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58 Cards in this Set

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What is Biology?

Biology is the study of life.

How many domains are there, what are they, and what kingdoms belong to them?

3, Domain Bacteria, Domain Archaea, And Domain Eukarya. (DB) Bacteria, (DA) Archaea, (DE) Fungi, protists, plants, animals

Are the specific kingdoms Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic? Unicellular or Multicellular? Nucleus with or without? Membrane-bounded organelles absent or present?

bacteria and archaea are: Prokaryotic, unicellular, without nucleus, without membrane-bounded organelles.

Protists, animals, plants: Eukaryotic, multicellular, with nucleus, with membrane-bounded organelles.

Fungi: Eukaryotic, multicellular OR unicellular, with nucleus, with membrane bounded organelles

Common themes that reveal the diverse forms of life? (4)

1. Levels of biological organization

2. Transfer and transformation of energy and matter

3. Expression and transmission of genetic information

4. Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life

Atoms (Atoms - Cells make up the Cellular lvl of organization)

They make up all living things


a group of atoms


A group of molecules make bigger molecules which group together to make organelles.


The cell is the smallest unit of life that can perform all the required activities. Made up of organelles, has all the characteristics of living things.

Tissue (tissue-organism is organismal lvl)

A group of similar cells


A group of tissues


A group of organs


A group of systems


a group of organisms


a group of different populations


a group of different communities plus the environment


a group of different ecosystems

What is the basic structural and functional unit of life?


Examples of how structure correlates to its function

The long beak of a humming bird to get nectar, humans teeth for chewing, chicken claws for grabbing and stabbing

Cellular level

The structure of cells is linked to their function. For example, lung cells are very thin, which allows gasses to be diffused easily through their cells

Transfer and transformation of energy

What are the two major processes in the ecosystem?

1. Cycling of nutrients

2. One way flow of energy from sunlight to consumers

What is the major source of energy in the earth?

The sun

Light energy from the sun is converted by plants to ___________ form of energy.

Chemical energy

When plants are eaten by animals, the _________energy is converted to _________ energy.

Chemical energy, Thermal or kinetic energy

During energy transformation, what energy is released?

Chemical energy

What organisms return the nutrients back to the environment?


In an ecosystem, nutrients are recycled and energy flows through, true or false


What is a chromosome?

Threadlike structures in the nucleus that is composed of DNA

What composes chromosomes?


What is DNA?

DNA is the genetic material transmitted from parents to offspring.

What is a gene?

Specific sequence of DNA that codes for a specific protein.

Chromosomes are located in what organelle of a Eukaryotic cell?

The nucleus

What is gene expression?

process where genetic instructions, (DNA), are used to synthesize proteins.

Gene for human insulin->MRNA->Human insulin (Protein?

What is transcription?

The process of copying a segment of DNA info RNA

What is translation?

The process in which proteins are synthesized after the transcription process

What is the product of gene expression?

DNA> Transcription >MRNA >Translation > Chain of amino acids> Protein folding > PROTEIN

Describe how evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life?

1. DNA is the universal genetic language common to all organisms

2. Similarities between organisms are evident at all levels of the biological hierarchy.

In Charles Darwins book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection published in 1859, what are the two main points?

1. Species showed evidence of "descent with modification" from common ancestors

2. Natural selection is the mechanism behind "decent with modification"

What were the three observations of Darwin from Nature?

1. Individuals in a population vary in their traits, many of which are heritable

2. More offspring are produced than survive, and competition is inevitable

3. Species generally suit their environment

Darwin inferred that individuals that are best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, more individuals in a population will have the advantageous traits. Darwin called the process where the environment "selects" for the propagation of beneficial traits _________________.

Natural Selection

what does "descent with modification from a common ancestor" mean

A species will inherit attributes from its ancestors that best allow it to survive in its environment. Species will change in order to adapt to the change of the scenery around them.

Evidences of evolution (4)

1. Fossil records

2. Comparative anatomy

3. Comparative embryology

4. Molecular biology

What are fossils and how are they used as evidence of evolution?

Fossils are solidified remains of an organism preserved to a certain extent. Fossils can be used as a comparison to its direct inheritants.

What is comparative anatomy? How is comparative anatomy used as evidence of evolution?

Comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences of the anatomy and structure of the organisms. The comparison of like species shows the process of evolution.

The shared anatomy of mammalian limbs reflects_____________.

Inheritance of a limb structure from a common ancestors.

The diversity of mammalian limbs results from__________.

modification by natural selection

At the basic level, all living things share the same:

1. DNA

2. The same basic process of gene expression ( transc, and transl)

3. The same molecular building blocks, such as amino acids

Compare the difference in amino acid composing hemoglobin of human to rhesus to dog to bird and to frog.

Humans have 0, rhesus has 10, dogs have 30, birds have 45, frogs have about 68.

What is comparative embryology? How it comparative embryology used as evidence of evolution?

Comparative embryology is when you compare the development of the embryology of different species and how it displays a common ancestors.

Name two things preswnt in the early stage of vertebrate embryos.

1. Tail

2. Gill slits

What is science? Biology is what type of science?

Science is a way of knowing.. Biology is a natural science.

Differentiate deductive reasoning from inductive reasoning.

Deductive: From general to specific

Inductive: From specific to general

The scientific method begins with a________, then followed by____________.

observation, question

What is hypothesis? What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis? If the hypothesis is valid, can the results be predicted?

A hypothesis is a possible explanation for an observation.

1. Testable

2. Falsifiable

3. Precise


Why is a prediction made?

To predict the outcome of an experiment, they provide a way to test the validity of the hypotheses.

Differentiate independent variable from dependant variable.

Independent variable: Factor changed in the experiment

Dependant variable: Factor observed or measured in the experiment.

practice online

What is done to test the hypothesis?

An experiment. It must be careful to test only one variable at a time.

What sample groups are present in a controlled experiment? What sample group received treatment? What sample group does not receive treatment?

1. Control groups

2. Experimental groups

3. control group DOES NOT receive treatment

4. Experimental group DOES receive treatment.

What is conclusion?

-Hypotheses should make predictions

- Predictions provide a way to test the validity of hypotheses

- Hypotheses must be rejected if the experiment produces results inconsistent with the predictions.

- The more experimentally supported predictions a hypothesis makes, the more valid the hypothesis.

Conclusion is a summary of the results.