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75 Cards in this Set

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muscles ________ under neural control causing soft tissue and bony structures of the body to move
Muscles have two ends an ______ & _________
- origin
- insertion
the end of the muscle attached to the least movable structure
the end of the muscle attached to the more movable structure
the largest and most superficial cervical muscle and serves as a primary muscular landmark of the neck during an extraoral examination
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle
The SCM divides the neck into two regions:
- the anterior cervical triangle
- posterior cervical triangle
The SCM muscle originates from the _____________ and the inserts on the ___________
- medial portion of the clavicle
- mastoid process of the temporal bone
The SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) muscle is Innervated by which cranial nerve
CN XI (accessory nerve)
The action of the SCM muscle if one muscle contracts is ____________ and if two muscles contract ____________
- head and neck bend to same side and the face and front of the neck rotate to the opposite side
- head and neck will flex at neck and extend at junction between neck and skull
The superficial cervical muscle that is a broad, flat triangular muscle that covers the lateral and posterior neck surfaces
Trapezius muscle
the Trapezius muscle originates at the _____________ and inserts on the ___________
- external surface of occipital bone and posterior midline of cervical and thoracic regions
- lateral third of clavicle and portions of scapula
The Trapezius muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve
CN XI (accessory nerve)
The action of the Trapezius muscle is
lift calvicle and scapula (shoulder shrugging)
__________ are paired muscles in the superficial fascia of the facial tissues
muscles of Facial Expressions
All muscles of facial expressions originate from _________ and insert on the _________
- surface of skull bone
- dermis of skin tissue
There are ____ facial expression muscles to smile and _____ facial expressions to frown
- 17
- 43
True or False:
Muscles of Facial Expressions are what cause wrinkling.
_______ is loss of voluntary muscle action
Paralysis is caused by loss of innervations to muscles of facial expression due to:
- Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
- Bell's palsy
- Parotid salivary gland cancer
- parotid gland damage due to trauma
True or False:
Paralysis always consist of permanent damage to facial nerve
False - Damage could be permanent or temporary
The muscles of facial expression are divided up into three regions:
- Scalp
- Eye
- mouth
the scalp region of muscles of facial expression consist of the following muscle(s)
- Epicranial Muscle
The epicranial muscle originates at the _________ and inserts on the _________
- origin - Front belly- epicranial aponeurosis; Occipital belly - occipital and temporal bones
- insertion - front belly - eyebrow and root of nose; occipital belly - epicranial aponeurosis
The epicranial muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the epicranial muscle is
The eye region of the muscles of facial expression consist of the following muscle(s)
- Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
- Corrugator Supercilii
This muscle of facial expression and its tendon are one of the layers of the scalp
epicranial muscle
This muscle of facial expression encirlces the eye and has important functions in protecting, moistening the eye as well as in facial expression
orbicularis oculi muscle
the orbicularis oculi muscle originates at the _________ and inserts on the __________
- orbital rim, frontal bone, maxillary bone
- lateral region of eye (some encircle eye)
The Orbicularis Oculi Muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the orbicularis oculi muscle is
closing eyelid
the _______ is a muscle of facial expression in the eye region, deep to the superior portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle
corrugator supercilii muscle
the corrugator supercilii muscle orginates at the __________ and inserts on the ___________
- frontal bone
- eyebrow
The corrugator supercilii muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
The action of the corrugator supercilii muscle is
The mouth region of the muscles of facial expression consist of the following muscle(s)
- orbicularis oris
- buccinators
- risorius
- levator labii superioris
- levator labii superior alaeque nasi
-zygomaticus major
- zygomaticus minor
- levator anguli oris
- supressor anguli oris
- depressor labii inferioris
- mentalis
- platysma
the __________ muscle is an important muscle of facial expression in the mouth region that acts to shape and control the size of mouth opening and is important for creating the lip positions and movements during speech
orbicularis oris muscle
the orbicularis muscle orginates at the ________ and inserts on the _________
- the mouth (encircles mouth)
- angle of mouth
The orbiuclaris muscle is innervated by
CN VII ( facial nerve)
The action of the orbicularis oris muscle is
closing and pursing lips (pouting, grimacing)
The ________ is a muscle of facial expression that forms the anterior portion of the cheek or the lateral wall of the oral cavity
Buccinator muscle
the buccinator muscle originates at the ________ and inserts on the __________
- maxilla, mandible, pterygomandibular raphe (pterygomandibular fold)
- angle of mouth
the buccinator muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
The buccinator muscle action is
The risorius muscle is a thin muscle of facial expression in the mouth region that originates at the _______ and inserts on the _________
- fascia superficial to masseter muscle
- angle of mouth
the risorius muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
The action of the risorius muscle is
stretching lips
The levator labii superioris muscle is a broad, flat muscle of facial expression in the mouth region that originates at the _______ and inserts on the ___________
- maxilla
- upper lip
the levator labii superioris muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the levator labii superioris muscle is
raising upper lip
the levator labii alaque nasi muscle is also a muscle in the mouth region that orginates at the _________ and inserts on the __________
- maxilla
- ala of nose
the levator labii alaque nasi muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the levator labii alaque nasi muscle is
raising upper lip and dialating nostrils
the zygomaticus major muscle originates at the _______ and inserts on the _________
- zygomatic bone
- angle of mouth
the zygomaticus major muscle is innervated by the
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the zygomaticus major muscle is
the zygomaticus minor muscle is a small muscle of facial expressions in the mouth region medial to the zygomaticus major that originates at the ________ and inserts on the __________
- zygomatic bone
- upper lip
the zygomaticus minor muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the zygomaticus minor muscle is
raising upper lip, assisting in smiling
deep to both the zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor muscles is the levator anguli oris muscle that originates on the _________ and inserts in the
- maxilla
- angle of mouth
the levator anguli oris muscle is innervated by
CN VII ( facial nerve)
the action of the levator anguli muscle is
the depressor anguli oris muscle is a triangular muscle of facial expression in the lower region of the mouth that originates on the _________ and inserts at the
- mandible
- angle of mouth
the depressor anguli oris muscle is innervated by the
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the depressor anguli oris muscle is
deep to the depressor anguli oris muscle is the depressor labii inferioris muscle that originates at the ________ and inserts at the _________
- mandible
- lower lip
the depressor labii inferioris muscle in innervated by the
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the depressor labii inferioris muscle is
lowering lower lip
the mentalis muscle is a short thick muscle of facial expression superior and medial to the mental nerve in the mouth region that originate at the ________ and inserts at the ___________
- mandible
- chin
the mentalis muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the mentalis muscle is
raising chin, protruding chin
the _________ is the muscle of facial expression that runs from the neck all the way to the mouth, covering the anterior cervical triangle
- Platysma Muscle
the Platysma muscle originates at the ________ and inserts at the ________
- clavicle, shoulder
- mandible and muscles of mouth
the Platysma muscle is innervated by
CN VII (facial nerve)
the action of the platysma muscle is
raising neck skin, grimacing