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47 Cards in this Set

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Organic cause for aganglionic megacolon
congenital lack of myenteric plexus and dilation of proximal bowl
d/t loss of function of ret oncogene
What are the two likely areas where the bowl may become ischemic?
splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction
these are watershed areas that are between the superior and inferior mesenteric supply zones
Random guy comes in with no history because he was treated with crainal OMT and became amnetic. He has epic diarrhea and endoscopic finding shows a gray, necrotic pseudomembrane. dx? tx?
pseudomembranous colitis
tx with metronidazole or oral vanc
Benign hamartoma of the colon, pigmented lips, mouth, hands, and frank & beans. Increased cancer risk of stomach, breast, and ovaries.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
pt presents with intense pain upon hip flexion and external rotation. He has diffuse abdominal pain, positive rebound tenderness, and urine is positive for WBC, RBC. dx?
acute appendicitis
usually d/t fecalith
+psoas sign
+obturator sign
MC tumor of appendix?
In hepatocellular degeneration there is an accumulation of what in the brain, kidney, liver, and cornea leading to what sxs?
This is Wilson's disease
marked by decreased ceruloplasmin (Cu+ serum carrier)
brain - psychosis, incoordination
kidney - Cu+ in urine
cornea - Kayser Fleischer rings (orange rings)
liver - cirrhosis
pt presents with cancer like sxs. Serum positive for elevated alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT. Alpha feto protein is a tumor marker
liver cancer
PIMP QUESTION: why do patients that present with pancreatitis have hypocalcemia?
Ca++ binds to the fats being "digested" by the pancreas
8 y/o pt presents with vomiting, RUQ pain with mass, and concurrent adenovirus infection. What is this pt at high risk for?
What is the clinical picture of midgut volvulus?
neonate under 1 month
vomiting, bloody diarrhea, abdominal distention
duodenum and colon malrotate
Clinical picture of necrotizing enterocolitis and risk factors?
vomiting, blood in stool (not diarrhea), lethargy, and fluctuating temp
maternal NSAID use, premie, comorbid disease
Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes are found where and are associated with what condition?
osteophytes at interphalangeal joints
The following are associated with what:
increased ESR
increased CRP
HLA-DR4, Dw4, or Dw14 positive
sclerosis of vertebral end-plate, X-ray shows "rugger jersey" vertebrae, brittle bones with increased density and abnormal skeletal remolding
OsteoPETrosis - aka marble bones/Albers-Schronberg
Rugger jersey spine - horizontal sclerotic bands adjacent to the endplates
also associated with renal osteodystrophy - changes in bone d/t renal failure
alpha 1 - smooth mm dilator, sphincter constrict
b1 - increases HR, lipolysis, secretes renin
b2- vasodilate, bronchodilate, insulin, decrease uterine
alpha 2 - vasoconstriction
necrosis of femoral head in children in the absence of trauma?
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Serum and X-ray findings in osteomalacia (bone pain + fractures)
diffuse radiolucency with "looser zones" - radiolucent bands that run perpendicular to the periosteal surface d/t pseudo fractures
Low Ca++, phosphate (renal fcn intact), high alkaline phosphatase
ADR of long term use of phenytoin and phenobartital
inhibit livers conversion of vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3
Complication of hyperparathyroidism, results in microfractures and secondary hemorrhages that cause an ingrowth of firbous tissue + hemosiderin deposition (brown tumors)
Von Recklinghausen disease of the bone
HyperPTH possibly 2nd to CRF
deaf patient presents with bone pain, frontal bossing, X-ray shows "chalk-stick" fractures of lower extremities and enlarged thickened bones with thick cortex, extremely high alkaline phosphatase. pt hx positive for severe viral infection
Paget's disease
"chalkstick" fractures - transverse to the long axis of the bone, like a broken stick of chalk
Benign tumor of cartilage producing cells, peaks in 1st and 2nd decade, occurs in epiphyses of femur, tibia, and humerus
Of the following, which present with pain:
osteoid osteoma
osteoma - painless (skull +face)
osteoid osteoma - painful (limbs of teens)
osteoblastoma - mild, achy, dull pain
Highest incidence in whitey , tumor in the medullary cavity of bone that invades the cortex & periosteum. Presents in the long bones and pelvis, which is tender and painful. may present with fever, anemia, and leukocytosis.
Ewing's sarcoma
Homer-Wright rosette cells (small, round and blue) are seen in what tumors?
Ewing's sarcoma
Wilms' tumor
The following tumors are derived from what:
Neural tube derived
Low grade astrocytoma
anaplastic astrocytoma
glioblastoma multiform
Are all subtypes of which tumor?
Fibrillary astrocytoma
Brain tumor of the cerebellum in kids and young adults, cystic tumor cells with hair-like processes, slow growing and tends not to infiltrate
Pilocystic astrocytoma
Very common cerebellar tumor in the midline of children, may block CSF flow-->hydrocephalus, very cellular, malignant, and radiosensitive
The following brain tumors are derived from what:
Neural crest
The following brain tumors are derived from what?
pituitary adenoma
The following brain tumors are derived from what:
Mesoderm ("means o' derm)
What is the function of ApoE and what disease, if present, increases the age of onset?
ApoE binds amyloid beta plaques
Alzheimer's (FYI a marked decrease in neurons the nucleus basalis of Meynart)
NDD (neuro-degenerative disease), 1st sx usually loss of smell, intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic inclusions of alpha-synuclein; found in SN and nucleus basalis of Meynert
Dementia d/t eosinophilic inclusion bodies composed of tau protein in large ballooned cells found in the frontal-temproal areas
Picks disease
NDD that manifests with asymmetric weakness of the hands, followed by symmetrical muscle atrophy, hyper/hyporeflexia, no loss of eye movement or incontinence. 1/5 are d/t as genetic defect in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). 90% sporatic
NDD d/t atrophy of the caduate nucleus, putamen, and frontal cortex. Trinucleotide repeat of gene on chro. 4, affects cholinergic and GABA-ergic neurons primarily meduim spiny striatal neurons (motor output to basal ganglia)
NDD characterized by degeneration of the posterior columns, corticospinal tract, spinocerebellar tract, cerebellum, brainstem, CN 8,10, and 12, sensory nerves and DRG. All d/t a GAA repeat leading to a deficiency of frataxin. Manifests ~5-15 years
Fredreich's Ataxia
NDD d/t longstanding hypertension, characterized by multiple lacunar infacts and progressive demylination of subcortex. Marked by progressive confusion and multiple mood disorder
Binswager's disease
NDD of the brainstem and cranial nerves resulting in diarrhea, respiratory difficulties, and dysphagia.
Progressive bulbar palsy
NDD of infants by death usually at age 3. Characterized by destruction of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. Artrophic muscles develop from denervation.
Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome
Disease that has deposits in the Descemet's membrane, the basement membrane that lies between the corneal proper substance, also called stroma, and the endothelial layer of the cornea.
Kayser-fleischer rings
Standard treatment combination of Hodgkin's lymphoma/disease (cancer originating from WBC/lymphocytes that spreads from lymph node group to the next and can cause systemic sxs late in disease. + Reed-Sternberg cell:
DOC for bladder and testicular cancer and BIG ADR
strong emetic-inducing effect 2nd to 5-HT receptor effects
Primary indication is ALL and its ADR are...
hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction, decreased clotting factors, liver problems, pancreatitis, seizures and coma. Maaaaybe you were better off before you began treatment with L-asparaginase???
DOC combination for ALL
All NSAIDs (non-selective COX-2) can increase the risk of what around the time of conception?