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54 Cards in this Set

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plaque buildup affecting moderate-large arteries

thickening and narrowing of blood vessel wall

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

spectrum of clinical entities ranging from angina to infarction to death

symptoms present when lumen is at least 70% occluded

Angina Pectoris

chest pain or pressure due to ischemia

may be accompanied by Levines sign (fist over sternum)

inbalance in myocardial oxygen supply and demand brought on by increased demand on heart, exertion, stress, smoking, extreme temps, overeating, vasospasm

Stable angina

classic exertional angina

occurs at a predictable rate pressure product, relieved with rest and/or nitorglycerin

Unstable angina

coronary insufficiency at any time without any precipitating factors or exertion

chest pain increases in severity, frequency, and duration; refractory to treatment

Variant angina

caused by vasospasm of coronary arteries in the absence of occlusive disease

responds well to nitroglycerin or calcium channel blocker

Angina pain in women

sensations of discomfort, crushing, pressing, and bad ache

Symptoms of angina

SOB ,fatigue, diaphoresis, weakness

Myocardial infarction

prolonged ischemia, injury, and death of an area of the myocardium caused by occlusion of 1 or more coronary arteries

Transmural MI

full thickness of myocardium

ST elevated MI or Q wave MI


Non-transmural MI

subendocardial, subepicardial, intramural

non-ST elevated MI---NSTEMI

non-Q wave MI

MI impaired ventricular function

decreased SV, CO, and ejection fraction

increased end diastolic ventricular pressures

Heart failure

heart in unable to maintain adequate circulation of the blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body

Left sided CHF

pulmonary congestion, edema, and low CO due to back up of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium and lungs

occurs with insult to the left ventricle from myocardial disease, excessive workload of heart, arrhythmias, valvular disease

Right sided CHF

characterized by increased pressure load on the right ventricle with higher pulmonary vascular pressures

mitral valve disease, chronic lung disease,

produces hallmark signs of jugular vein distension and peripheral edema

Biventricular failure

severe LV pathology producing backup onto the lungs

increased PA pressure and RV signs of HF

Compensated HF

heart returns to functional status with reduced CO and exercise tolerance

control is achieved through physiological compensatory mechanisms

What physiological compensatory mechanisms are used in compensated HF

SNS stimulation, LV hypertrophy, anaerobic metabolism, cardiac dilatation, arterial vasoconstriction

Pulmonary signs and symptoms of Left CHF

dyspnea, dry cough,


paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

pulmonary rales, wheezing

pulmonary signs and symptoms of Right CHF

dependent edema

weight gain


liver engorgement

Signs and symptoms of low CO in Left CHF



lightheaded, dizzy

fatigue, weakness

poor exercise tolerance

enlarged heart on x-ray

S3 heart sound


signs and symptoms of low CO in Right CHF

anorexia, nausea, bloating


right upper quadrant pain

jugular vein distension

right sided S3 heart sound

murmurs of pulmonary or tricuspid


chronic, occlusive arterial disease

diminished blood supply to affected extremities with decreased or absent pulses

Associated conditions with PAD

HTN, HDL, CAD, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hx smoking

Early stages of PAD

intermittent cladication

burning, searing, aching, tightness, or cramping

occurs regularly and predictably with walking, and relieved with rest

Late stages of PAD

pain at rest, muscle atrophy, trophic changes

Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buergers disease)

chronic, inflammatory vascular occlusive disease of small arteries and also veins

occurs commonly in young adults, males, who smoke

begins distally and progresses proximally in both UE and LE

Signs and symptoms of Buergers disease

paresthesias or pain, cyanotic cold extremity, diminished temperature sensatio, fatigue, risk of ulceration, gangrene

Diabetic angiopathy

an inappropriate elevation of blood glucose levels and accelerated atherosclerosis

Neuropathy--major complication

neurotrophic ulcers may lead to gangrene and amputation

Raynauds Phenomenon

episodic spasm of small arteries and arterioles

abnormal vasoconstrictor reflex exacerbated by exposure to cold temperature or emotional stress

tips of fingers develop pallor, cyanosis, numbness, and tingling

largely affects females

Superficial vein thrombophlebitis

clot formation and acute inflammation

localized pain usually in saphenous vein


clot formation and acute inflammation in a deep vein

associated with venous stasis--bed rest, hyperactivity of blood coagulation, vascular trauma

early ambulation is prophylactic

signs ans symptoms of DVT

TTP, dull ache, tightness, or pain in calf

swelling, warmth, skin discoloration and venous distention



presents abruptly with chest pain and dyspnea

diaphoresis, cough, apprehension,

requires EMERGENCY TREATMENT-life threatening

Medical management of DVT

anticoagulation therapy--heparin

thrombolytic agents--streptokinase

ambulation and mobility encouraged after 1 dose of low weight heparin

compression stocking 30-40 mmHg

Arterial Insufficiency skin changes

pale, shiny, dry

loss of hair

nail changes


venous insufficiency skin changes

hemosiderin--dark, cyanotic brown skin


arteial insufficiency ulceration

may develo in toes, feet, or areas of trauma

pale or yellow to black eschar

regular in shape--punched ouy

venous insufficiency ulceration

may develop at medial side of ankle along course of vein

painful, shallow, exudative, granulation tissue at base

irregular borders

chronic venous stasis/incompetence

venous valvular insufficiency, venous dilation

grade I-mild aching, minimal edema

grade II- increased edema, dilated veins, changes in skin pigmentation

grade III- venous claudication, severe edema, ulceration

Primary lymphedema

congenital condition with abnormal lymph node or vessel formation

Secondary lymphedema

acquired, due to injury of 1 or more parts if the lymphatic system

surgery, tumors, trauma, infection, radiation therapy, chronic venous insufficiency,

Acute lymphangitis

acute bacterial infection spreading throughout lymph system

usually strep


localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel

Aortic aneurysm

usually asymptomatic

may have generalized abdominal or low back pain

may cause pulsations near the navel

Cerebral aneurysm

can cause a sudden and severe headache, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, seizure, LOC, double vision


a group of conditions that affect the myocardium

impairing the ability of the heart to contact and relax

3 types of cardiomyopathy




Cor pulmonale

pulmonary heart disease

hypertrophy of the right ventricle caused by altered structure or function of the lungs

Signs and symptoms of cor pulmonale

cardinal sign--progressive SOB, esp with exertion

fatigue, atypical chest pain swelling of LE, dizziness, syncope


inflammation of the endothelium that lines the heart and cardiac valves

if left untreated, can cause damage or destroy heart valves and become life-threatening!!!!

bacterial infection


inflammation and weakness of the myocardium

can cause myocardium to become thick and swollen, which can lead to symptoms of heart failure

viral or bacterial


inflammation of the pericardium of the heart

pericardium has inner and outer layer with fluid in the middle which can cause pericardial effusion (increased fluid)

Signs and symptoms of pericarditis

chest pain, SOB, dry cough, anxiety, fatigue, fever