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20 Cards in this Set

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Leaders - ________ oriented
Managers - _________ oriented
______ of authority and the use of employee _____ are two means by which organizational goals are met in today's competitive atmosphere.
- Delegation
- empowerment
________ is the act of influencing others to work toward a desired goal. Leaders ______ people and ______ the projects that lead to the achievement of goals.
- leadership
- direct
- coordinate
_______ do not guanantee leadership.
- Rights
There is not guarnatee that people chosen to lead by their organization and granted the ________ to do so will be able to use their formal leadership rights ________.
- rights
- effectively
Originated by _______, the acceptance view of authority is based on the premise that managers get their authority from _______. Unless managers can get their _________ to accept their authority, it doesn't matter how much ______ managers are given.
- Chester Barnard
- subordinates
- subordinates
- formal authority
The ________ to command, however, does not itself ________ that employees will comply. Compliance depends very much on employees' attitudes and beliefs about the __________ of the person in authority or the ____________ of the order.
- right
- guarantee
- fitness
- appropriateness
__________ is the motivational factor, or force, that provides the leader with the ability to influence others to change their behaviors as the leader desires.
- Power
People are influenced to respond to a leader's direction to the extent that they perceive the leader to possess ______. Merely being _______ as a person with power is to be recognized as having the _______ to influence others. Individual leaders, simply because of differences among people, will ________ and ____ power differently in their organizational roles.
- power
- perceived
- potential
- possess
- use
List five types of power:
1. Legitimate power
2. Reward power
3. Coercive power
4. Expert power
5. Referent power
Legitimate power is often referred to as _________.
- traditional power
Most subordinates realize that they must follow the __________ of leaders who have legitimate power, with respect to work activities, even though they ________ with the commands given.
- directives
- may not agree
Leaders frequently use ______ to influence others to act. The use of ________ power generally results in ________ compliance, although in ______, a sense of commitment to the leader may be noted.
- rewards
- reward
- long-term
- short-term
Power may arise from a leader's ability to _____ consequences or remove _____ consequences for not performing desired behaviors.
- mete out negative
- positive
The effectiveness of one's individual coercive power is really found in the _______ of its existence in the minds of those who may be _____. The use of coercive power inevitably results in a sense of ___________ by the followers toward the leader.
- perception
- punished
- resentment
_________ is a form of referent power.
Personal magnetism
Subordinates do what these leaders desire because of a sense of _____, _______, or wanting to be held in ______.
- liking
- respect
- high favor
Leadership power = _______ power + ______ power
- position
- personal
For people who are moderate or low in readiness, ______ power - which includes power based on status, reward, connection, and coercion - is more effective.
- position