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33 Cards in this Set

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Functions of a Cell membrane

- stops the cell contents from excaping

- controls the substances which are allowed to enter and leave the cell

What would a typical plant cell consist of?

- cell membrain

- cell wall

- chloroplasts

- cytoplasm

- mitochondria

- nucleus

-rough endoplasmic reticulum (or rough ER)

- ribosomes

- vacuoles

What would a typical animal cell consist of?

-cell membrane

- cytoplasm

- mitochondria

- nucleus

- rough endoplasmic reticulum (or rough ER)

- ribosomes

- vesicles (much smaller vacuoles)

Cell membrane

- very thin layer of protein and fat

- surrounds ever living cell

- partially permeable

Functions of a Cell wall.

- It helps to protect and support the cell

- It prevents the cell from bursting when it dessolves a lot of water

Cell wall

- made if cellulose fibers criss crossing over each other

- fully permeable


- a space in a cell sourounded by a membrane

- contains a solution of sugars, salts and occasionally pigments.


- mostly water with a mixture of many substances dissolved in it


- contain chlorophyll (chlorophyll is the chemical absorbs energys from sunlight)

- often contain starch grains

Transverse section

If you cut across a structure you make a?


A group of cells with simular structures, working together to preform a shared function


A structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to preform specific functions

Organ system

A group of organs with related functions, working together to preform a body function

Formula for calculating magnification.

Formula for calculating actual size of specimen


Photographs taken through a microscope

Longitudinal section

If you cut along the length of a structure you are taking a?


Sections are sometimes treated with dyes in order to see the structures inside more clearly.


- A polysaccharide carbohydrate which forms fibers

- is found in the cell walls of plant cells


- A green, light-absorbing pigment

- found inside chloroplasts in plant cells


- organelles in which aerobic respiration takes place, releasing energy for use cell

- most numerous in regions of rapid chemical activity

Aerobic respiration

- the release of energy in cells by the breakdown of food substances in the presence of oxygen


- A large organelle in which chromosomes are found

Function of a nucleus

- controls the type & quantity of enzymes produced by the cytoplasm


A thread like structure of DNA, made up of a string of genes

Rough ER

- A network of flattened cavities surrounded by a membrane, which links with the nuclear membrane

- membrane holds ribosomes

Funtion of rough ER

- Produces, transports and stores protein


- Tiny organelles were protein synthesis takes place

- can be found in rough ER or free in cytoplasm

Function of a vacuole

- a full vacuole helps maintain the shape of a cell by pressing against the rest of the cell.


- A very small vacuole (space inside a cell

How is an organism formed

- by the organs & systems working together to produce an independent plant or animal

1m = ?micrometres

= 1,000,000 micrometres

1m = ?nanometers

= 1,000,000,000 nanometres