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175 Cards in this Set

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Rhogam has beens successfully used to prevent
Autoimmune hemolytic disease
tight junctions
seal the epithelia so molecules cannot leak from one side to another
RNA may be transcribed into DNA by
reverse transcriptase
this is the region of the chromosome that becomes attached to the mitotic spindle
a short period in which the nuclear envelope disintegrates and the chromosomes are in apparent disarray
the inner membrane of the mitochondria
both: is permeable to H, Na, K, Mg, and Cl ions & is permeable to water and free acids
a staining method for the identification of carbohydrates is called
Periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
when the transfer of one solute depends on the simultaneous or sequential transfer of a solute in the same direction is called
In Pompes
both: there is an accumulation of glycogen in the lysosomes & there is an absence of lysosomal alpha glucosidase
In which of the following states is there a release of enzymes from the lysosome
which of the following is/are functions of the glycocalix
which of the following is found in cancer cells
uncontrolled growth
If UGC is a codon in a messenger RNA given the 5'-3' direction which of the following would be the anticodon 5'-3'
which of the following enzymes is involved in both recombination and repair
All: DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, Endonucleases
The primary lesion in the disease phenylketoneuria occurs in the synthesis of
the normal life span of the red blood cell is
120 days
tetracycline or chloramphenicol
blocks initiation of protein synthesis
Which of the following statements about chain termination in peptide synthesis is true
the formation of the peptide bonds by the ribosomal mRNA complex continues until rRNA with an anticodon for UAA, UAG or UGA interacts with the A site on the ribosome
which of the following statements concerning histones is true
they are very highly conserved proteins
Acridines act as mutagens to duplex DNA causing which of the following mutations
frameshift mutations
DNA ligase of E. coli requires which of the following cofactors
NAD+ as an electron acceptor
excision repair can correct DNA modification arising from which of the following causes
Thymine dimer formation
Which of the following statements about DNA polymerase I is true
It joins together Okazaki fragments to complete the lagging strand during DNA replication.
All of the following statements regarding the DNA of mitochondria are correct except
correct: double stranded, circular, codes for all of the mitochondrial proteins, is not associated with histones
incorrect: small in comparison to nuclear DNA
Xero derma pigmentosa is an autosomal recessive disorder which affects the mechanism for repair of ultravioletlight induced thymine dimmer formation in DNA. Which enzyme is most likely to be defective
A segment of a DNA chain which has the base sequence TCAGAT would be transcribed by RNA polymerase to a RNA chain with which of the following sequences
Which of proteins are involved in iron transport
transferrin, ferritin, ceruloplasmin
RNA polymerase differs from DNA in that polymerase does not require
A primer
The complimentary strand for ATGC is
Which of the following is not considered a secondary lysosome
correct: autophagosome, coated vesicle, heterophagosome
incorrect: residual body
Which of these two biological membranes would have a greater lipid than protein ratio
Schwann cell plasma membrane
Which of the following enzymes are needed to protect RBCs against oxidative damage
Superoxide dismutase
The father has a mutated gene for a specific genentic disease and wants to know if his son also is a carrier for the same disease. Which would be most specific in determining the sons status
restriction fragment length polymorphism
Which of the following ion channels would directly respond to a cholinergic neurotransmitter
ligand gated
A fibroblast is a young cell that is in the "active" process of collagen secretion. Which of the following characteristics is not typical of this cell.
correct: nucleus has more euchromatin than heterochromatin, has abundant RER, has well developed golgi complex, has sufficient mitochondria for ATP energy supply
Incorrect: Its secretory granules are secreted in a regulated form
In the peroxisome, the end product of the peroxidase enzymes is ----- and the end product of the catalse enzymes is ----- and -----
hydrogen peroxide, water and oxygen
Glucose enters the cell via a ----mechanism and leaves via a -----mechanism
symport, facilitated diffusion
The major extra cellular cation is
Lysosomal hydrolases are targeted to the lysosomes by
Mannose 6 phosphate added to the N-linked oligosaccharides
A cytoskeletal function would include
cell adhesion, cell movement, cell division, cell shape
Regarding mitosis which of the following statements is true
correct: genetic material remains constant
incorrects: genetic variability is one of the consequences, it is a long process in oocytes, the cells are restored to their haploid state, DNA recombination is done in prophase
Which of the following is a multipass integral protein that acts as an ion channel for the erythrocyte
Band 3
The urinary bladder epithelium needs a "leak proof" mechanism of adhesion between cells that is provided by
Zonula occludens
Desmosomes are concerned with
Cell-cell attachment
The cellular element of the smooth muscle cell that is comparable to the Z line of the skeletal muscle is the
dense body
The myocardial skeletal muscle contains intercalated disks. Which cell adhesion mechanism is not found in the intercalated disk
Correct: gap junction, macula adherens, zonula adherens
Incorrect: Zonula occludens
Smooth muscle can be stimulated to relax in various ways. What effect does caldesmon have on the smooth muscle cells
Binds to actin and inhibits myosin
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that affects which protein of the myocytes
The selective growth factor for T-lymphocytes
fibroblast growth factor
The non motile cilia syndrome is due to which protein deficiency
Phosphorylation of the intermediate filament laminin B
Disassembles the nuclear envelope
Cholera is a disease that can be fatal if the patient fails to receive prompt attention. The disease is due to:
Modifying the G protein subunits
Which ribosomal subunit is not transcribed in the nucleus
Correct: 5.8s, 18s, 28s
Incorrect: 5s
Which ribosomal RNA contributes to the small ribosomal subunit formation
During which stage of meiosis ! does DNA recombination occur
Phosphorylation of the intermediate filament laminin B
disassembles the nuclear envelope
Cholera is a disease that can be fatal if the pt fails to receive prompt attention.The disease is due to
Modyfing the G PRO subunit
Which ribosomal subunit is not transcribed in the nucleus: 5s, 5.8s, 18s, 28s
Which ribosomal RNA contributes to the small ribosomal subunit formation: 5s, 5.8s, 18s, 28s
During which stage of meiosis I does DNA recombination occur
The two major adhesion proteins of the extra cellular matrix are
fibronectin and laminin
Which of the following glycosaminoglycans is mainly found in articulation synovial capsules
hyaluronic acid
Each of these cells is in the quiescent G0 phase of the cell cycle. Which of them can be kinase activated to reenter the cell cycle
Scurvy results from vitamin C deficiency that causes
aberrant collagen production
Glycosaminoglycans are highly negatively charged molecules that would stain with which dye
Which type of microscope would be best suited to detect the treponema pallidum parasite (syphilis)
dark field
Centrioles replicate during which cell cycle phase
The primary oocyte is arrested by the oocyte maturation factor during which stage of meisosis
lysosomal enzymes have an address tag that directs them to the lysosome. These enzymes are sorted into their appropriate vesicles in the
Trans Golgi network
the sodium glucose pump is what type of carrier PRO
Which of the following is most permeable across a synthetic phospholipid bilayer: Ca, Mg, O2, H2O, GLUCOSE
cells that secrete growth factors affecting tarfet cells far from the secreting cell are regarded as
Nuclear lamins are members of which family
Cyclin is synthesized continuously through the cell cycle but is quickly destroyed during
Nuclear PRO are synthesized in the cytoplasm and then trans-located to the nucleus. They have translocation sequences that are
At the amino end
Which of the following is a characteristic of the outer mitochondrial membrane but not the inner
Presence of porin
Phalloidin is often used in combination with a fluorescent dye for staining
Actin filaments
Which of the folowing is not part of the endomembrane system
The role of calcium is very important in orde for the cell to function. The main mechanism that regulates calcium levels is due to the activity of
The secondary oocyte that came out of the first meiotic division has which of the
diploid number of chromosomes
Hereditary spherocytosis causes hemolytic anemia. The basic defect is due to
Unstable spectrin-band 4.1-actin complex
Vinblastine is utilized as an agent of chemotherapy against cancer. Which cytoskeletal element does it depolymerize
The experimental protcol that uses fluorescent labels and laser and photobleaching to determine the mobility of phospholipids or membrane PRO is referred to as
Laminin is a trimetric PRO. In other words it consists of three parts. How might these parts be best visualized and distinguished one from the another
Affinity chromotography
Proto-oncogenes can be converted into active oncogenes by
(all) deletion mutation, point mutation, gene amplification, chromosome rearrangement
Xeroderma pigmentosum, HNPCC syndrome, Ataxia telangietasia are all cancers caused by
DNA repair enzyme defects
Cdk-2 is
present only during interphase
Polyribosomes synthesize all of the following PRO x: acidic PRO, histone PRO, Intermediate PRO, signal recognition particle, vasopressin
A coated pit is typical of the membranes capping phenomena. The "capping" is due to which membrane
Leber's optic dystrophy is a known pathology affecting which organelle
Tay-Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects the Jewish population. Which organelle is defective
All the PRO targeting the following organelles have signal sequences. All but one have amino-end signal sequences. Select one that is responsive to carboxyl-end signal sequences: RER, peroxisome, mitochondria, SER, constituitive exocytosis
Most cell, such as neuronsm have inside to outside negative charge. This can be calculated by the Nernst equation and is primarily due to the permeability of
Skin cells are very tightly adhered together and as such are replete with
tight junctions
Carrier mediated transportand diffusion can be distinguished from each other because the former, but not the latter
reaches an upper transport rate that cannot be exceeded with addition of extra cargo molecules
Fluorescent dyes can be microinjected into cells and often will pass from the interior of one cell to the next. If this is the case and there has been no rupture of the plasma membrane, this dye most probably would have identified
gap junction
the nuclear pores
(both) Have an octagonal shape and centrally located electron dense granule, and are closed by a thin diaphragm og unknown significance
Cholesterol is incorporated into the cell by which mechanism
coated vesicles
Meat tenderizers that are derived from papain tend to disrupt which cytoskeletal element
The major glycoprotein in the epithelial membranes intercellular adhesion mechanism is
The cellular membranes are composed of
(both) Phosphatidylcholine, serine, ethanolamine, inositol, and cholesterol
The nuclear pores
(both) Have an octagonal shape, and centrally located electron dense granule, and are closed by a thin diaphragm of unknown significance
Acetylcholine receptor in neurons passes both sodium and potassium. It is regarded as what type of receptor
ion channel receptor
(all) found soluble in the cytoplasm, is a PRO, can activate PRO kinases, binds 4 Ca ions
Which of the following is not found in the mitochondria: calcium granules, DNA, ribosomes, electron transport system
(none) all found in mitochondria
NADH is produced by glycolysis through the action of glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. This NADH can then be shuttled into which of the following organelles or processes, where it can be converted to ATP
The cyto-skeleton consists of three different types of filaments. Ordered from smallest to largest they are
actin, intermediate filaments, microtubules
All of the following are correct in regards to the nuclear envelope x:
(correct)composed of 2 lipid bilayers, the outer nuclear membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, the perinuclear space is a gap of 20-40nm
(incorrect)single membrane
The nucleolus with a bright field microscope shows
(neither) Not fibrillar central region nor granula peripheral region
The granular peripheral portion of the nucleolus
(both) represent the nuclear DNA sequences encoded for ribosomal RNAs, and represents the granular intracellular precursor of cytoplasmic ribosomes, which are transported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm
the type of intermediate filament that is characteristically found in the cytoplasm of the human skin cells is
Radial spokes, nexin, and dynein are components most closely associated with
(both C & D) flagella and cilia
Kinesin is a motor PRO that removes material
from the minus end to the plus end of microtubules
The term "brush border" is best matched with which of the following terms
Which of the following is a goal of the Koehler illumination
(both) To obtain a bright image w/o reflection, and to avoid heating of the slide
All of the following are essential components for the phase contrast microscope
(both) Amicy Bertrand ocular, and contrast condenser
Which of the following must be used on a microscope to obtain a good Koehler illumination
(a,b,c) iris diaphragm, field diaphragm, condenser diaphragm
The resolving power
Is the minimal distance for discrimination between two points
The usefulness of the light microscope is
(both) Its ability to resolve structural detail and its ability to magnify structures
The main adhesion molecule that holds embryonic cells together is
Action potentials are unidirectional because
the voltage gated sodium channel has a transient period of inactivity during which it cannot be opened again
The resting potential in most neurons is primarily due to the permeability of
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is best described as a
ligand-gated channel
An action potential is characterized by all of the following x:
correct: it is regarded as a regenerative response, is regarded as an all-or-none-response, does not degrade in magnitude with space or time, is characteristic of trans-membrane potential changes that occur in most axons
A chemical synapse is characterized by all of the following x:
correct: neurotransmitter released, synaptic cleft is present, intracellular increase in calcium is critical for function, one millisecond delay in membrane potential change exists between presynaptic and post synaptic cells
incorrect: membrane fusion and gap junction are evident
All of the folllowing our components of bright field microscope except:
correct:condenser which focuses rays on the specimen, stage on which the specimen is placed, objectives of different magnifications, ocular lens
incorrect:objective lens w/ NA of 1.4
The image formation in the tranmission electron microscope is dependent on
the fact that some electrons do not pass through the specimen to fall on the photographic film
All of the following are essential components of a transmission electron microscope x:
correct: condenser lens, objective lens, cathode, anode

incorrect: ocular lens
The transmission electron microscope
utilizes a beam of electrons to produce an image
With the darkfield microscopy
(both) the light does not enter directly to the objective, and objects smaller than the wavelength of light can be detected but not resolved
Which of the following cell phases is shortest in duration: G-1, G-0, G-2, S, M
Which of the following is the correct order from smallest to largest
collagen molecule, collagen fibril, collagen fiber
Which of the following collagen subtypes can self assemble into a sheet like array
type IV
Which of the following is partially assembled in the extra cellular matrix
(all) laminin, collagen, integrins, fibronectin
The term "ground substance" is often used to refer to
glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans
Basal lamina can often contain all of the following x
correct: type 1 collagen, laminin, fibronectin, entactin

incorrect: type IV collagen
The prokaryotic cells
do not have an endomembrane system
Which of the following is true in regards to cell cultures
(neither) incorrect: the HeLa cells were obtained from baby hamster kidney, the L and 3T3 cells are obtained from human carcinoma
The "ribophorins"
are found in the membranes of the RER
The microsomes
are fragments of the golgi complex
A 22 y/o women c/o fatigue of the muscles in her face, eyes, and tongue. Clinical tests indicate thyoma and presence of AB to ACh receptors. A possible diagnosis is
Which of the following statements about the termination of mRNA translation is true
the complete polypeptide is released
In the intestine and kidneys, glucose and amino acids are transported across cellular membranes by
facilitated diffusion
Metaphase is one of the six phases of cell division and is characterized by
Alignment of the chromosomes 1/2 way between the spindle poles
Which of the following mechanisms of transport of small molecules is the least selective
passive diffusion
The nucleolus
(both) Is the site of the assembly of ribosomes, and has a high concentration of RNA and PRO
Which of the following substances are usually used to separate the polypeptides of the plasmatic membrane
(both) sodium dodecyl sulfate, and mild solution
Cells involved in process of detoxifying substances are expected to have an unusually well developed
Elliptocttosis (spherocytosis)
There is a defect of spectrin to form the heterodimer/tetramer transformation
The peripheral PRO
(neither) incorrect: separated by drastic procedures for isolation, insoluble in aqueous soutions
Calcium ions trigger muscle contraction by binding to
The plasma membrane is a asymmetric structure that has many functions. Which of the following would NOT be found on the cytoplasmic side of the cell
would be: phospholipids, Chol, peripheral PRO, trans-membrane PRO

wouldnt be: oligosaccharide chain
Which of the following is an example of hormone receptor that acts via a receptor tyrosine signaling system
Which of the following describes the correct sequence of signal transduction via cAMP 2nd messenger system
receptor, G PRO, adenyl cyclase, PRO kinase A
Cl and HCO3 enter the RBC through
ion channels
Upon contraction the sarcomere of skeletal muscle shortens. Identify the appropriate histological sequence of the following
I band width shortens, A band width constant, H band width shortens
The scanning transmission electron microscope
(both) Is the best method for studying biological ultrastructure, and gives surface view of structures
In phase microscopy
(both) the light passing through an object undergoes a retardation normally not detected, and phase changes are translated into changes in light intensity
Which of the following are functions of the cytochrome P-450
(both) hydroxylation of steroid hormones, and inactivation of some drugs by oxidation C
All of the following are not membranous organelles x
Are membranous: peroxisomes

Are not: centrioles, ribosomes, filaments, microtubules
Centrioles are associated c each of the following x
correct: ciliogenesis, dynein arm that that posses ATPase activity, the ability to duplicate themselves, development of mitotic spindle

incorrect: nine triplet microtubules
The thiamine phosphosphatase is found in the
trans face of the golgi complex
steroid and thyroid hormones act through
changing of the gene expression in the nucleus
G PRO are involved c various cellular signaling pathways and are known to hydrolyze
guanine triphosphate
Cyclins are
PRO that bind to intracellular kinases to initiate cell division
Which of the following organelles is responsible for PRO synthesis
Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles divides by fision
The basement membrane functions to provide structural attachement of epithelial cells to underlying connective tissue. You are asked to identify the cell type which secretes a compound of basement membrane which cell express as a mRNA for
All of the following are true of lysosomes x
correct: associated c acid phosphatase activity, function in intracellular digestion, contain a number of hydrolytic enzymes, often appear as membrane bound dense bodies

incorrect: the can be identified by a cytochemical reaction for catalase
The nucleolus is characterized by all of the following x
correct: fibrillar component representing early stages in the formation of ribosomal RNA precursors, nucleolar associated chromatin, a granular component representing late stages in the foundation of tRNA precursors, the packaging of rRNA into precursors of ribosomes

incorrect: the packaging of rRNA into precursors of ribosomes
All of the following are inclusions (rather than organelles) x
inclusions: fat droplet, glycogen, crystalloid, mucus granule

not: lysosome
The nuclear envelope
is formed by two nuclear membranes
the smooth ER is well developed in the
The enzyme that adds the poly "A" sequence to mRNA is
RNA polymerase
The dissolution of nuclear envelope at the end of the prophase is the result of
phosphorylation of nuclear lamins