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35 Cards in this Set

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Hormones are capable of inducing long–lasting changes throughout the body.

True; organizing effect (produce long-lasting structural effects)

Activating effects can occur at any time in life when a hormone temporarily activates a particular response.

True; activating effect (temporary when a hormone increases some activity that lasts only while hormone is present, at any time in life)

Nature's "default setting" is to make every mammal a female in its external anatomy.


The sexually dimorphic nucleus is larger in females than males.

False; males than females

Stimulation of the medial preoptic area increases sexual activity in rodents.


Testosterone levels continue to increase throughout a human male's lifetime.


High levels of estrogen and progesterone will prevent ovulation.


The changes in estrogen levels just before menstruation are the cause of PMS.


In general, men are more jealous of sexual infidelity than women.


There are obvious differences in external anatomy of homosexual humans compared to heterosexual humans.


Although harmful in excessive amounts, the synthesis of steroids depends on:


Two major classes of sex hormones are:

androgens and estrogens.

Wolffian ducts are found in:

female and male fetuses early in development.

What would cause a young mammal's external genitals to have an appearance intermediate between a male and a female?

more testosterone than other females in a genetic female

The overall mechanism of early sexual differentiation has been described by saying that nature's "default setting" is to make every mammal:


The sexually dimorphic nucleus is located in the:

anterior hypothalamus.

According to rodent studies, testosterone exerts a major part of its effect on:

the hypothalamus.

The estradiol normally found in the bloodstream of a female rat fetus neither masculinizes nor feminizes its development because it:

is prevented from entering the developing cells, due to the alpha-fetoproteins that bind to the estradiol

One function served by alpha–fetoprotein in the developing rat fetus is to:

prevent estradiol from entering cells.

Damage to the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus in rats would most likely result in:

decreased sexual activity.

By blocking dopamine release, some antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin levels also:

decrease sexual activity.

Sildenafil (Viagra) works by:

increasing release of nitric oxide in the hypothalamus and penis.

At what point in the menstrual cycle, if any, are women who are not on birth–control pills most likely to initiate sexual activity?

about midway between two menstrual periods

Many female mammals become very attentive after delivering their babies largely because of a sudden:

surge of prolactin and oxytocin.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) occurs because the adrenal gland releases:

too little cortisol.

A hermaphrodite is an individual:

whose genitals do not match the usual development for their genetic sex.

Congenital adrenal hypertrophy, the most common cause of the intersex condition, occurs when the adrenal gland releases ________ than average levels of the hormone cortisol, causing the hypothalamus and pituitary to release ________ than average levels of ACTH.

More; less ???

Certain individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female. This condition is known as:

androgen insensitivity.

When a newborn baby is found to be intersexed, how have most authorities over the past few decades recommended raising the child?

When in doubt, call the child female.

In the Dominican Republic, certain genetic males who were regarded in early childhood as girls have developed into boys at puberty. What happened to their gender identity?

Most adopted a clear male gender identity.

When examining the data on sexual orientation of twins and other siblings, what seems to be the most reasonable conclusion?

Sexual orientation is determined by genetics as well as other factors.

Sexual orientation has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT:

adult hormone levels.

Most homosexual men, as compared to heterosexual men, have:

testosterone levels within the same range.
What has been found in studies that relate male homosexuality in humans to prenatal stressors?
The findings are inconclusive.

On average, the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are of nearly equal size in ________ females, whereas the right hemisphere is a few percent larger in ________ males.

hetereosexual, hetereosexual