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37 Cards in this Set

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1.What is the principle of learning Elder Scott taught us to use for our own learning?
“Throughout the remainder of my life, I will seek to learn by what I see, hear, and feel. I will write down the important things I learn and I will do them.”
2. What is Walter Gong’s “three person problem” and how can it help us learn the Book of Mormon lessons and everything else better?
The project assignments for this class are meant to help you do this- share what you learn with others while understanding that what you learn from a teacher involves you as a learner and them as a teacher. What you pass on involves you as a teacher another person as the learner which helps all three learn better.
3. According to Elder Bednar, what is the "Living Water"?
The living water referred to in this episode is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. And as water is necessary to sustain physical life, so the Savior and His doctrines, principles, and ordinances are essential for eternal life. You and I need His living water daily and in ample supply to sustain our ongoing spiritual growth and development.
4. According to Elder Bednar, what is the “reservoir of living water,” and how does it replenish our lives physically and spiritually?
The scriptures contain the words of Christ and are a reservoir of living water to which we have ready access and from which we can drink deeply and long. You and I must look to and come unto Christ, who is “the fountain of living waters” (1 Nephi 11:25; compare Ether 8:26; 12:28), by reading (see Mosiah 1:5), studying (see D&C 26:1), searching (see John 5:39; Alma 17:2), and feasting (see 2 Nephi 32:3) upon the words of Christ as contained in the holy scriptures. By so doing, we can receive both spiritual direction and protection during our mortal journey.
5. What did Elder Packer prophecy about us and our dispensation, as cited in Elder Bednar’s talk?
“The revelations will be opened to them as to no other in the history of the world. Into their hands now are placed the sticks of Joseph and of Judah. They will develop a gospel scholarship beyond that which their forebears could achieve. They will have the testimony that Jesus is the Christ and be competent to proclaim Him and to defend Him” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, 53).
6. According to Elder David A. Bednar, what are three ways to obtain living water from the spiritual reservoir?
I now want to review with you three basic ways or methods of obtaining living water from the scriptural reservoir: (1) reading the scriptures from beginning to end, (2) studying the scriptures by topic, and (3) searching the scriptures for connections, patterns, and themes. Each of these approaches can help satisfy our spiritual thirst if we invite the companionship and assistance of the Holy Ghost as we read, study, and search.
7. What are two ways President Benson said the Book of Mormon brings people to Christ?
It plainly testifies of Christ and exposes the enemies of Christ.
8. What does it mean to be anti-Christ?
To deny His divine birth and nature as the Son of God, to downplay or deny His teachings, and to deny that his sufferings, atonement, and resurrection happened or having meaning to anyone.
9. How does Korihor match the pattern of other anti-Christs:
Anti-Christ Reference Substitute philosophy about Salvation

Sherem Jacob 7 There is no Christ.
Salvation is in living the law of Moses perfectly.

Nehor Alma 1 All mankind will be saved no matter what they do.

Korihor Alma 30 There will be no Christ.
There is no life after this one.
10. What were Alma’s responses to Korihor’s arguments and how can you follow his example when confronted by Satan’s lies through things you read or people you meet?
1. Obtain your own witness so you are not vulnerable to Satan’s many lies. 2. Bear fervent witness of what you know is true and leave the rest to God. 3. Invite the person to reconsider their fundamental beliefs in light of the many evidences that bear witness of God and His teachings to all who use their agency to be open to these witnesses. 4. Invite them to see that they cannot disprove God’s existence or the many witnesses of Him and His work among us using the five senses any better than they can prove them by these means alone. They must consider the spiritual domain as well if they are going to know spiritual things. They have likely had experiences in that domain before since all of us who come to this world have the Light of Christ. Build on experiences they have had with the Spirit to build up hope for more such experiences and faith to obtain them. 5. Do not succumb to their logic or threats, which eventually will prove to be empty or irrational. Remember that one can have faith in Satan as well as others can have faith in God. All our ideas about how and what we can know, what we value as true and right or wrong spring out of what we choose to believe and act upon in faith.
11. How did God support Alma in his responses?
Just as He did Moses in the Pearl of Great Price and does all of us—He had given Alma a witness of the truth and of his salvation from his sins through the atonement of Christ so he could face Satan’s representative with confidence. He gave him the power of discernment so he know what Korihor’s thoughts were. He gave him the power of the Priesthood to cast Satan out by silencing Korihor when he demanded a sign. He strengthened Alma’s testimony through this experience and it is clear that we all expect Alma to go on to eternal glory because of his choices in accepting God’s will.
12. What is the seed in Alma 32:28 and how may we nourish it?
It is the word of truth about the mission of Christ. We nourish the word of truth through humility, hope and faith we exercise through our attitude and actions to nourish our testimony of Christ.
13. What is the process Alma gives in Alma 32 for the Zoramites to change that applies to all of us
We must begin with humility, which is the essential context for feeling the Spirit; then through faith we show a willingness to hope for that which is true and to act on what the Spirit tells us to do; we allow the seed (Words of truth concerning the mission of Christ) to grow into a tree bearing fruit (Being like Christ, with seeds for eternal life in it), by being healthy soil (us and our willingness to exercise faith in Christ and do His works), which nurtures the seed as it grows into a tree (keeping our covenants so the atonement can work in our lives). Alma is calling these people and us to receive a changed nature.
Hebrew word is built into the term “rameumpton” that Joseph Smith wouldn’t have known but included in the translation?
15. How is the atonement infinite?
Saves all people everywhere from death throughout all time (past, present, and future). The author (Christ) is infinite
16. What are the steps of change in heart and birth as a new creature that Alma went through and which we all must go through, even if not so dramatically?
McConkie and Millet, pages 267-8—A. We must be brought to an awareness of our sins and need to change, perhaps through the prayers of others, through the whisperings of the Spirit, or other means. B. We must suffer pain of conscience and a broken heart as we recognize the wrong we have done, which should motivate us to acknowledge that we need help and must change. C. Joy, love, peace, and gratitude as we recognize that Christ is taking our burden from us and we have hope of a better future and we receive the Holy Ghost. D. Recognition of the fact that this is possible through Christ and His grace, after all that we can do to change. E. Zeal, devotion, and service to God in making restitution and living up to our new perspective.
17. Do you have to forget your sins to be forgiven?
No! Why? Alma’s example shows us that remembering is essential to learning from our experiences and being able to share those experiences with others to help them in their temptations.
18. Do you have to suffer for your sins to be forgiven?
Not to be forgiven but to be motivated to repent we often need to have our hearts softened and “harrowed” so we will take our change of heart seriously. Why? Christ has suffered for our sins and that is what allows us to be forgiven. But we must suffer enough to be motivated to come unto Christ to receive His atonement.
19. What is the role of parents and others in encouraging repentance?
Like Alma’s father and like Alma with his sons, parents and leaders who have stewardship, and friends who care can play a role in helping us recognize we need repentance and that we can repent and change through Christ’s gift of the atonement.
20. What is the role of revelation in repentance and knowledge we are forgiven?
Alma 36:4 suggests that Alma knew he was forgiven and all else through his experiences and through witness of the Spirit. Likewise, we can know by God’s peace he sends to us. Alma 38:6 reiterates this.
21. What are 2 or more pieces of advice Alma gave to his sons that they could use to be better people, teachers, and/or missionaries.
Alma 36:1 Keep the commandments of God and prosper. Alma 36:2 Learn from your fathers’ examples. Alma 36:3 Put your trust in God. Alma 37:34 be meek and lowly. Alma 27:35 Learn in your youth to keep the commandments. Alma 37:36 Let all your prayers, thoughts, actions, and affections be unto the Lord. Alma 37:37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings. Alma 37:45 Follow the words of Christ. Alma 37:47 Look to God and live. Alma 38:5 Trust in the Lord. Alma 38:9 Learn that we may only be saved through Christ. Alma 38:10-15 Be diligent, humble, bold, bridling all passions, acknowledge your unworthiness and pray for your brethren, Alma 39- Repent!
22. Who do McConkie and Millet (pg 278) believe is Gazelem?
Joseph Smith re: Alma 37:23
23. What is the Liahona a type or shadow or symbolic of?
Christ and His word (Alma 37:38-47)
24. What are the three most serious sins?
Alma 39:3-6 Denying the Holy Ghost, murder, sexual sins.
25. Name at least two of Corianton’s weaknesses we also must guard against.
Pride, ignoring good examples and advice from others, forsaking our ministry or stewardship or duty, succumbing to temptations, associating with the wrong influences, sexual sin.
26. What does it mean to “cross yourself” as noted in Alma 39:9?
To take up our cross like Christ did and stop ourselves from anything that would take us from the path He is inviting us to follow. JST Matthew 16:25-6 and 3 Nephi 12:29-30.
27. What does the Greek word “porneia” mean and what sins does it refer to?
Fornication, adultery, and addiction to pornography.
28. what did president benson and and president kimball say about prevention and preparing?
28. President Benson said it is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent. President Kimball said prevention is far better than redemption when it comes to sexual sin.
29. What are Alma’s warnings he gives to Corianton for preventing sin?
Follow good examples, listen to your parents’ and other trusted people’s advice, recognize and overcome your pride, stay away from temptation (stay within your mission rules and boundaries), willingly accept the pain that comes with sin and let it motivate you to repent, cross yourself and use the shield God gives to prevent future sin,
30. What are four principles of resurrection we learn of in Alma 40?
A. Christ was the first to be resurrected. B. There is a timeline with Christ as the first and the sons of perdition last to be resurrected. C. There is a space of time between death and the resurrection where we exist in the spirit world. D. Resurrection in restoration of our bodies to our spirits (souls) forever.
31. What are four principles of restoration we learn of in Alma 41?
A. Our bodies are restored to our spirits. B. All parts of our bodies are restored. C. Our desires are restored. D. Our works are restored.
32. How does Alma (in chapter 42) explain the relationship between mercy and justice as a central part of the plan of salvation?
There is a law and we are free to choose to obey or disobey (22). If you disobey (17-18) you receive an affixed punishment to create within you remorse of punishment to bring you to repent (24). If you repent, the plan of happiness (mercy- verse 15) kicks in for you because of the atonement. How does the plan appease or pay for or satisfy or justify? Alma 34:15-16 Mercy overpowereth and satisfies the demands of justice. It is these principles that make us live.
33. What percentage of the Book of Mormon is included in the “war chapters” from Alma 43-63?
one tenth
34. What are some likely explanations for why Mormon included so many pages regarding war in the book of Alma and elsewhere?
Because war was the life of Mormon. Because he was writing for our time when we have so much war going on and he is giving us practical ideas for how to deal with it. This life IS an extension of the war in heaven. Fascination with war in our latter-day literature. To help us see the good people are able to do in situations of great evil like we face today too. Inspiring to know that we are capable of dealing with and overcoming not only the evil around us but the evil within us
35. What are some of the principles we learn in the “war chapters” that make these chapters worth inclusion?
A. War is justified when we are defending our liberty, families, and the truth but not when we are trying to take these from others. B. Satan returns to our weak points so let the Lord help you turn your weaknesses to strengths (Ether 12:27) like Moroni did in strengthening the weakest cities. C. Be prepared to deal with dissenters and to be more like Moroni (receiving God’s guidance in fighting evil) than like Ammoran and his brother and Morianton who want to have power, like Satan, by taking away our freedom. D. Follow the examples of the Sons of Helaman who made and kept their covenants with exactness and thus received God’s protection. E. Be forgiving like both Pahoran and Moroni were but also courageous and willing to take action we believe we should. F. Important role of mothers (and fathers) in helping children know what is right and wrong and learn to follow the Spirit. G. Don’t blame problems on others or anything else. Always be willing and ready to cleanse the inner vessel and be united within and with others. H. Others students may identify.
36. What evidence from the video excerpts we watched on the Book of Mormon (Journey of faith: the new world by Johnson, Peter N.) helps build your testimony that Joseph Smith couldn’t have made up the book but was truly a prophet?
Notes on: mesoamerica, description of hourglass land, river sidan, fortifications, warfare=famin, newsyears kill king, calender, swords.
37. What is the relationship between evidence, such as that shown in the video, and spiritual evidence in building testimony?
needing to testify to our minds and hearts.