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28 Cards in this Set

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A general name given to a sexual reproductive cell. There are two types of gametes, eggs which are female gametes and sperm which are male gamete.
Somatic cells
All body cells but the gametes.
The union of two unlike gametes, the sperm and egg.
A fertilized egg
Asexual reproduction
The production of offspring that does not involve the union of unlike gametes
Sexual reproduction
The production of offspring that does involve the union of unlike gametes
A segment of DNA that controls an inherited characteristic
Characteristics passed on from parent to offspring
The transmission of traits from parents to offspring
An organelle that appears in animal cells during cell division, and disappears when the process is over. It aids in the information of special protein fibers that are used during the process of cell division.
one DNA a loosely wrapped around protein molecules called histones
When the DNA that forms the chromatin coils up tightly around the histones
Homologous chromosome
One of a pair of chromosomes which are the same in size and arrangement of genes, but may differ in the genes that control the trait. In all normal cells but gametes, homologous chromosomes occur in pairs.
Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

1 chromosome in each pair is from mom, one in each pairs from dad. Each homologue is the same in size, shape, and the arrangement of genes, but differ in the types of genes.

A picture of the homologous pairs are range from largest to smallest is known as a karyotype.
A name given to the cell when it contains both chromosomes of a homologous pair. This is the normal number of chromosomes found in the somatic cells. It is also called the 2n. In humans the diploid or 2n is 46 chromosomes / 23 pairs.
A name given to the cell when it contains only one chromosome of each homologous pair, or 1/2 the normal number of chromosomes. This is also called N. It is the number of chromosomes found in the gametes. And humans the haploid or N is 23 chromosomes.
A specialized type of nuclear division that reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid. It only occurs in the gametes.
Cell division
This is the division of one cell into two cells. It is divided into three phases.
period of normal growth and development
Division of the nucleus
Cytokinesis - cleavage
Division of the cytoplasm
One type of asexual reproductive cell
term often used to mean a virus
Temperate phage
A virus that does not cause disease for some time after it enters an organism
lytic cycle
The basic reproduction process of most viruses. During this process, the host cell is destroyed within a short period of time. Temperate phages do not always undergo this process.
Lysogenic cycle
life cycle of the temperate phage
Reverse transcriptase
An enzyme that makes DNA from RNA
A virus that contains RNA and transcriptase. In a retrovirus, that RNA makes DNA with the help of reverse transcriptase. The DNA that makes RNA and proteins that become part of the newly formed viruses.
AIDS virus