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15 Cards in this Set

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First continental railroad... Went from West to East... Mostly irish and Chinese immigrants who were the workers.

Building the thing was really dangerous.

List 2 causes why?

Constsant accidents

Disease (thanks to poor sanitary conditions)

Things happen

No washing hands

Railroad shedules were difficult to keep because each state had their own time schedule.


Having 24 hrs. As timezones

Having 4 different time zones.

Name them:





Opposite of Atlantic

Opposite of West

Syn. of middle

...... Rushmore

Railroads are really important in the U.S.List 3 reasons why?

-Unified the whole U.S

-Increase trades between states and cities

⬇ ergo

More cities and towns

-Industries grow (Glass wood coal steel iron etc.)

Mermaidman and Barnacleboy ...

trade ⬆⬆⬆

# of cities and towns ⬆⬆⬆

Industries ⬆⬆⬆

1880 George Pullman invents sleep cars for trains.

He builds a town for his workers but he becomes what?

And what are the worker's reaction?

Pullman becomes a control freak, he tries to control how they live and removes and vices in the town (No Smoking,Drinking, or Gambling)

The workers left the town.

George "pulls" people into doing what he wants them to do.

**peace sign sideways**

George Westinghouse invented the air what for trains?


How do you stop?

The railroad industry can make you crrupted (cheat)


The Mobilier Scandal-

Created by Pacific Union railroad Officers.

Made federal contracts to made railroads that costed 2x or 3x then normal price of making railroads

What did it to do members of Congress?

Paid members of congress to keep quiet.

"Pribed" them to be hush-hush

Farmers were worried about what from the railroad companies?


They demaneded who to take control to the railroad industry?

That they would start railroad corruption

The Fed. Gov.

One controls the other.. Corr.

The BIG G.

Two examples of railroad corruption is railroad abuse.

1. In short, railroad Comp. Would take away the famer's land. Which was given to them (the farmers) by the Fed. Gov. Their uses was what instead of what?

2. Railroad comp. Would put fixed what on farmers? putting them in dept.

Different rates for different customers. They demanded more shorter Hauls than longer ones.

Used for business instead of settlement.

Fixed prices.

Used for 💰💰💰 instead of 🏠🏠🏠

Granger Laws were made for what purpose?

Another word for Granger is what?

Gaining political power against the railroad comp.


Grangers having power over what?


1871 Ilinois began a commission to establish passenger and freight rates also forbid any discrimination? By discrimination...

Discrimination from farmers.

Not from AA...

Grangers from all over the country started to convince state legislators about passing the Granger laws. The railroad comp fought back in court.

1877: Munn vs Illinois

Basically about the supreme court approving the Granger Laws. What does it mean for the railroad comp.?

Who's Munn?

What itmans for the railroad comp. Is that they dont control their rates "set their prices"... The state does.

Munn is a farmer who wanted the Granger Laws to be passed.

Who takes control of the railroad comp. Prices?

Texas, Florida, Georgia, California are all...

Agricultural expert...

Unfortunately the Granger's victory didnt last long.

1886- the supreme court makes it so that states couldnt set rates on Interstate railroads. Which are what?

Railroads that are either coming from or going in another state

(Ex: from in order for this train to go from Fl all the way to .. It has to go through...... Then it goes back.

Fl to..... Then back.

1887 - The Interstate Commerce Act is passed.

This act bacically did what to all rsil road comp.?

This act also started the Interstate Commerence Commission which did what?

Supervising all railroad activity.

This group's job is to watch over the railroad comp.

1. *Watches Cameras*

2. Have monkey *watch cameras*

(Toy story 3 ref)


The Fed. Gov. Made it so that the Commission couldn't do what?

Set Max. Rates on railroads.


Thanks to the Panic of 1893,

In 1894, railroads are taken over by investment bankers like J.P Morgan.

Morgan saved the railroad comp. By Consolidation and Merged smaller RR Comps with Bigger RR Comps.

What does Consalidation mean?

When you put things together as one


One fish 🐟 ➡➡ HUGE 🐋