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65 Cards in this Set

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Drug that blocks the reabsorption of Na+ at the late distal convoluted tubule. ADR are hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, menstrual irregularities and gynecomastia
Drug approved for the prevention and treatment of migraines by stimulating 5-HT1 receptors. CI in Prinzmetal's angina (vasospasm), uncontrolled HTN, and may produce seritonin syndrome if taken with an SSRI
Sumatriptan and the triptans
DOC for moderate to severe migraines by blocking 5-HT2 receptors inducing VC. CI in pregnancy, PVD, and CAD
5-HT4 agonist used as an anti-emetic. Increases GI motility, minimizes gastroparesis and vomiting
anti-emetics that block 5-HT3 receptors in the CNS
Potential use of this drug is adjunct in the management of transplant patients because of its effects to inhibit T cell stimulation. What is the ADR profile?
bromocriptine - dopamine agonist
hallucinations, confusion, delirium, nausea, orthostatic hypotension and generally worsens any pre-existing mental conditions
Drug used in the treatment of open angle glaucoma and also in the treatment of elevation sickness by decreasing CSF fluid production in the choroid plexus. ADR are hypokalemia, renal stone formation, drowsiness, and metatabolic acidosis.
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Thiazides cannot be used if the patient has
complete renal failure, need a functional kidney to work
The most potent diauretic, works at the ascending loop of Henle by blocking the Na+/K+/Ca++ co-transport system. ADR are ototoxicity (esp if used with an aminogylcoside). CI in pts with sulfa allergy
MOA and ADR profile for triamterene and amiloride
Directly block the Na+/K+ exchange
leg cramp, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, and high BUN
Indicated for acute renal failure d/t shock or trauma and ingestion of toxic substances and to decrease intracranial pressure
Osmotic agents
mannitol and urea
maintains urine flow and decreases CSF pressure
Name the action of the muscles that move the tongue, innervated by CN 12:
pulls tongue out
pulls tongue in and up
pulls tongue down
Damage to hypoglossal nerve presents clinically
genioglossus mm (stick tongue out) of healthy side becomes dominant and tongue will deviate TOWARDS side of damage
originates on the spine of the mandible and inserts on the hyoid bone
Damage to the aortic arch may damage the ________ nerve, while damage to the right subclavian artery may damage the _______ nerve
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
right recurrent laryngeal nerve
How does tennis elbow present?
inflammation of the LATERAL epicondyle, which is the common origin of the extensor mm of the forearm
pt will prob say something about a wicked backhand
Fracture of the radius near the wrist
Colles' fracture
ML a fall on a hard surface bracing the fall with outstretched hand
What position of the leg places it in greatest risk for a fracture of the head of femur?
leg is ABDucted and externally rotated
pt presents after grand piano fell on fibula and he cannot dorsiflex foot, watcha say?
injury to the common peroneal nerve
winds around the neck of fibula
"foot drop"
occlusion of the left coronary artery, which branches into the circumflex and LAD would damage which areas of the heart?
left atrium
left ventricle
anterior septum
the testis receives blood supply from three arteries:
internal iliac artery-->
inferior epicgastric artery-->
testicular artery
artery to vas deferens
cremasteric artery
pt can understand everything you are saying, but when asked to respond he produces non-fluent speech
Broca's aphasia
pt cannot comprehend what you are say and when asked to respond his speech is fluent but makes no sense
Wernicke's aphasia
Occlusion to the anterior cerebral aa results in..
motor and sensory loss to the contralateral legs and feet
Occlusion to the middle cerebral aa results in...
motor and sensory loss to the contralateral upper body and face
yolk sac tumor _______ always elevated
Choriocarcinoma __________ always elevated
Sertoli or leydig tumors produce endocrine abnormalities?
leydig, all day long
Nematode (helminth) that can cause squamous carcinoma of the bladder
Schistosoma haematobium
Carcinoma of the bladder that presents with broad yellow plaques in mucosa. Mico see foamy macrophages and multi-nucleated giant cells with a calculus or inorganic mass
(Michaelis-Gutman bodies)
Chronic prostatits is usually non-bacterial, but can be d/t_________. While acute prostatitis is usually caused by gram____________ bacteria, usually ______________.
Chlamydia; negitive; E. coli
What is the most common area of the prostate to hypertrophy and why? Most common area of adenocarcinoma and why?
anteromedial because it is estrogen sensitive (alcoholics?)
posterolateral because it is angrogen sensitive (palpate through the pooper)
Basic explanation of the Gleason grading scale?
urologist takes a FNA of prostate through rectum. Grades the cells based on the most common tumor pattern and adds to that score the next most common pattern.
i.e. if the tumor pattern matches tumor pattern 4, he then adds 5 and the score is 9. Max is 10 (5 + 5 bc 5 is the highest grade)
The Gleason grading scale is based on 5 patterns, match number to description:
Cancerous prostate closely matches normal tissue. Glands are small, well-formed and closely packed
Tissue has well formed glands, but larger with more tissue between them
Tissue has recognizable glands, but cells are darker, some cells are beginning to invade surrounding tissue
Few recognizable glands, many cells are are invading surrounding tissue
No recognizable glands, sheets of cells in surrounding tissue
pt presents with trouble voiding bladder, DRE + for prostate hyperplasia. pt goes on a 10 year medical hiatus then returns with low back pain and states his bones hurt. What will serology likely show?
↑total PSA, ↓fraction of free PSA
↑serum alkaline phosphatase
↑prostatic acid phosphatase
He is in late stage AEB metastasis to bone
Most cases of UTIs are d/t? A close second?
E. coli
Black bitches wiping back to front and "poop-cooch" occurs
Staphylococcus saprophytocus - Novobiocin resistant (epidermis = senstitive), phosphatase negitive, urase and lipase positive
Whats the story with acute bacterial pyelonephtitis?
causative agent
kidney involvement
tender costovertebral angle, fever
gram negative rod, don't pick enterococcus (it tends to cause UTIs)
WBC casts in urine (PN for renal inflammation)
Pt complains of vauge flank pain. Urogram shows dilated calyces with overlying scar. Dx?
Chronic bacterial pyelonephritis
Sexually active female presents with growth on her lady parts. Biopsy shows kilocytes and large epithelial cells with clear cytoplasmic halo around an atypical nucleus. There is aberrant growth of the keritinocytes in the stratum germiinativum
condyloma acuminata (genital wart) via HPV
Mothers who were exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) will have daughters that are at an increased risk for what?
Clear cell carcinoma
The three D's of endometriosis
The most common tumor of women. sxs
fibroids (leiomyoma)
ectopic growth of endometrial tissue
severe cyclical pain and ectopic bleeding
What are the 5 types of epithelial ovarian neoplasms (75% of all ovarian tumors)
cystadenomas (benign)
Serous cystadenocarcinoma
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
Clear cell
Epithelial ovarian tumor that can lead to pseudomyxoma peritonei? what is it again?
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
d/t peritoneal seeding of the cancer
peritoneum becomes engorged with mucinous material
Dysgerminoma (F) =seminoma (M)
endodermal sinus tumor = yolk sac tumor. Whats elevated again?
Which tumor can cause Meigs' syndrome?
Fibroma (stromal neoplasm)
tumor seeds pleura and peritoneal cavities and secretes fliud
Meigs' sd = ascities, hydrothorax, fibroma
Stromal neoplasm (female) that produces estrogen. In adults = endometrial hyperplasia, kids = precocious puberty. Histo shows follicles with eosinophlic secretions
Granulosa cell tumor
Call-Exner bodies
# 1 cause of salpingitis and how to recognize it clinically
Chlamydia trachomatis
Onset follows menses with acute abdomen, + rebound tenderness and vag discharge. On bimanual, if it hurts to move cervix to left-->left salpingitis
Only treatment of a tubo-ovarian abcess lead to by PID
Surgical removal
rupture can quickly lead to septic shock and infertility
Two big players in vulvovaginitis and clinical presentation
Gardnerella 50% (Mobiluncus is associated)
pain, burning sensation, itching
The placenta things that I keep getting confused:
Abruptio placentae
Placenta accreta
Placenta previa
Abruptio placentae - separation of placenta and uterine wall MC in 3rd tri. Fetal death and DIC in Mom (d/t seepage of fetal thromboplastin)
Placenta accreta - adhesion of placenta to the myometrium, leads to massive maternal bleeding
Placenta previa - implantation at the bottom of uterus, may obstruct cervical os (PN sudden painless vaginal bleeding) in any trimester
Long term effect of untreated kernicterus?
mental retardation and deafness
Treatment of eclampsia
Diazepam (for seizures that don't respond to MgSO4)
Classic eclampsia sxs (HELLP)
Seizures +
Hemolytic anemia
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low platlets
Pt in early pregnancy presents with vaginal bleeding and rapid swelling of the uterus. Ultrasound of placenta appears like a large, bloody bunch of grapes (snowstorm pattern). HCG is through the roof. What is she at risk for and what is treatment?
Hydatiform mole
Risk for choriocarcinoma
tx with methotrexate or evacuate
Slutty female pt presents with small ulcerating papules and lymph node swelling in the inguinal region, with a "groove-like" skin fold over the inguinal ligament. Tx? If she were to give birth to a slutty kid, what is he at risk for?
This is lymphogranuloma venereum caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
treat with doxycyline or azithromycine
kid could develop conjunctivitis or pneumonia with "straccato cough" d/t eosinophilia
Can a pregnant hoebag Mon with syphilis transfer her kooties to the fetus? If so, when?
ALWAYS after the 1st trimester
So you are treating a female with syphilis with penicillin and an hour later she presents to the ER with septic-like sxs. WTF
Penicillin killed all the treponemes and they released their endotoxin-like substances with caused a cytokine storm. This could have been prevented with prophylactic administration of antihistamines or NSAIDS
pt presents with painful ulcers on the frank and beans with local lymphadenitis. Gram stain of pus shows multiple fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus. Tx?
this is a painful chancroid caused by H. ducrei
tx with azithromycin, cephalosporin/ciprofloxin
pt presents with genital ulcers and soft tissue destruction and suspicion of bone destruction. Gram stain shows stained organism in macrophages. Tx?
This is granuloma inguinale caused by Klebsiella granulomatis
tx with tetracycline
PN Donovan bodies - Klebsiella within large macrophages)
Kid comes in with recurrent pyogenic infections with staph and strep. PE shows peripheral neuropathy and albinism
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
defect in microtubular function that impairs phagocytosis
Causes mono with a negative mono-spot test
Positive heterophile abs
IgE binds to mast cells and what other cell?
Basophils bitches
This is a tad embarrassing, but what does a basophil do again?
Mediates allergic rxns
granules release heparin, histamine
vasoactive amines
PAP smear shows characterized cytologically by multineculeated giant cells with viral inclusions