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28 Cards in this Set

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The Behavioral Approach is divided into what 3 categories
Radical Behaviorism
Social Learning
Cognitive Behaviorism
List 5 Characteristics of the behavioral approach
1. Behavior is learned
2. Learning depends on the law of effect
3. Situational pressures are critical
4. Seek prediction/control, not understanding why
5. Believe that what we learn in early childhood is important, but only in the sense of what did you learn during that time
What is the law of effect
When engaged in certain behavior, if the result is positive then you are more likely to do that behavior again, and the opposite is true
What is meant by seek prediction /control not understanding why
Behavioral approach is not interested in the thought process involved
Who Was Watson
Considered the founder of behavioralist perspective.
Little Albert. played with a white rat and eventually a loud noise was played and little albert learned to be afraid of the white rat
Who was Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response
List Pavlov 4 weapons of influence in advertising
Authority - celebrity is doing it
Social Proof - everyone is doing it
Liking - people like you are doing it
Product to you liking product
Who was skinner
Operant Conditioning
Said both reinforcements and punishments can influence learning
List Skinner's 4 types of reinforcements and punishments
1 Give Pleasure- Positive Reinforcement
2 Take Away Pain - Negative Reinforcement - Promote behavior ex: extend curfew if good report card
3. Give Pain - Punishment Ex: Spanking
4. Take away pleasure - deprivation ex: take away car
List the ways in which punishments and rewards can be delivered
Continuous vs Partial Reinforcement
Fixed Vs Variable and Interval vs Ratio Schedules
What is fixed interval
based on time, getting paid every two weeks at work
What is fixed interval
based on time, getting paid every two weeks at work
What is fixed ratio
based on behavior, build so many circuit boards and get a reward
What is fixed ratio
based on behavior, build so many circuit boards and get a reward
What is Variable Interval
based on time random, pop quiz
What is Variable Interval
based on time random, pop quiz
Variable Ratio
Random based on behaviors
Variable Ratio
Random based on behaviors
Almost any behavior can be taught through what
Almost any behavior can be taught through what
Explain shaping
Requires the spontaneous emission of a relevant response, complete control over reinforcers and a long process of successive approximation
Ex: Bear riding tricycle in circus
Mostly used on animals
Used on humans with extreme problems ex: schizophrenia
Get closer to behavior through small steps
Describe the Lepper, greene and nisbett study
Children were allowed to draw with markers. Some led to believe the best drawing would win an award, others led to believe no award would be given but one was, and the control was given no rewards. Two weeks later how much time did the children spend using markers. The group that was expecting a reward did not use the markers but the other two did. This disproves the radical approach
Who was Albert Bandura
Social Learning
Observational learning is the best and most common way to learn new behaviors. Self regulation is a key factor in the observational learning process
List the 4 stages of observational learning
Describe attention
Characteristics of the model, observer, and behavior are important
Describe Retention
Encoding and mental rehearsal are required. Practice
Describe Production
Can I do the behavior better, must be capable, experience helps
Describe Performance.
Both personal and vicarious outcomes can shape expectancies