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35 Cards in this Set

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What is a consequence of the lowered pressure environment of the right ventricle relative to the left?

opening/closing of the valves are not synced

splitting of the "dub"

what event is indicated by S1 sounds?

systole, closing of the mitral valve

what event is indicated by S2 sounds?

diastole, closing of the aortic valve

Does PLN act within cardiac muscle? If so, what does it do?

Yes, inhibits SRCA activity

What is the primary form of regulation in cardiac muscles?

Ca release (not recruitment)

What does the dicrotic notch signify?

secondary upstroke in the descending part of a pulse tracing corresponding to the transient increase in aortic pressure upon closure of the aortic valve

How do the passive tension curves differ between skeletal and cardiac muscles?

T(passive) accumulates much more quickly in cardiac muscles

How do the active tension curves differ between skeletal and cardiac muscles?

cardiac muscles are shifted to the right, steeper, and lacks a plateau

What accounts for the different length-tension relationship between skeletal and cardiac muscle?

length impacts Ca sensitivity

What factors help increase heart rate? Include hormones and associated receptors.

1. ANS

- sympathetic innervation

- Norepi on beta-1 receptors

- removing tonic parasympathetic innervation

- Ach on Muscarinic receptor

2. plasma epinephrine innervating beta-1 receptors

What is the fastest way to modulate HR?

withdrawal of parasympathetic innervation

What targets do catecholamines have on the SA node?

HCN and L-type Ca channels.

they don't affect GIRK channels (max diastolic potential)

What ways does the heart increase stroke volume?

1. SNS

- norepinephrine on B1 receptors

2. Plasma Epinephrine

- epinephrine on B1 receptors

3. Increase in EDV

- increasing preload

Effects of PKA in cardiac muscle? Which is the more important?

1. opening of L-type Ca Channel (increases load)

2. RyR2 (more Ca release)

3. SRCA activation (increases load)

4. phosphorylatin of myosin (increases sensitivity)

3 is the most important

How does HR modulate contractility?

1. Positive Stair Case (Bowditch Phenomenon)

- increase in overall Ca

2. Postextrasystolic Potentiation

How does one measure contractility?

1. LV pressure and dP/dT

2. LV volume and Ejection Fraction

Cardiac Index


~3 L/min/m^2

Stroke Work

Pressure * Stroke Volume

Pressure in the RA?

8 mmHg

Pressure in the RV?

30 / 8 mmHg

Pressure in the PA?

30 / 8 mmHg

Pressure in PCW ?

5 mmHg

Pressure in LA?

5 mmHg

Pressure in LV?

120 / 8 mmHg

Pressure in Aorta?

120/ 80 mmHg

What phenomenon is responsible for the splitting of the S2 heart sound?

- negative pressure of inspiration in the intrathoracic cavity increases venous return. Increased RV EDV takes longer to eject causing P2 to be delayed relative to A2.

- different pressures faced by the two ventricles

What are the waves associated with the atrium?

a wave - contraction of the atrium to fill ventricle

c wave - blip in pressure due contraction of the ventricles

v wave - slow, gradual filling of the atrium during diastole

what event is indicated by S3 heart sound?

passive, rapid filling into the compliant ventricle (large, diseased)

what event is indicated by S4 heart sound?

atrial contraction into a non-compliant LV (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)

What condition attributes to diastolic murmur?

mitral stenosis

what condition attributes to systolic murmur?

aortic stenosis

what is the primary source of energy at rest?

Free fatty acids

what is the primary source of energy during exercise ?


What is the pulse pressure?

Psys - Pdia

SV / Ca (compliance)

Measuring degree of mitral insufficiency?

- Echocardiograph to calculate the SV (EDV-ESV)

- Fick's to measure foward SV (CO/ HR)

regurgitant volume: total SV - forward SV

regurgitant fraction: RV / total SV