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35 Cards in this Set

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Where is chromosomal DNA in a procaryot?
In the nucleoid. Not bounded by membrane, the cell has no regular nucleus.
About 1 micrometer
Basic structure of a procaryotic cell?
- Nucleoid (DNA)
- Cytoplasm
- Plasma membrane & cell wall

- Some have flagellum
- Procaryots do not contain mitochondria or chloroplast
What is a Nucleoid?
- (Meaning nucleus- like)
- A irregular, non-membrane area where DNA is located.
- Contains one molecule of double stranded DNA (procaryotic chromosome) and proteins.
Procaryotic chromosome?
- Mostly circular
- Arranged in the form of loops attatched to plasma membrane
- Double stranded DNA (Only viruses have single stranded)
Arraignment of procaryotic chromosome?
- Mostly circular
- Arraigned in the form of loops and attached to plasma membrane
- ds DNA
- Only VIRUSES have single stranded DNA
Why is there no mitosis in procaryots?
Because the cell is haploid
What does circular DNA mean?
Not that it is circular like a ring, but that it does not have a beginning and a end
Proteins in the Nucleoid?
HLP (histone like proteins) and other proteins
How many genes in procaryotic chromosome?
Are they indispensable?
-1000- 4000
- All genes in procaryotic chromosome are indispensable for the life of the procaryotic cell
What is the replication origin in procaryotic chromosome and how many is there?
- Whole procaryotic chromosome function as a replicon.
- It has one replication origin
- The chromosome is attached to plasma membrane by replication origin
What is a plsamid?
- Represents a small circular double stranded DNA
- It involves genes which are not indispensable for life of a procaryotic cell (Not all procaryots have plsamids)
F- plasmid:
Genes indispensable for conjugation
R- plasmids:
Genes producing resistance to antibiotics. Are very important because genes in these plasmids produce antibiotics
Can plasmids replicate independently of chromosomal DNA?
Where are they usually found?
In bacteria.
How is the procaryotic cytoplasm?
Without cytoskeleton and mostly without organelles
What organelle do procaryotic cytoplasm contain?
- Ribosomes (70s): 5S- rRNA, 16S-rRNA, 23S- rRNA
What happens in procaryotic ribosomes? Difference between procaryotic and eucaryotic ribosomes?
- Translation occurs in ribosomes
- Smaller then eucaryotic ribosomes
What happens in the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell?
- DNA replication
- DNA transcription
- mRNA translation
Do all procaryots have cell wall?
Most of them, except Mycoplasma
Structure and function of the cell wall?
- Polymer of peptidoglycans (sugar with protein)
- Are responsible for the rigidity of the cell wall
Gram- positive bacteria:
cell wall only from peptidoglycans (stained)
Gram- negative bacteria:
cell wall supplemented with a liposaccharide coat that protects the bacteria from staining. Thick cell layer
Size of a procaryotic cell?
1-10 micrometers. Generally significantly smaller then eukaryotic cells.
- Spherical (cocci)
- Rod- shaped
- Spiral
Prokaryotes exert significantly higher variability in biochemical capabilities, including capability of acquiring energy, then eukaryotes.
Prokaryotes acquire energy from sunlight (photosynthesis)
Are "Autotrophs"
2 main types:
Procaryotes that acquire energy from oxidation of chemicals.
1. Lithotrophic: Acquire energy form oxidation of inorganic chemicals (H2S, Fe2+)
2. Organotropic: Acquire energy form oxidation of organic chemicals by fermentation or oxidative phosphorylation
procaryotes that acquire oxygen for their metabolism
procaryotes that require the absence of oxygen for their metabolism

Procaryotes are capable of living under extreme conditions seemingly incompatible with life
Represent basic taxonomic groups (evolutional lines) of organisms
What kind of cell are bacteria and archaea?
Prokaryotic cells. But archaea seem to be evolutionally closer to eukaryotes then to bacteria
Chromosomal structure of bacteria?
chromosomal DNA is not organized in structures similar to nucleosomes
Chromosomal structure of archaea?
chromosomal DNA is organized in structures similar to nucleosomes
Do bacteria have introns?
Bacteria have genes without introns