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89 Cards in this Set

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Who was the Quadruple Alliance and what was their goal?
Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia - agreed to remain united and to ensure peace after the war
What did the QA do after Napoleon was defeated?
they restored the Bourbon Dynasty in France with Louis XVIII, added France to their alliance and agreed to meet at the congress of vienna to make a final peace settlement
Who was the leader of the Congress of Vienna?
Metternich (Austrian foreign minister)
What did Metternich believe?
it was necessary to restore the legitimate monarchs that would preserve traditional institutions to give peace/stability in Europe
What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?
to create a balance of power to prevent one country from dominating Europe
New ______ were created as ______ ________ to French _______
kingdoms, defensive barriers, expansion
What was the Germanic Confederation?
league of German states
What was the concert of Europe?
the idea to work together for peace/harmony
What happened to Poland during the Congress?
Prussia and Austria were allowed to keep some territory, and a newly indep. Polish kingdo was established with Romanov monarchs (still mainly under Russian control)
What happened to France because of the 100 Days?
they punished France for their enthusiasm for Napoleon's return - France lost territory (returned to old borders), had to pay money and have an army of occupation for 5 years
What ism did Metternich belong to?
What did Edmund Burke believe?
that society was a contract and the state was a partnership that generations must preserve for the next generations, didn't like sudden change, but ok with gradual change
Tell me about the characteristics of conservatism
like the church, only one religion, absolutist monarchy, class system, reform should be crushed, did not like revolutions
The QA met in ___ conferences
in the 2nd conference, Metternich talked about the principle of intervention - what is it?
great powers had the right to send armies into countries with revolutions to restore monarchs to the throne
Who refused to agree with the principle of intervention?
Britain - b/c never the intention to interfere with affairs in other states except France
What was the Monroe doctrine?
U.S. warned against further European intervention in the New World
Tell me about what happened in the Greek Revolt
Greeks revolted against the Ottoman Turkish masters, Europe helped the Greeks, in the end, Greece was an indep. kingdom and a new royal dynasty was established
What were the Tories and the Whigs a part of?
they were two political factions in Parliament
What group dominated the gov?
the Tories
What was the Corn Law of 1815?
high tariffs were placed on foreign grain (good for landowners, but not for working class)
What did the corn law show?
the landowning class was using their political power for their own benefit
What happened at st. peters fields in manchester?
a squadron of cavalry attacked a crowd of demonstrators, 11 people died (Peterloo Massacre)
What did the gov do because of the Peterloo Masscre?
restricted large public meetings and got rid of the spread of pamplets among the poor and minor reforms were made
What happened in France when Louis XVIII was king?
Louis was moderate, he accepted Napoleon's civil code, property rights were preserved, a bicameral legislature was established (The Chamber of Peers - chosen by king and the Chamber of Deputies - chosen by an electorate of 100,000 wealthy people) also people were not happy with his leadership and the economy was declining
Who succeeded Louis when he died?
his brother, Charles X
What happened when Charles X ruled France?
he liked absolutism, he wanted to revive the old regime, he gives money to emigre, wants catholic clergy to control more of france, the Chamber of Deputies disagreed with him - Charles dismissed them and a new chamber was elected
What happened with the intervention in the Italian States and Spain?
Italy - Congress of Vienna established 9 states there and much of Italy was under Austrian dominance
Spain - Ferdinand VII ruled Spain
What ism was successful in Central Europe?
Who did the Germans go to for help to achieve German unity and what happened?
they went to Prussia for help but they were an absolutist state and didn't care much for German unity and King Frederick William III was more reactionary
What was Burschenschaften?
student societies who wanted a united Germany who began to organize (a liberal/national movement) - burned books by conservative authors, a student assassinated a reactionary playwright so Metternich had the diet of the Germanic Confederation write the Karlsbad Decrees
What were the Karlsad decrees?
closed the Burschenschaften, censhorship for the press, universities under supervision and control
What was the Germanic Confederation?
league of German states (Austria and Prussia were the greatest powers) - they had little power - only had the federal diet which needed the consent of all states to take action
Tell me about the Austrian empire at this time?
it was a multinational state, Metternich helped to hold it together, and the forces of liberalism and nationalism among the national groups caused the Austrian empire to decline
Tell me about what was happening in Russia at this time?
it was mainly agricultural, rural and autocratic, the leader was Alexander I (a divine right monarch) - gave some reforms, but when Napoleon was defeated, he became a reactionary and his gov had strict censorship and caused secret societies against him to form (one of them was the Northern Union - had aristocrats and wanted a cons monarchy and no serfdom, Alexander abdicated and Nicholas I became tsar
What happened when Nicholas I was tsar?
military leaders of the Northern Union rebelled against Nicholas coming to power - the Decembrist revolt - it was crushed by loyal troops to Nicholas and the leaders were executed and the revolt made Nicholas a reactionary who wanted to avoid another rebellion
What was economic liberalism?
mainly followed laissez faire – to let do, gov should only defend country, keep up police and pay for public works and not interfere with trade; individuals given economic liberty
What did Thomas Malthus do?
against gov interference in economics -said population that is unchecked will increase at a geometric rate while the food supply increases at a lower pace which causes overpopulation and starvation if the growth is not held in check
What did David Ricardo do?
futher developed Malthus’ ideas -developed the “iron law of wages” – said that increase in population - more workers - wages to go down - misery, starvation - reduces the population – number of workers decline – wages rise to the right level again – encourages workers to have larger families – cycle is repeated
Basically pointless to raise wages because of this cycle
Tell me the basic things that liberals liked
•Liberals mainly liked the basic rights of people – equality before law, freedom of speech, assembly, press and that these freedoms should be guaranteed by a written document, religious toleration, separation of church and state
What did John Stuart Mill do?
English philosopher, wanted complete liberty for everyone that needed to be protected from gov censorship and tyranny of majority
• Was also a supporter of women’s rights
Tell me about nationalism
started from the French rev - national identity, a nation, nationalists thought that each nationality should have its own gov, many countries were afraid of it
What country was the most afraid of nationalism and why?
Austria because it had many nationalities, but it was crushed because of Metternich
What other ism did nationalism become strong allies with?
Tell me about the Characteristics of early socialism?
things should be shared by people, gov runs things for the best interests of the people, gov distributes things equally among people, equality for men and women
What were these early socialists called?
utopian socialists
What did Charles Fourier do?
wanted the creation of small model communities called phalansteries
• People living in them would live and work together for their mutual benefit
o Plan didn’t work because didn’t have finances to start it
What did Robert Owen do?
British cotton manufacturer – thought that humans would reveal their true natural goodness if the lived in a cooperative environment, also created some communites
What did Louis Blanc do?
he was French, thought that social problems could be solved by the assistance of gov
What did Flora Tristan do?
traveled through France and preached the need for women’s liberation, thought that absolute equality was the only way to free the working class and transform civilization
What were the small model communities called?
utopian societies
Was the socialism movement weak or strong at the time?
• The whole movement of socialism wasn’t very strong at the time
Tell me about the next French Rev
-Charles X called for new elections
-French liberals won again
-Charles issued the July Ordinances (a set of edicts that had censorship of press and the leg assembly was dissolved and the electorate was reduced to mainly aristocrats prepare for new elections)
-July Rev. started
-Charles X abdicated
-provisional gov led by moderate liberals formed and Louis Philippe (the duke of Orleans and a cousin of Charles) became the cons. king of France
Tell me about Louis Philippe
he was called the "bourgeosis monarch" because his support came from the upper middle class, he agreed to a cons charter, he extended the voting rights, wasn't a popular king
Tell me about the election reform bill in 1832 in Britain
there was more representation, there was a property qualification so the # of voters increased a little, the reform act mainly benefitted the upper middle class
What did the Whigs do when they came to power?
they eased trade restrictions, granted equal rights to Catholics, police force, slavery abolished
What was the Poor law of 1834?
based on theory that giving aid to the poor/unemployed encouraged laziness and increased the numbers of paupers
• The law tried to fix this by making paupers so poor that they would choose to work
• People encouraged to get jobs to not have terrible living conditions
What happened to the corn laws?
they were repealed
Whigs - ______
Tories - _______
liberal, conservative
Why were the corn laws repealed?
• Happened because of Richard Cobden and John Bright, who formed the Anti-Corn Law League in 1838 to help workers by lowering bread prices
Tell me about the next French rev when Louis Philippe was in power
-he is king and no one really likes him, he has problems
-more protests, demonstrations, bad harvests
-demonstrations banned
-o Many banquets were held in France to call for political reforms since they couldn’t have political rallies
o A large banquet was planned and the gov forbade it, but people came anyway
o Louis now said he wanted reform, but was unable to form another ministry, abdicated and fled to Britain
- a provisional gov established
Tell me about this new provisional gov
led by a group of moderate and radical republicans
• Representatives for a constituent assembly to write a new constitution would be elected by universal suffrage for men
• Also established national workshops (cooperative factories) under Louis Blanc’s influence – the cost of the program became a difficulty for the gov
• Split grew between the moderate republicans (had most of France’s support) and the radical republicans (had support of the Parisian working class)
• Election for the National Assembly – 500 seats went to moderate republicans, 300 to monarchists, 100 went to radicals
What happened next?
• Number of unemployment in the national workshops was very large which emptied the treasury and scared the moderates who closed the workshops
• The workers didn’t accept the decision and went into the streets – for 4 days there was bloody fighting by gov forces that crushed the working class revolt (Bloody June Days) – many killed and many prisoners sent to French colony of Algeria in N. Africa
Tell me about the new cons
• A new cons in 1848 established a republic (the 2nd republic) with a unicameral (one house) legislature of 750 that was elected by universal male suffrage for 3 years and a president that was elected by universal male suffrage for 4 years
What happened in the elections for the presidency?
• In the elections for the presidency, 4 republicans that were associated with the early months of the 2nd Republic were defeated by Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte)
• In 4 years, president Napoleon would become Emperor Napoleon
Who wrote the cons?
the constituent assembly
What happened when Napoleon was president?
the cons changed - chose to have one emperor and the 2nd republic was over
What 2 countries do not have revolutions?
England and Russia
Tell me what happened in Germany
o Prussia – King Frederick William IV said he would abolish censorship, establish a new cons and work for a united Germany
o Desire for a united Germany was popular throughout all the German states – governments allowed elections by universal male suffrage for deputies to an all German parliament (Frankfurt Assembly) to meet in Frankfurt (the seat of the German Confederation)
• The purpose was to prepare a cons for a new united Germany
• The assembly was dominated by middle class delegates
• There was a debate over composition of the new German state
Frederick William IV refused to have the title “emperor of the Germans” and ordered the delegates to go home
• The Assembly disbanded
Tell me what happened in Austria
-made up of many different ethnic groups
o Hungarian liberals under Louis Kossuth disturbed the commonwealth status, were ok with keeping the Hapsburg monarch but wanted their own legislature
-o Demonstrations in many cities caused the dismissal of Metternich and the symbol of conservatism
o In Vienna, revolutionary forces (guided by upper classes) took control of the city and that a constituent assembly would be called for to write a liberal constitution
o Hungary got its own legislature, a separate national army and control over its foreign policy and budget
o Czechs started to demand their own gov in Bohemia as well
o June 1848 – military force under General Alfred Windischgratz suppressed the Czech rebels in Prague
-rebels were crushed
o Ferdinand I abdicated for his nephew, Francis Joseph I who worked to restore the imperial gov in Hungary
o Austrian armies couldn’t beat Kossuth’s forces, but Nicholas I sent a Russian army of 140,000 men to help the Austrians, which caused the Hungarian revolution
What did Giuseppe Mazzini do?
led Italy’s Risorgimento (resurgence)
o An Italian nationalist who founded the Young Italy organization – wanted to create a united Italian republic
What were the failures of 1848?
• Divisions in the revolutionaries
• Divisions among nationalities
Many _____ ______ and _____ _____ were created
police forces, prison refroms
Tell me about the characteristics of Romanticism
• Emphasized emotion, sentiment and inner feelings, individualism, interest in past, attracted to the bizarre, love of nature
-follow your heart, emotions, stand out, breaks rules of classical painting
Geothe, Grimm Brothers, Walter Scott, Mary Shelly were what?
romantics in literature
Why did Romantics like poetry?
• Romantics liked poetry the best because they thought it was the direct expression of one’s soul
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, William Wordsworth were what?
romantics in poetry
What did Romantic artists think?
artistic expression was a reflection of the inner feelings of the artist and rejected the principles of Classicism
Caspar David Freidrich, Joseph Turner, Eugene Delacroix were what?
romantic artists
Why did Romantics like music?
• Music was considered the most Romantic art because it the go deeply into human emotions
What did Beethoven do?
brought the gap between Classicism and Romanticism together
o Said that music had to reflect his deepest inner feelings
o Classical pieces in the beginning, but later had pieces with uncontrolled rhythms to show dramatic struggle and resolutions
Who was Hector Berlioz?
a Romantic composer
Tell me about the Revival of religion in the Age of Romanticism
there was a new appreciation for the Catholic faith because of the Romantic movement
Protestantism experienced a revival (the great awakening) - – began with the emotional experiences of Methodism and Pietism, evangelical values
What did romanticism and religion have in common?
common dislike of reason and science
What were the 5 main powers in Europe?
Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, France
What happened to Belgium during this time?
they got some territory
Russia wants to restore ____
What is the Holy Alliance?
Austria, Prussia, Russia - monarchs will rule on the basis of christian principles and work to maintain peace/justice, a symbol of conservatism
Why does Britain deny to be in the Holy Alliance?
because they might be called on to send troops in