osmotic equilibrium resulting in a slight__ of the RBC venous blood relative to lose in artrial blood
carbonic anhydrase can be inhibited by acetazolamide, a drug used to tx __&__
glaucoma and acute montain sickness
PaCO2 increase as blood flows throw the systemic arteries bc the__ reaction slowly continues
the over all result would be the a rise in arterial PaCO2 were it not for the effect CO2 has on the brain's____
Medullary chemoreceptors
The inhibition of HCO-3 reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate and causes HCO-3 loss in the__
The adequacy of function of each terminal respiratory unit is determine by local matching between
Inadequate vent. relative to perfusion (low VA/Q+shunt) has the greatest eff. on the O2 uptake by the lungs and this results in ____
excessive ventilation relative to perfusion (high VA/Q+dead space)hinders the lungs ability to eliminate CO2& may cause_esp in indiv. w/ limited ability to increase ventilation
In a normal lung a slight degree of VA/Q mismatch occurs primarly bc of greater effects of ___ on the distribution of perfusion than on vent.
is based on the physical principles governing inert gas elimination by the lungs. allow a more complete description of distributions of the VA/Q ratio
When inert gas in solution is infused into systemic veins, the proportion of gas eliminated by vent. from a lung unit depends on the___ of gas and VA/Q ration
solution containg low concent. of 6 inert gases of diff. solubility (sulfur,hexafluoride{SF6}, ethane,cyclopropane, isoflurane, diethl ether, and aceton)is infused slowlyinto periph. vein until a steady state is reached to...
to obtain the VA/Q distribution of the lungs
The inert gas concentration in the arterial mixed ____ and___ samples are collected and analyed.
venous and expired gas
retention and excretion value for the inert gases are graped agaist there ___ in blood.
A lung containing __ unit shows increase retention ofthe least solube gas sulfur hexafluride (SF6)
A lung having large amounts of ventilation-to-lung units w/ very high-solubility gases __and ___
ether and acetone
with age the disperion of ventilation and perfusion does it
increares or decreases
The causes of age related VA/Q mismatch often is attributed to degenerative processes in the small___ with aging.
Various abnormal patterns of VA/Q distributions measured by the ___ method adequately explain gas exchange abnormalities in diseased lungs.
VA/Q Distributions in lung diseases:
emphysema, low VA/Q units in COPD, pts w/ predominanly choronic bronchitis likely reflect airway obstruction caused by retained secretions & mucous gland HYPERPLASIA
Even though low VA/Q interferes w/ the effic. of CO2 elmination, it is often associated w/ normal or even low ___ bc reg. chemoreceptors in the medulla increase vent. drive in respones to a rising ___; this increase total min. ventilation.
__ lowers the PCO2 of units, balancing out the high PCO2 of low VA/Q units
VA/Q mismatch is the primary mechanism for ___ seen in sever COPD pt. These pt req. an increase min ventilation to achieve a given PaCO2 or PaO2 and this incur an increase ____
Hyercapia and work of breathing
the ___ PO2 appears to be the most important factor involved iin regulating the distribution of VA/Q within the lung
high altitude residents have a better VA/Q matching than sea-level residents, as reflected by smaller __ differences
O2 from the ambient air is carried into the terminal alveolar units of the lungs by 2 physical processes:
-bulk gas flow in the conducting airways
-molecular diffusion in the distal alveolar units
The diffusion gradient between gas and blood for O2 is the PO2 diff. between ___and___ . In normal indiv. gradent is about__mm Hg(PaO2 of 100mm Hg)
alveolar gas/mixed venous blood
At rest the diffusion process is virtually complete within the first third__ sec of the mean capillary transit time of 0.75
Diffusion of gases across the ac membrane is descibed by ___ Law of diffusion
Fick's law states for a given gas, the amount of ___ transferred across a membrane's surface area a diffusion constant(derived form the gas solubility and molecular weight) the diffusion pressure gradient
increase gas solubility and decrease gas density would increase it's
Gas diffusion rate is inversely proportional to the thickness of the
is the gas of choice to measure the diffus. capacity of the lung
carbon monoxide
unlike O2 the part. pressure of CO in capillary blood is neglegible and equilibraton between___ and __ gas CO never occurs
blood and alveolar
Bc CO equilibration between cap blood cap blood and alveolar gas never occurs the CO diffusion rate is strictly determined by the characterist of the
ac membrane
The reason blood CO pressure is negligible is that Hb has an extremely high___ for CO (more than 200 times great than O2) and it instantly removes CO form solution.
The effectiveness of gas exchange can be measure by:
However no measurement technique allows an exact descrip. of the complex behavior of gas exchange in the lungs.
-simple approach is to measure gas tension in arterial blood.
-complicated approach rely on tracer gases and modeling of gas exchange such as MIGET
The___ PO2 provides some info about the degree of VA/Q matching. the advantage of the measurement is its simplicity
Normal PaO2 decrease with___
Regression equations have been developed to predict the age-specific PaO2 in __ and __positions
supine and sitting
Supine PaO2 is normally ___ than upright or seated PaO2
The supine and sitting position equations have large errors of estimation. The def of hypoxemia in adults depends on the ___ of the indiv. and the ___
age and altitude
A low PaO2 while breathing room air indicates the presence of VA/Q __,___or alveolar ___ but normal PaO2 does not necess. imply a normal VA/Q distrib. of the lung
VA/Q mismatch, shunt, hyperventilation
The alveolar-arterial PO2 diff.
(P[A-a]O2) is calculated as the diff between the PAO2 and the PaO2.
PAO2 is computed from the alverolar gas equation
The P(A-a)O2 in healthy adults breathing room air increases with__
The rule is P(A-a)O2 for indiv. should be no more than half the chrono logic age and no more than__mm Hg while breathing room air
the upper normal limit of P(A-a)O2 for a 30 yr old is __mm Hg and for a 60 yr old is __mm Hg
Diffusion disequilibrium may contribute to increased P(A-a)O2 during __ and __and also increase w/ high____
excercise and high altitudes
alveolar PO2
The presence of right-to-left shunt can be differentiated from low-VA/Q causes of hypoxemia by ___
breath 100% O2
Healthy indiv. have a small shunt that amounts to __% to %__ of the cardiac out put.
Bc PaO2 shows little response to variations in FIO2 at shunt fraction that exceed 25% the clinician may be encouraged to reduce toxic and marginally effective concen. of ___
The shunt calculation freq. overestimates the true shunt bc alveoli w/ very low VA/Q ratios (<0.1) may__ completely during O2 breathing
hypoventilation ___ the PaO2 and ___ the arterial
decrease/ increases
VA/Q mismatch (low-VA/Q units) is most common cause of ___ associated with lung diseases
High VA/Q units do not cause Hypoxemia directly because the blood perusing these units is well___
bc the absence of ___ in the shunt pathway, Hypoxemia resulting from rt-to-lt shunt can not be corrected via brathing of 100% O2.
Ex: of right-to-left shunt include:
atelectasis, arterivenous malformation (osler-Weber-rendu disease, liver cirrhosis, & congenital heart disease
Low mixed venous O2 content may also contribute to__
for a given VA/Q mismatch, the lower the mixed venous O2 content the lower the ___
arterial PO2
The response to supplemental O2 depends on the relative contributions of VA/Q mismatch and rt-to-lt shunt to hypoxemia if mixed venous O2 content remain the same
VA/Q mismatch and rt-to-lt shunt to hypoxemia
Complex disturbances of cellular function can be produce by___, bc of inadequate production of high energy phospate compounds such as ATP.
when blood PaO2 is reduced acutely, symptoms and signs of cerebral hypoxia such___ cardiac hypoxia such as myocardial ischemia or arrhythmias tend to manifest first
impaired judgment, motor incoordination, or altered mental status
Mechanisms tissue hypoxia
-hypoxemic -Anemic
-Stagnant -Histotoxic
___results from an inadequate amount of O2 in the blood (reduced PaO2) caused by either lung diseases or decrease O2 in the inspired air (at high altitude)
Hypoxemic hypoxia
___results from a reduction in blood O2 content, which may be caused by severe __ or the presence of dyshemoglobin states (such as carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin)
anemic hypoxia/ anemia
O2 is useful in CO poisoning bc it displaces CO from Hb and decreases the half-life of ___ and CO in the tissue.
___is a result of poor tissue perfusion as may be seen in cases of severe cardiac failure, hypovolemic shock, cardiac arrest and peripheral vascular diseases.
Stagnant hypoxia
stagnant hypoxia
the amount of O2 dilivered to the tissues each min is reduced in these condition due to__or__
low cardiac output or poor tissue perfusion (tissue edema
__is an inability to use O2 at the cellular level, as with cyanide or sulfide poisoning. Poisons inhibit elecrton-transfer function by cytochrome oxidaxe so that O2 cannot be reduced to ___
O2 has little effect for Histotoxic unless the toxic process is __
Stagnant Hypoxia O2 is not helpful unless tissue perfussion can be___
___ is the PO2 in blood of the pulmonary artery. It is a measurment that reflects the O2 concent. of the pooled venous blood returning form the body to the heart.
mixed venous PO2
in the absence of impaired O2 utilization(cyanide poisning and sepsis) mixed venous O2 content is directly related to ___
cradiac output
When cardiac output and thus O2 delivery decrease, the tissues respond by extracting more O2 from the blood to maintain tissue oxygenation, causing venous O2 content to ___