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17 Cards in this Set

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Queen Liliuokalani gives up her throne because the U.S. takes Hawaii.


American bussiness men decided that the U.S. should establish colonies overseas in new developing countries.


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Describe Imperialism

The idea that large, well- developed countries take over small, underdeveloped countries.

The large preying on the weak...

Europeans have been colonizing for years.

What are the 3 factors that led to American Imperialism?

1. More Military

2. More money

3.Whites are superior

1. join the army ➡ more mil..


3. "Whites are ..." what?

What is the White man's Burden?

The idea that whites are superior and should take over the World.

Who is superior again?

This group should do what?


Not only White Man's Burden but thay also bevieve that they should spread Social Darwinism and the Christian religion.

Admiral Alfred T. Mahan (leader of the U.S Navy) wanted the U.S to have a strong naval power.

What happened to the U.S Navy

It became the world's most powerful Navy.


Late 1800's

New Technologies for farming and factories.


Make more than we needed. (Surplus)

Imperialists believed since we have a surplus of items, we should.... To fix:

-Overproduction of items


-Economic Depression

Can be solved by what?


"I'll give you ...... for ......"

The U.S. takes Alaska (1867)

(Andrew Jackson was President at the time)

Secretary of state- William Seaward buys Alaska for $7.2 Mill.

Congress laughed and called this the Seaward's Folly.


But apparently, there was actually something really useful in Alaska....

What was it?

Because they thought the purchase was stupid. They were thinking "WHY do we need Alaska?!"

there was O I L in Alaska.

Folly means a mistake, a joke.

That wasn't a Folly after all...

(JSE Turm....)


It was very important to the U.S since the 1970's.

Merchant ships stopped at Hawaii as they were going to China and India.


American Missionaries came to the Hawaiian Islands to spread the Christian Faith and to they built Christian Schools & Churches.

Who are missionaries?

Christian leaders


American farmers built HUGE sugar Plantations on the Hawaiian Islands which made TONS of money to the islands.

The plantation workers were what 2 races?

Why these 2 races?



The foreign workers outnumbered the native Hawaiian people!!

Chinese and Japanese workers.

They work for less money (cheap)

2 similar countries that are around the Philippines...

Penny pinching, penny pinching.


The U.S agreed to import Hawaiian Sugar TAX FREE. (Duty free)

Because of this, what happened to the amount of sugar produced?


It Increased Exponentially!!

There is a law that says that if you grow 2 random plants. Every 2 plants planted the person is given 200 things that you want the most in your life...

How many plants would you plant?

What's the amount of plants planted will go up to?

Unfortunately, the U.S. passes the McKinley Tariff.

Which did what?

Hawaiian sugar growers had to pay a tax that they Couldn't afford

Will you pay someone $1,000,000 right now?

After the McKinley Tariff really screwing the Hawaiians the people of Hawaii asked the U.S

"Why don't you just Annex our country since you comepletely screwed us so hard"

What does Annex mean?

To Take Over


So the U.S Annexes Hawaii and built a HUGE navy base at Pearl Harbor.

What was the purpose of Pearl Harbor?

Refuel american ships that were on their way to China and India.

to China and India.

"Filler up please"

To Great wall of... and

the Taj Mahal


White bussiness men forced the Hawaiian King Kalakaua to change the Hawaiian Constitution.

Limiting the voting rights to who only?

To wealthy white landowners ONLY


"Dominant race"

After Kalakaua passed away, his sister Liliuokalani was in charge.

She wanted Hawaiian Gov. To write a new constitution which would give who their power back and the right to vote again?

The Hawaiian natives NOT the plantation owners.

"Hawaii for Hawaiians only"

Rich power American bussinessmen couldn't let this happen. They would loose soo much money from the trade.

So, the american bussinessmen decided to revolt against the Queen and John Stevens (U.S Ambassador) and rhe Marines helped them into taking control of Hawaii.

After this, who takes over Hawaii?

The rich white plantation owners (rich white bussinessmen)

💰 💰 💰

"Superior race"


The rich white plantation owners started a new Gov. And made Sanford B. Dole as President.

Who is also what?

A rich plantation owner



-William McKinley becomes President and REALLY wants to takeover Hawaii.

-Hawaii becomes U.S territory and Hawaiians arent allowed to vote.


who becomes the 50th states in America?

