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91 Cards in this Set

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Transmission of traits from one generation to the next


Demonstrated by the differences in appearance that offspring show from parents and siblings


Scientific study of hereditary and variation

Offspring acquire genes from parents by...

Inheriting chromosomes

Genes are inherited, not physical characteristics

Units of heredity...


Made up of segments of DNA

Passed on to the next generation via reproductive cells (gametes)

Reproductive cells


Sperm and eggs

Somatic cells

All cells of the body except gametes and their precursors


Humans have 46 in the nuclei of their somatic cells

Most DNA is packaged in chromosomes


A genes specific position along a chromosome

Asexual reproduction

Genes are passed on to offspring without the fusion of gametes

Multicellular organisms are capable of this like an amoeba

Reproducing this way creates a clone (genetically identical)

Sexual reproduction

2 parents give rise to offspring that have unique combinations of genes inherited from the two

Humans have ——pairs of chromosomes


In pairs called homologous or homologs

Chromosomes in a pair..

Are same length and shape


An ordered display of the pairs of chromosomes from a cell

Sex chromosomes

Determines sex of an individual

X and Y

Males are XY and females are XX


Remaining 22 pairs of chromosomes outside of the sex chromosomes

Each pair of homologous chromosomes includes...

One chromosomes from each parent

Diploid cell


Has 2 sets of chromosomes

Diploid number for human cells is 46 (2n=46)

Haploid cells

A gamete ( sperm or egg) contains a single set of chromosomes

Haploid number in humans is

23 (n=23)

Each set of 23 consist of 22 autosomes and a single sex chromosome

Sex chromosome in egg versus sperm

Make-X or Y


Human life cycle begins when a haploid sperm fuses with a..

Haploid egg


Union of gametes

Fusion of their nuclei


Fertilized egg

Has one set of chromosomes from each parent

Produces somatic cells by mitosis and develops into an adult

The only cells not produced by mitosis..

Gametes which develop from special germ cells in gonads

Produced by meiosis

Reduces chromosomes to one set in each gamete

Fertilization restores the diploid...

Combines 2 sets of chromosomes


A type of cell division that reduces number of sets of chromosomes from 2-1

Variety of sexual life cycles

3 main types

Differ in timing of meiosis and fertilization

Alternation of generation

Plants and species of algae exhibit a second type of life cycle

Includes diploid stage (sporophyte) and haploid cells (spores)

3rd type of life cycle occurs in

Fungi and some protist

Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes sets from ____ to _____

Diploid to haploid

Takes places in 2 consecutive cell divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II

Results in 4 daughter cells (rather than 2 in mitosis)

Each daughter cell has only half as many chromosomes as parent cell

Stages of meiosis

Chromosomes duplicate during interphase

Resulting sister chromatids are closely associated length-wise (chromatid cohesion)

Chromatids are sorted into 4 haploid daughter cells (different from mitosis)

Meiosis I

4 phases:

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase /cytokinesis

Prophase I

Centrosome movement, spindle formation, nuclear envelop break down

Chromosomes pair with homologous and cross over

Chiasmata occurs

Microtubles move homologous pairs toward the metaphase plate

Metaphase I

Pairs of homologous chromosomes are arranged at metaphase plate

Both are attached to microtubles from one pole and the other to the other

Anaphase I

Breakdown of proteins that hold cohesion of sister chromatid Allows to separate

Move to opposite poles

Cohesion continues at centromere

Telephase I and Cytokinesis

In tele: each half of cell has a complete haploid set of chromosomes

Cyto: occurs simultaneously with telephase forming 2 haploid daughter cells

Cleavage forms in animals, in plants-a cell plate

In some species chromosomes deco dense and nuclear envelope forms


X-shaped regions on homologous pair where crossovers occurred

In prophase I

Crossing over

Chromosome pairs align gene to gene and then

dNa molecules of nonsister chromatids are broken and rejoined together

Prophase II

Spindle apparatus forms

Chromosomes of 2 chromatids associated at centromeres moved by microtubles

Metaphase II

Chromosomes are at metaphase plate

Due to crossing over in meiosis I, sister chromatids are not genetically identical

The kinetochores are attached to microtubles

Anaphase II

Breakdown of proteins sister chromatids together at centromere

Separate and move towards opposite poles as individual chromosomes

Telophase II & cytokinesis

Chromosomes begin condensing

Nuclei form

Cytokinesis begins

The meiotic division of one parent cell produces 4 daughter cells each with a haploid set of chromosomes

The 4 daughter cells are genetically distinct form one another and the parent cell

Genetic variation

Mutations (change in DNA) are original source of genetic diversity

Mutations create different versions of genes called alleles

Reshuffling of alleles during sex reproduction produces genetic variation

Three ways for genetic variation

1. Independent assortment of chromosomes

2. Crossing over

3. Random fertilization

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 1

1. Homologs are aligned.

DNA molecules on nonsister (one mom, one dad) chromatids are broken and start to condense

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 2

2. Zipper like structure called synaptonemal complex forms

Attached one homolog to the other

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 3

Synapsis (green-connecting)

DNA breaks are closed up so that each end is joined with the corresponding segment of the nonsister chromatid

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 4

These crossover points become visible as chiasmata (sing.=chiasma)

Synaptonemal complex dissembles

At least one crossover per pair must happen in order for homologous pair to stay together

Mitosis vs meiosis

Differ genetically vs genetically identical

Reduces the number of chromosomes sets from 2 to 1 vs conserves the number of chromosome sets

3 events unique to meiosis

Anaphase II

Breakdown of proteins sister chromatids together at centromere

Separate and move towards opposite poles as individual chromosomes

Telophase II & cytokinesis

Chromosomes begin condensing

Nuclei form

Cytokinesis begins

The meiotic division of one parent cell produces 4 daughter cells each with a haploid set of chromosomes

The 4 daughter cells are genetically distinct form one another and the parent cell

Each daughter cell is

Genetically distinct from others and parent cell

Each gene on one homolog

Is aligned precisely with the corresponding allele of that gene on the other homolog

ie: eye color match eye color

Independent assortment of chromosomes

Homologous pair of chromosomes orient randomly at metaphase I

Sorts maternal and paternal chromosomes homologs into daughter cells independent of the other pairs

Number of possible combinations: 2^n so In humans this is 2^23

Crossing over

Recombinant chromosomes: chromosomes that carry genes from two different parents (mix DNA from each parent into a Sinhalese chromosome)

Average of 1-3 crossovers in humans

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 3

Synapsis (green-connecting)

DNA breaks are closed up so that each end is joined with the corresponding segment of the nonsister chromatid

Crossing over and synapses during prophase I part 4

These crossover points become visible as chiasmata (sing.=chiasma)

Synaptonemal complex dissembles

At least one crossover per pair must happen in order for homologous pair to stay together

Mitosis vs meiosis

Differ genetically vs genetically identical

Reduces the number of chromosomes sets from 2 to 1 vs conserves the number of chromosome sets

3 events unique to meiosis

Dominant alleles that cause disease


Arise by mutation

Lethal dominant alleles kill offspring before they can mature and reproduce, allele will not be passed on to future generations

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

8th-10th week

Alternative to amniocentesis

Placenta is removed and tested

Cell-free fetal DNA (off DNA)

Isolation of fetal cells or DNA from mothers blood

10 weeks

Ultrasound and fetoscopy

Visually assess health of fetus

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

A recessive inherited disorder that occurs in one of every 10-15,0000 births in US






A form of dwarfism caused by a rare dominant allele (chr 4)

Heterozygous individuals have the phenotype

Huntington’s disease

Degenerative disease of the nervous system

No phenotype effects until age 35/40.

Once the deterioration of nervous system begins, condition is irreversible and fatal

Mutated copy of gene for a protein called huntingtin (chr 4)

Percentage child will inherit Huntington’s disease from parent who has the allele


Dominant allele


Multifactorial disorders

Many diseases have both genetic and environmental components

Genotype typically polygenic

No matter what genotype, lifestyle has an affect on phenotype

The best public Heath strategy is education about relevant environmental factors and promotion of healthy behaviors

Preventive healthcare

Using family histories genetic counseling helps couples determine odds that their children will have genetic disorders

It is important to remember that each child represents an independent event

ie: John and carol: to determine if carriers, couple would be either AA or Aa.

Each have 2/3 chance so 2/3x2/3x1/4(chance of 2 carriers having a child with disease)= 1/9 chance they will have

Testing for carriers

Growing number of diseases are tested

Test enable people to make informed decisions

Raises issues as to whether affected individuals fully understand their genetic test results


Fetal testing for some genetic disorders

14th-16th week

Dominant alleles that cause disease


Arise by mutation

Lethal dominant alleles kill offspring before they can mature and reproduce, allele will not be passed on to future generations

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

8th-10th week

Alternative to amniocentesis

Placenta is removed and tested

Cell-free fetal DNA (off DNA)

Isolation of fetal cells or DNA from mothers blood

10 weeks

Ultrasound and fetoscopy

Visually assess health of fetus

Dominant allele






Using family histories genetic counseling helps couples determine odds that their children will have genetic disorders

It is important to remember that each child represents an independent event

ie: John and carol: to determine if carriers, couple would be either AA or Aa.

Each have 2/3 chance so 2/3x2/3x1/4(chance of 2 carriers having a child with disease)= 1/9 chance they will have

Huntington’s disease

Degenerative disease of the nervous system

No phenotype effects until age 35/40.

Once the deterioration of nervous system begins, condition is irreversible and fatal

Mutated copy of gene for a protein called huntingtin (chr 4)


Fetal testing for some genetic disorders

14th-16th week

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

8th-10th week

Alternative to amniocentesis

Placenta is removed and tested

Multifactorial disorders

Many diseases have both genetic and environmental components

Genotype typically polygenic

No matter what genotype, lifestyle has an affect on phenotype

The best public Heath strategy is education about relevant environmental factors and promotion of healthy behaviors

Preventive healthcare

Using family histories genetic counseling helps couples determine odds that their children will have genetic disorders

It is important to remember that each child represents an independent event

ie: John and carol: to determine if carriers, couple would be either AA or Aa.

Each have 2/3 chance so 2/3x2/3x1/4(chance of 2 carriers having a child with disease)= 1/9 chance they will have


