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27 Cards in this Set

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a disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body
anxiety disorder
a disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally
an exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
personality disorder
a psychological condition that affects a person's ability to interact normally with others
mood disorder
a disorder in which a person undergoes changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme
major depression
a very serious mood disorder in which perople lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything
a severe mental disorder in which people lose contact with reality
the intentional taking of one's own life
an approach that teaches you different ways of thinking or behaving
family therapy
counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships
a mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to perform therapy
a medical doctor with a specialty in the treatment of mental health problems
different types of phobias
acrophobia (heights), calustrophobia( crowded areas), glossophobia( public speaking), zoophobia (animals)
types of anxiety disorders
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder
generalized anxiety disorder
restlessness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritablity, muscle tension, sleep distrubances
panic disorder
pouding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of losing control
obsessive compulsive disorder
a need to perform behaviors over and over again, such as handwashing, counting, hoarding, or arranging possessions
post traumatic stress disorder
withdrawl or depression after a distressing experience such as sexual abuse, a natural disaster, an accident, or witnessing violence
types of mood disorders
bipolar disease, major depression
types of personality disorders
passive agressive personality disorder, borderline personlaitiy disorder
passive agressive personality disorder
people with this disorder can have a hard time cooperating with others
borderline personality disorder
people with this disorder have trouble in close relationships with others
warning signs of depression
1. irritability, anger, or anxiety
2. lack of energy feeling; tired all the time
3. significant change in sleep patterns; an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get up in the morning
4. inability to concentrate
5. putting blame on other people for their problems, especially adults
6. feelings of worthlessness or guilt
7. indifference to things that used ot bring pleasure
8. pessimism
9. physical problems, like stomachaches or headaches that cnat be explained
10. thoughts of death or suicide
warning signs of suicide
a sudden fascination with the topic of death, dramatic changes in the person's appearance, self destructive behavior, withdrawal from friends/family/ regular activities, and sudden change in mood
suicide prevention action network
types of therapy
individual, group, and family
causes of teen suicide
family breakup, parents death, alcoholism/ drug dependency, witnessing domestic violence, experiencing physical or sexual abuse, and feeling rejected by peers