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32 Cards in this Set

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Job analysis
The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining the duties, tasks, or activities of jobs; major goal is to help the organziation establish the job-relatedness of its selection and performance requirements
A group of related activities and duties
The different duties and responstibilies performed by only one employee
Job family
A group of individual jobs with similar characterisitics
Job specification
A statement of the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities of the person who is to perform the job; employers must be able to show that the job specifications used in selecting employees for a particular job relate specifically to the duties of that job
Job description
A statement of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job to be performed; requirements within provide the criteria for peformance appraisal; contains three parts: job title, job identification, and job duties, and sometime job specifications
Methods to gather job information
1. Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Observation
4. Diaries
Need to make sure that job information is accurate and representative
Dept. of Labor database of occupations with job descriptors and specifications
Functional job analysis
A quantitative approach to job analysis that utilizes a compiled inventory of the various functions or work activietes that can make up any job and that assumes that each job involves three broad worker functions: data, people, things; percentage figure assigned to each function (total 100%)
Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ)
A questionnaire covering 194 different tasks that, by means of a five-point scale, seeks to determine the degree to which different tasks are involved ina performing a particular job
Critical incident method
Job analysis method by which improtant job tasks are identified for job success
Task inventory analysis
Organization-specific list of tasks and their descriptions used as a basis to identify components of jobs
Job title section
Provides status, level, indicate duties
Job identification section
Includes such items as teh dept. location, person to whom jobholder reports, date description was last updated
Job duties/essential functions section
Arranged in order of importance (weight/value); should stress the responsibilities the duties entail and what they accomplish
Job specification section
Covers two areas:
1. the skill required to perform the job (education, interpersonal skills, etc.)
2. the physical demands the job places on the employee
Problems with job descriptions
1. Poorly written
2. Not updated
3. Violate law with specifications
4. Limit the scope of activities on the jobholder
Job design
An outgrowth of job analysis that improves jobs through technological and human considerations in order to enhance organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction
4 considerations for job design
1. Organizational objectives for teh job (tasks, duties)
2. Ergonomic concerns
3. Industrial engineering concerns (tech. efficient)
4. Behavioral concerns
Job enrichment
Enhancing job by adding more meaningful tasks and duties to make the work more rewarding or satisfying
Job characteristics model
Job design theory that purport that three psych (meaningfulness, responsibility, knowledge of results)states of a jobholder result in improved work performance, internal motivation, and lower abesteeism and turnover
5 job dimensions producing the 3 psych states
1. skill variety
2. task identity
3. task signficance
4. autonomy
5. feedback
Employee empowerment
Granting employees power to initiate change, thereby encouraging them to take charge of what they do; orgs need to encourage: participation, innovation, access to information, accountability
Industrial engineering
Field of study concerned with analyzing work methods and establishing time standards
An interdisciplinary approach to designing equipment and systems that can be easily and efficiently used by human beings
Employee involvement groups (EIs)
Groups of employees who meet to resolve problems or offer suggestions for organizational improvement
Employee teams
Work functions are structures for groups rather than individuals and team members are given discretion in matters traditionally considered management prerogatives; shared responsibility and accountability
Virtual teams
A team with widely dispersed members linked together through computer and telecommunications technology
Compressed workweek
The number of days in the workweek is shortened by lengthening the number of hours worked per day
Flexbile working hours that permit employees the option of hoosing daily starting and quitting tiems, provided that they work a set number of horus per day or week
Job sharing
Two PT employees perform a job that otherwise would be held by one full-time employee
Use of personal computers, networks, and other communications to do work in the home