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25 Cards in this Set

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Flow-stimulated NO production

1) shear stress causes change in glycocalyx movement

2) glycocalyx attached to cytoskeleton hence causes change in cytoskeleton

3) activation of calcium channels = high intracellular calcium

Effects of NO

- less SMC contraction / proliferation

- less vasoconstrictor production

Anti-Atherogenic Effects

- less expression of adhesion molecules

- less adhesion of monocytes / platelets

- less platelet aggregation

- less LDL oxidation

Oxidative stress

1) drop in eNOS substrate / cofactor

2) eNOS produces superoxide

3) NO + superoxide = peroxynitrite

4) peroxynitrite interacts with lipids, DNA, proteins...

5) oxidative stress

Vasoconstrictor or vasodilator?

(Prostanoids, EETs, angiotensin II, H2O2)

prostanoids = vasoconstrictors

EETs = vasodilators

angiotensin II = vasoconstrictor

H2O2 = both

Normal BP and HBP

Normal: 120/80

HBP: 140/90

Free cholesterol v cholesterol ester solubility

Free cholesterol = amphiphilic

Cholesterol ester = hydrophobic

ApoA1. ApoB48. ApoB100. ApoC11. ApoE.

ApoA1 = receptor ligand on HDL

ApoB48 = receptor ligand on chylomicron

ApoB100 = receptor ligand on VLDL and LDL

ApoC11 = cofactor for LPL on VLDL

ApoE = receptor ligand on chylomicron, VLDL and LDL

What mutations can cause FH?

Mutation in ApoB

Mutation in LDL receptor

Mutation in PCSK9

Resting coronary BF and BF during vigorous exercise

Resting = 225 ml/min

Exercise = 800+ ml/min

Ischaemia on ECG

ST depression on V1, V2, V3

Coronary BF equation

Coronary BF = pressure difference/ resistance

How does pericarditis cause SOB?

1) heart is compressed

2) lower EDV

3) fluid stays backed up in lungs

Pericarditis on ECG

PR depression

ST elevation

Causes of viral pericarditis

Coxsackie B






High platelet count but low Hb usually means...

Bleeding or inflammation

Difference between health selection and social selection

Effect of vagal stimulation on coronary blood vessels

No effect

Range of cerebral autoregulation

60 - 140 mmHg

Autonomic control of blood vessel calibre

Normal QRS

< 0.12s

Intervals and segments on ECG

Blood vessels typically used in coronary a. bypass grafts

Internal thoracic a.

Great saphenous v.

Radial a.

Effects of peroxynitrite

- less anti-oxidant effects

- impairs enzyme cofactors

- inhibits membrane channels

- protein aggregation

Effects of disturbed flow

- less eNOS production (vasoconstriction)

- inflammation

- less endothelial repair

- more ROS

- permeability to lipoproteins

- WBC adhesion

- apoptosis

- SMC proliferation

- collagen deposition

- less cytoskeletal / cellular alignment to direction of flow

Percentage drop in MI risk following smoking cessation, drop in BP and reduction of HbA1c

Quitting: 50 - 70%

BP: 2 - 3% per 1mmHg

HbA1c: 14% per 1% drop in HbA1c