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23 Cards in this Set

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Lincoln-Douglas debates

Debates in the Illinois senatorial campaign during which Douglas and Lincoln argued over slavery

Frederick Douglas

Influencial writer. escaped from slavery in maryland. published his own antislavery newspaper called the north star and wrote an autobiography.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. The book persuaded more people, particularly Northerners, to become anti-slavery.

Compromise of 1850

Should new states be slave or free? Compromise: California is free. Inhabitants of former Mexico states vote on it.

Roles in Compromise of 1850

Clay introduced the Omnibus bill. Calhoun opposed it and Webster supported it. They compromised.

Slave power

The belief that pro-slavery southerners and James Polk were united in an attempt to spread slavery throughout the United States. Most Northerners were suspicious of the influence of southern slaveholders in Congress, especially because of the Fugitive Slave Act and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Stephen Douglas

developed popular sovereignty as a way to settle slave state or free state. He helped pass the compromise of 1850 by unbundling it.

Fugitive slave act

forced slaves who escaped from their owners to be returned to them; Compromise of 1850 made it more strict and forced the North to enforce it

Election of 1852

Franklin Pierce won

Ostend Manifesto

Pierce tried to buy Cuba from Spain and was rejected. Stated that if we couldn't buy Cuba we would take it. This angered the North because of possible expansion of slavery.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Created the Kansas and Nebraska territories but gave them popular sovereignty. This repealed the Missouri Compromise. It also caused more conflict, aka bleeding kansas.


The belief that native-born Americans are superior to foreigners. Nativists=know-nothings

Republican party

Party that emerged in the 1850s in the aftermath of the bitter controversy over the Kansas-Nebraska Act, consisting of former Whigs, some northern Democrats, and many Know-Nothings.

James Buchanan

Democrat who won the election of 1856. His failure as president helped to lead to the civil war. He was accused of manipulating the dredd Scott decision.

John C Frémont

Republican candidate in 1856. He lost.

Dred Scott v Sandford

Supreme Court ruling by Roger Taney, in a lawsuit brought by Dred Scott, a slave demanding his freedom based on his residence in a free state, that slaves could not be U.S. citizens and that Congress had no jurisdiction over slavery in the territories

Lecompton constitution

Pro-slavery governments made their own constitution

Panic of 1857

Short but sharp economic depression. Britain temporarily turns down agricultural exports

Harper's Ferry Raid

Abolitionist John Brown's failed attempt to free Virginia's slaves with a raid on the federal arsenal at harpers ferry, Virginia

Election of 1860

Stephen Douglas ran and lost. Abraham Lincoln won.


Pro slavery states leaving


South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Alabam, Georgia, Louisiana

Jefferson Davis

first President of the Confederacy. Was a reluctant secessionist. Remained in US senate for two weeks after own state Mississippi had seceded. Rather be war leader than government.