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53 Cards in this Set

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Harriet Breecher Stowe

Wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Sold millions worldwide

Hinton R. Helper

Wrote "The Impending Crisis of the South"

Said poor whites in the South are the true victims

Bleeding Kansas

Abolitionists sent people to settle in Kansas

Many brought "Breechers Bibles"(rifles)

Southerners moved in

Rigged election

LeCompton Constitution

Document to apply for statehood in popular sovereignty Kansas wanted to be a slave state

Topeka Constitution

Document to make Kansas a free territory

Sack of Lawrence

Attacked by pro slave forces

Henry word beecher

Barriers brother, helped raise money for the purchase of sharp rifles

John Brown

White American abolitionist who believed armed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery

Pottawatoie Massacre

Captured and killed t slave owners

Stephen Douglas

Called for a new election

Free soilers swamped the polls

KS admitted as a slave state in 1861

Charles Sumner

Senator of MA a leading abolitionist

Brooks-Sumner affair

Sumner: speech "the crime against Kansas"

Singled out senator Andrew Butler of SC.

Brooks: congressmen from SC and Butlers cousin

Beat Sumner with a cane repeatedly while several senators watched

Dred Scott

A black slave, sued for freedom on basis of his long residence on free soil

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Two questions court must answer:

1. Did Scott's residence in free territory make him free?

2. Did Scott have the right to sue in federal courts?

Dred Scott decision

1. Slaves are property.

2. Scott could not sue for his freedom

3. No black could become a citizen of the U.S.

4. MO compromise unconstitutional

5. Congress can't ban slavery from the territories

Panic of 1857

1. Gold from CA inflated

2. Overproduction of grain

3. Overspeculation in rail roads

Tariff of 1857

Down to 20%

Lincoln Douglas debates

Over the Illinois Senate seat

Douglas supported popular soverignty

Lincoln said slavery was morally wrong

Election of 1860

National democrats: Stephen douglas

-popular sovereignty agree to enforce fugitive slave law

Constitutional democrats: John C Breckiniridge

-favored extension of slavery

Constitutional union: John Bell

-moderated who wanted to presereve the union

Republicans: Abraham Lincoln

-no extension of slavery

-protective tariff

-pacific railroad.

-internal improvements

-homestead act

Jefferson Davis

President of the confederate States

Constitution similar to the article of confederation

Crittenden Proposal

Proposed amendments to the constitution:

1. Reestablish the 36° 30' line for territories.

2. Popular Sovereignty when territories become States.

-not accepted/civil war is result

Fort Sumter

-fort in SC still controlled by the union

-Supplies low. May have to surrender.

Boarder states

Slave States that stayed with U.S.


-Lincoln had to insist that the primary goal was to save the Union not to free the slaves.

Southern advantages

1. Only need a dead to win

2. South has a moral cause

-want to protect "their way of life3. South has the best officers

Robert E. Lee

Comander of confederate.

Lincoln wants him, offers to be colander politely refuses.

Southern disadvantages

1. Lack of manufacturing

2. Lack of transportation system

3. Form of gov't

Northern advantages

1. Maufactoring

2. Control or the sea

3. Man power

-22 million vs. 9 million

4. Immigration

5. Balcks join the army after emancipation

Northern disadvantages

1. Less prepared to fight

2. Difficutly w comanders

Why great britian did not help the south

1. Britain had ordered a surplus of cotton

2. North captured cotton and sent it to G.B.

3. South ran the blockade

4. India and Egypt increased cotton output.

5. Weapons industry relieved unemployment

6. North sent good to G.B.

7. Uncle Tom's cabin

Federal conscription

-could have a substitute or pay $300 to gov't

-draft riots in NYC/mostly Irish. South also used conscription

-attempt if you owned more than 20 slaves

National Banking System

Banks backed by the system could buy and distributed bonds and get paper money backed by the gov't.

Ulysses S. Grant

A general who was determined to slog his way to victory at whatever cost in life and limb

Napoleon III

Emperor of France took advantage of Amercias preoccupation w it's own internal problems, dispatched an army in Mexico

Habeas Corpus

A legal action by means of which detainees can seek relief from unlawful imprisonment


Paper currency issued by the U.S.


Gold seekers who streamed into the Pikes peak country

Elizabeth Blackwell

America's first female physician

Clara Barton

Superintendent or nurses for the union army

Bill run

Confederates (led by Stonewall Jackson)

Defeated the union

-inspired the north to start training

-added to south's overconfidence

George McClellan

-moved toward Richmond by water

-forced back by Lee and Jackson

August: 2nd Battle of Bull Run

Lee defeated the union troops


One day of fighting.

Lee invading MD

Might win boarder States to help confederacy.

Thinks it may become another

Battle of Saratogoa

Wanted to win support from Europe

McClellan stopped Lee

Turning point of the war

Lincoln claimed a moral victory

Emancipation proclamation 1863

Wanted to wait for a northern victory

Freed slaves in the rebellious States

Strengthed moral cause for the north


Lee attacked into Pennsylvania

3 days of fighting over 50,000 causalitiws

Less army pushed back

Gettysburg address

Speech given by Lincoln ststjng all men are created equal


Victory for north (led by Grant)

March to the Sea

- led by William Tecumseh Sherman

-total war tactic

Marched from Atlanta to Savannah

285 miles ling, 60 miles wide.

Burned everything

Turned north up to N.C

Left over 4ok miles of ruin


Extreme "peace democrats" in the north

Obstructed war efforts

Wilderness campaign

Grant in charge of union troops.

U.S. military in VA, head towards Richmond

-decided in war of attrition

Cold Harbor

-lost 7,000 men in 1 hour

Captured Richmond

Results of civil war

1. Over 600,000 died

-1 million casualties

2. Extreme States rights crushed

3. $20 billion

4. Legacy of hate

5. Souls south/ democracy

Appomattox courthouse

The last battle of the American civil war

John Wilkes booth

The man who assassinated Pres. Abraham Lincoln