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29 Cards in this Set

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Readiness to learn that is related to a developmental task or social role. Material should be useful immediately.

Cognitive learning

The storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain. Rational thought and critical thinking.

Psychomotor learning

Demonstrating a skill, such as insulin injection. Muscular movements learned to perform new skills.

Affective learning

Changes in attitudes, values and feelings (desire to lose weight). Emotions.

Finding out what the client wants to know

What facilitates better learning to an adult client

Recognition of what has been taught

First stage of the learning process

Facilitates compliance

Including the client and family in the education learning process

Motivational counseling

Nurse would discuss feelings and incentives with the client

Short term counseling

Focuses on the immediate problem or concern

Long term counseling

Counseling extends over a prolonged period. Client may be experiencing a developmental crisis.

Nurse and client

Who decides who should be included in learning sessions?

Organizes materials and gives return demonstration

Best represents the client has learned a new skill

Emotional learning

Process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions

Assess for cultural differences

What action to take when you observe the client is having difficulty understanding the health education

Open ended questions

Best way to evaluate whether client education is has been effective


How does the nurse best assess a client's preferred learning style

Discharge education

Limitations on activity or diet, procedures such as wound care, and info on when to call the physician

Use videos, diagrams and pictures, avoid technical language

Address health literacy concerns

Motivation to learn

Consider this when assessing client's learning readiness when using the health belief model

Reference to the client's actual experience

What is a way to provide a link in which the new learning can connect

Evidence that learning has occurred

Most critical element to document regarding client education

Gather pertinent info from the client

How to personalize learning

0 to 10 scale

How to determine how important something is to a client

Preventing illness

First aid, safety, immunizations, screening, and identification and management of risk factors

Promoting health

Focuses on developmental and maturation issues, hygiene, nutrition, exercise, mental and spiritual health

Restoring health

Focuses on developing self care practices that promote recovery

Facilitating coping

Assists the client in learning to cope with permanent health alterations

Addressing health literacy concerns

Avoid technical language, limit information to 3 to 5 key points, and be specific rather than general

Ask the client to recall after 15 minutes

How to determine whether the client has retained the information taught