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33 Cards in this Set

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brochure sách nhỏ, injury, indicator ( vật chỉ dẫn)m allergies (dị ứng)

residential căn hộ, college cao đẳng

clinic (bệnh viện) colleagues đồng nghiệp

refectory [ri'fektri], phòng ăn

orientation, eligible ['elidʒəbl]( đủ điều kiện) nursery, cassettes. prosperous (giàu sang). surrounding, divide, approach, feedback.

sự định hướng, label ( nhãn), glue ( keo, hồ) scene ( cảnh) cavern ( hang) excursion ( cuộc đi chơi), secretary, festival

continent, continental, châu lục, dissertation ( luận văn) software. analysis. catalog, catalogue. garden, bargain, organiser,

statistic, specific, draft, index ( chỉ dẫn), purchase, souvenir , garage, shade bóng râm, assignment, survivor, survival

harvest ['hɑ:vist]m corner, valley, postcode, circle, runners, volunteer, passenger. coast, responsibility. timetabling,

vụ mùa, refreshment, modernised,harbour, enrolment, handle, system, complicated,

specialize, brief, exhibition, temperature, transformed, discovery, statue, southern, evidence,frame, wing triangular, rectangular, diamon, message

đặc trưng, obviously, concrete, raincoat, pair of, waterproof, muddy, hammer, supply, sandwich, biscuit. split. divide,forbidden, appearance

supplement ['sʌpliment], crystal, concrete, holiday

phần bổ sung, proposal

soft [sɔft] , soft drink, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

January, February, march, April, May, June, July, august, September, October, November, December

thức ăn nhẹ

life guards [gɑ:d], guardian, announce, winner

bảo vệ, species, apologise, monday

lounge, lounger ['laundʒə], seminar chuyên đề, assignment

đi dạo, lang thang, người đi dạo
Phòng chờ, science, math, history, biology, geography, challengen, mechanical, sociology,

squash court, tennis court

sân chơi bóng quần, tennis

reservation [,rezə'vei∫n]

đặt trước

snooker ['snu:kə], leaflet ['li:flit]tờ from

chơi bi a, register ['redʒistə] đăng ký

gear [giə], upstairs, succe ss, successful, successfully, enormous, quiet

dụng cụ


ngay lập tức


ký túc xá

voucher ['vaut∫ə]

phiếu trả tiền


danh sách

admissions office

nhà quản lý

receipt [ri'si:t]

biên nhận


hành lý

excursion [iks'kə:∫n] Does your school have schoolexcursion? How long does the whole excursiontake?

cuộc đi chơi


phường, khu vực

proceduce [prə'si:dʒə]

thủ tục


tầng trệt

council offices


bunch of key


umbrella, cái ô , identify, property


surprise, ngạc nhiên , author

crocodile, penguins, dinosour, tiger, lion, shark, dolphin, scary, frightening, signature, do a quiz.

cupboard, sculpture ( bức tượng)

craft ( thủ công) basket ( cái rổ)


vacant, answer

twelve, 12, recruiting ( tuyển mộ)


concert, concession

intermediate, budget, shampoo,

fridge ( tủ lạnh) insurance ( bảo hiểm), furniture ( đồ đạc).

possession ( tài sản).