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37 Cards in this Set

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different versions of the same gene.
third stage of mitosis when chromatids are separated to opposite poles of the cell.
asexual reproduction
the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent.
cell cycle
the highly ordered sequence of events that takes place in a cell, resulting in division of the nucleus and the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells.
region at which two chromatids are held together.
control mechanisms of the cell cycle.
sections of DNA, which became entangled during crossing over, break and rejoin during anaphase 1 of meiosis sometimes resulting in an exchange of DNA between bivalent chromosomes, forming recombinant chromatids and providing genetic variation.
two identical copies of DNA (a chromosome) held together at a centromere.
uncondensed DNA in a complex with histones.
continuous variation
a characteristic that can take any value within a range, e.g. height.
normal chromosome number; two chromosomes of each type − one inherited from each parent.
discontinuous variation
a characteristic that can only result in certain discrete values, for example, blood type.
haploid sex cells produced by meiosis in organisms that reproduce sexually.
genetic variation
a variety of different combinations of alleles in a population.
form of cell division where the nucleus divides twice (meiosis I and meiosis II) resulting in a halving of the chromosome number and producing four haploid cells from one diploid cell.
second stage of mitosis when chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate.
nuclear division stage in the mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
mitotic phase
period of cell division of the cell cycle. Consists of the stages mitosis and cytokinesis.
first stage of mitosis when chromatin condenses to form visible chromosomes and the nuclear envelope breaks down.
recombinant chromatids
chromatids with a combination of DNA from both homologous chromosomes, formed by crossing over and chiasmata in meiosis.
reduction division
cell division resulting in the production of haploid cells from a diploid cell; meiosis.
fourth stage of mitosis when chromosomes assemble at the poles and the nuclear envelope reforms.
the initial diploid cell formed when two gametes are joined by means of sexual reproduction. Earliest stage of embryonic development.
cell division stage in the mitotic phase of the cell cycle that results in the production of two identical daughter cells.
half the normal chromosome number; one chromosome of each type.
growth period of the cell cycle, between cell divisions (mitotic phase). Consists of stages G1, S and G2.
a stem cell that can only differentiate into a range of cell types within a certain type of tissue.
a stem cell that can differentiate into any type of cell, but not form a whole organism.
having particular structure to serve a specific function.
stem cells
undifferentiated cells with the potential to differentiate into any of the specialised cell types of the organism.
a stem cell that can differentiate into any type of cell and form a whole organism.
an unspecialised cell originating from mitosis or meiosis.
strong, flexible connective tissue found in many areas of the bodies of humans and other animals.
the process of a cell becoming differentiated. Involves the selective expression of genes in a cell’s genome.
independent assortment
the arrangement of each homologous chromosome pair (bivalent) in metaphase 1 and metaphase 2 of meiosis is independent of each other and results in genetic variation.
meristematic tissue (meristems)
tissue found at regions of growth in plants. Contains stem cells.
a collection of differentiated cells that have a specialised function or functions in an organism.