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13 Cards in this Set

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paid, non personal communication through various media about a business from, not-for-profit organization, product, or idea by a sponsor identified in a message intended to inform or persuade members of a particular audience

nonpersonal selling

promotion that includes advertising, product placement, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, and guerrilla marketing--all conducted without being face-to-face with the buyer


Sales Promotion

What are examples of non personal selling?

guerilla marketing

unconventional, innovative, and low-cost marketing techniques designed to get consumers' attention in unusual ways

Buzz Marketing

Campus Ambassadors

Viral Marketing



blank walls

What are examples of guerrilla marketing?

Relies almost exclusively on the ability of the salesperson

- involves high cost per contact

What are the disadvantages to personal selling?


relationship in which an organization provides funds or in-kind resources to an event or activity in exchange for a direct association with that event or activity

Sports sponsorships such as: NASCAR, the Olympics, the World Cup, NCAA basketball, the Super Bowl, Special Olympics

What is an example of a sponsorship?


the non-personal stimulation of demand for a good, service, place, idea, person, or organization by unpaid placement of significant news regarding the product in a print or broadcast medium


is a situation in which associations with big-name personalities improve product recognition in a promotional environment filled with hundreds of competing 15- and 30- second commercials

niche marketing

focusing marketing efforts on satisfying a single market segment

American Express, recently introduced 2 new credit cards designed for very specific markets: The Knot, for engaged couples, and the Nest, for newlyweds

What is an example of niche marketing?

AIDA concept

attention, interest, desire, action

- steps through which an individual reaches a purchase decision: attention, interest, desire, and action