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25 Cards in this Set

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Living organisms are:

Composed of cells, are complex and ordered, respond to their environment, can grow and reproduce, obtain and use energy, maintain internal balance, allow for evolutionary adaptation.

Levels of organization:

atoms-> molecules -> organelles -> cells

The ____ is the basic unit of life.


Levels of organization: organismal level

tissues -> organs -> organ systems -> organism

Levels of organization: population level

population -> species -> community -> ecosystem

New properties present at one level that are not seen in the previous level.

Emergent properties.

Science aims to understand:

The natural world through observation and reasoning.

Science begins with:

Observations, therefore, much of science is purely descriptive.

_______ uses both deductive and inductive reasoning.


_______ ________ uses general principles to make specific predictions.

Deductive reasoning.

_______ _______ uses specific observations to develop general conclusions.

Inductive reasoning.

Scientists use a systematic approach to gain understanding of the natural world. This is:

Observation, hypothesis formation, prediction, experimentation, and then conclusion.

A ________ is a possible explanation for an observation.


A hypothesis:

Must be tested to determine its validity, is often tested in many different ways and allows for predictions to be made.

The Experiment:

Tests the hypothesis, must be carefully designed to test only one variable at a time, consists of a test experiment and a control experiment.

If the hypothesis is valid, the scientist can predict the result of the:


To break a complex process down to its simpler parts is:


To simulate phenomena that are difficult to study directly:


A scientific theory is:

A body of interconnected concepts, supported by experimental evidence and scientific reasoning, and expresses ideas of which we are most certain.

What is the cell theory?

All living organisms are made of cells, and all living cells come from preexisting cells.

Molecular basis of inheritance:

DNA encodes genes which control living organisms and are passed from one generation to the next.

The proper function of a molecule is dependent on its ________.


The structure of a molecule can often tell us about its __________.


Living organisms have evolved from the same origin event. The diversity of life is the result of:

Evolutionary change.

Critical characteristics of early organisms are preserved and passed on to future generations..

Evolutionary conservation.