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97 Cards in this Set

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Largest artery, recieved blood from the left ventricle and branches to all parts of the body


The point of the cone shaped structure. Formed by left ventricle.


A vessel that carries blood away from the heart


A small artery

Atrioventricular node

A small mass in the lower septum of the right atrium that passes impulse from SA node towards ventricle

AV bundle

A band of fibres that transmit impulses from the AV node to top of interventricular septum. It divides into right and left bundle branches


Entrance chamber, on of the two upper receiving chambers of the heart

Bicuspid Valve
The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle. (mital Valve)
Blood Pressure
the force exerted by blood against the wall of a vessel
Bundle Branches
Branches of the AV bundle that divide to the right and left sides of the interventricular septum

A microscopic blood vessel through which materials are exchanged between the blood and the tissue

Cardiovascular System

The part of the circulatory system that consists of the heart and the blood vessels

The relaxation phase of the heartbeat cycle
The thin membrane that lines the chambers of the heart and covers the valves
The thin outermost layer of the heart wall
Functional Murmur
Any sound produced as the heart functions normally
The muscular organ with four chambers that contracts rhythmically to propel blood through vessels to all parts of the body
Sound when the valves between the chambers close.

Sound when the valves leading into the aorta and Pulmonary artery close

Mitral Valve
The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle (bicuspid)
The thick middle layer of the heart wall composed of cardiac muscle
The fibrous sac that surrounds the heart
Pulmonary artery
The vessel that carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs
Pulmonary circuit
The system of vessels that carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated and then back to the left side of the heart

Pulmonary Veins

The vessels that carry blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart
Pulmonic Valve
The semilunar valve at the entrance to the pulmonary artery
The wave of increased pressure produced in the vessels each time the ventricles contract
Purkinje Fibers
The terminal Fibers of the conducting system of the Heart. They carry impulses through the walls of the ventricles
a wall dividing two cavitites
Sinoatrial (SA) Node
A small mass in the upper part of the right atrium that initiates the impulse for each heatbeat: (pacemaker)
An instrument used for determining arterial blood pressure
Systemic Circuit
The system of vessels that carries oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart to all tissues except the lungs and returns deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart
The Contraction phase of the heartbeat cycle
Tricuspid Valve
The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
A structure that keeps fluid flowing in a forward direction
a vessel that carries blood back to the heart. All except the pulmonary and umbilical veins carry blood low in oxygen
A small cavity. one of the two lower pumping chambers of the heart
A small vein
A tube of duct to transport fluid
The thin plasmalike fluid that drains from the tissues and is transported in lymphatic vessels
lymph node
a small mass of lymphoid tissue along the path of a lymphatic vessel that filters lymph
Lymphatic System
The system that drains fluid and proteins from the tiusses and returns them to the bloodstream. The system also aids in absorption of fats from the digestive tract and participates in immunity
Right Lymphatic Duct
The lymphatic duct that drains fluid from the upper right side of the body

A large organ in the upper left region of the abdomen. It filters blood and destroys old red blood cells.

Thoracic Duct
The Lymphatic duct that drains fluid from the upper left side of the body and all of the lower portion of the body
Thymus gland
A gland in the upper part of the Chest beneath the sternum. It functions in immunity
Small masses of lymphoid tissue located in the region of the throat
localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, caused by weakness of the vessel wall: may eventually burst

Angina Pectoris

A feeling of constriction around the heart or pain that may radiate to the left arm or shoulder, usually brought on by exertion; caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart


Any abnormality in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat (literally "without rhythm")


The development of fatty, fibrous patches in the lining of arteries, causing narrowing of the lumen and hardening of the vessel wall. The most common form of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)


Slow heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute

Cerebrovascular Accident

Sudden damage to the brain resulting from reduction of blood flow. Causes include atherosclerosis, embolism, thrombosis or hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm


Enlargement of the ends of the fingers and toes caused by growth of the soft tissue around the nails.


Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Thrombophlebitis involving the deep veins


Profuse sweating

Dissecting aneurysm

An aneurysm in which blood enters the arterial wall and separates the layers. usually involves the aorta.


Disorder in serum lipid levels, which is an important factor in development of atherosclerosis.


Difficult or laboured breathing


Swelling of body tissues caused by the presence of excess fluid. Causes include cardiovascular disturbances, kidney failure, inflammation, and malnutrition


Obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot or other matter carried in the circulation


A mass carried in the circulation. Usually a blood clot, but may be air, fat, bacteria, or other solid matter from within or from outside the body


Spontaneous, quivering and ineffectual contraction of muscle fibers, as in the atria or the ventricles

Heart Block

An interference in the conduction system of the heart resulting in arrhythmia. The condition is classified in order of increasing severity as first, second or third degree heart block.

Heart failure

A condition caused by the inability of the heart to maintain adequate circulation of blood


A varicose vein in the rectum


A condition of higher than normal blood pressure.


An area of localized necrosis of tissue resulting from a blockage or a narrowing of the artery that supplies the area


Local deficiency of blood supply caused by obstruction of the circulation


An abnormal heart sound

Myocardial Infarction

Localized necrosis of cardiac muscle tissue resulting from blockage or narrowing of the coronary artery that supplies that area. Usually from a Thrombus


A closing off or obstruction as of a vessel


Inflammation of a vein


A patch, with regard to the cardiovascular system, a deposit of fatty material and other substances on a vessel wall that impedes blood flow and may block the vessel

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Damage to heart valves after infection with a type of streptococcus. The antibodies produced in response to the infection produce scarring of the valves, usually the mitral valve


Circulatory failure resulting in inadequate supply of blood to the heart. Cardiogenic shock is caused by heart failure


A temporary loss of consciousness caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain


Abnormally rapid heart rate


Inflammation of a vein associated with formation of a blood clot


Development of a blood clot within a vessel


A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel

Varicose Vein

A twisted and swollen vein resulting from breakdown of the valves pooling of blood, and chronic dilation of the vessel


A procedure that reopens a narrowed vessel and restores blood flow. Commonly accomplished by surgically removing plaque by inflating a balloon within the vessel.

Artifical pacemaker

a battery operated device that generates electrical impulses to regulate the beating of the heart. It may be external or implanted


Correction of an abnormal cardiac rhythm. May be accomplished pharmacologically, with antirrhythmic drugs, or by application of electric current

Coronary Angiography

Radiographic study of the coronary arteries after introduction of an opaque dye by means of a catheter

Coronary Artery bypass graft

Surgical creation of a shunt to bypass a blocked coronary artery. The aorta is connected to a point past the obstruction with another vessel or a piece of another vessel, usually the saphenous vein of the leg or the left internal mammary artery


use of an electronic device to stop fibrillation by delivering a brief electric shock to the heart. The shock may be delivered to the surface of the chest or be delivered directly to the heart through wire leads


A noninvasive method that uses ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures


Study of the electrical activity of the heart as detected by electrodes placed on the surface of the body.


A compound of protein with lipid.

Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

Dilatation of a sclerotic blood vessel by means of a balloon catheter inserted into the vessel and then inflated to flatten plaque against the artery wall


Any neoplastic disease of lymphoid tissue


Inflammation and enlargement of lymph nodes


Inflammation of lymphatic vessels as a result of bacterial infection. Appears as painful red streaks under the skin


Swelling of tissues with lymph caused by obstruction or excision of lymphatic vessels