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16 Cards in this Set

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A noncoding nucleotide sequence of DNA.
Compare to exon.
Polygenic inheritance
Pattern of inheritance in which a phenotypic trait depends on many genes. An example is eye color, controlled by three or more genes.
Cell Cycle
A repeating series of events in which a eukaryotic cell grows, duplicates it's DNA, and then undergoes nuclear and cytoplasmic division to become two cells. Includes interphase (growth and DNA synthesis) and mitosis (cell division).
The unit of heredity. Most genes encode for specific polypeptides, and each gene has a specific location on a particular chromosome.
Second stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes align themselves on one place at the center of the cell.
Third stage of mitosis, in which the two sets of daughter chromosomes moves toward the poles of a cell.
Echange of DNA segments between the homologous chromosomes during prophase 1 of meiosis.
tRNA (transfer RNA)
Short-chain RNA molecule that transfers amino acids to the ribosome.
The first stage of mitosis. During prophase the chromosomes condense and thicken, the pairs of centrioles migrate to opposite sides of the cell, and the mitotic spindle forms.
Process by which a cell changes in form or function.
A change in the DNA base pair sequence of a cell.
Nuclear division process that reduces the chromosomal number by half. Meiosis results in the formation of four haploid (n) cells. It occurs only in certain reproductive organs.
triplet code
The genetic code of mRNA and tRNA in which three successive bases encode for one of the 20 amino acids.
The production of a single strand of RNA from a segment (representing a gene) of one of the two strands of DNA. The base sequence of the RNA is complementary to that of the single strand of DNA.
The three-base sequence on a messenger RNA molecule that provides the code for a specific amino acid in protein synthesis.
The three base sequence in transfer RNA that pairs with a complementary sequence in messenger RNA.