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55 Cards in this Set

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What do the following have in common?
chemical poison
potential to cause parenchymal disease resulting in restrictive lung disease
pt presents with cor pulmonale (rt sided heart failure) and CXR shows honeycomb lung
Interstitial fibrosis
CHF, nephrotic sd, and hepatic cirrhosis cause ____________ effusions, while malignancy, pneumonia, radiation, and chylothorax cause ___________ effusions.
transudate; exudate
Pt presents with hemoptysis, iron deficiency, and proteinuria. Renal biopsy reveals linear anti-GBM IgG deposits. Tx?
this is Goodpasture's
emergent steroids
Pt presents with sinusitis, bloody nose, fever, and joint pain. What anti-body would confirm your dx?
C ANCA anti-body
dx of Wegner's
pt with a hx of asthma presents with fever, tachycardia, and signs of an MI (which are all systemic symptoms). What anti-body is highly sensitive to make the dx of Churg-Strauss?
eosinophilia in lung and blood
pt presents with SOB, cough, easy fatigue. CXR shows eggshell calcifications in hilar lymph nodes. What was his likely job?
sand blaster
the carotid bodies are the major sensors to __________.
the central chemoreceptors senors to _________.
The Hering-Breuner reflex acts to do what?
Peripheral chemoreceptors are the major mediator of compensatory __________ in the case of metabolic ___________.
hypoxia (more sensitive than aortic bodies)
hypercapnia (high CO2)
Vagal response to terminate inspiration when the lung capacity reaches 1 L
hyperventilation; acidosis
For the following, match the factor with its association with acute interstitial nephtitis or acute tubular necrosis:
contrast media
dirty brown casts
proteinuria, RBCs, WBCs, and WBC casts
penicillin, dilantin, infections, radiation
hypersensitivity response
aminoglycosides - ATN
contrast media - ATN
dirty brown casts - ATN
proteinuria, RBCs, WBCs, and WBC casts - AIN
penicillin, dilantin, infections, radiation - AIN
hypersensitivity response - AIN
A pt with a partial airway obstruction can compensate for an increased PCO2 by hyperventilating (central chemoreceptor response), but not a decreased PO2
prokaryotes are inhibited from dividing by blocking __________, which are done by drugs that block __________ _________.
translation; protein synthesis inhibitors
match the drugs that block translation at the 50s and 30s:
50s CEC - chloramphenicol, erythryomycin, clindamycin
30s TA - tetracycline, aminoglycosides
this drug has a seriously weird pharm profile, name the drug based on the following:
pseudotumor cerebri, exacerbated by isotretonin
stains teeth in kids under 8
CI in preggers
not to be taken within 2 hours of antacid, iron, calcium, or dairy products as they impair absorption
pseudotumor cerebri - increased intracranial pressure in the absence of a tumor. Which is ironic bc tetracycline doesn't cross the BBB
drug ID based on the following:
inhibits peptidyl transferase at 50s (same MOA for clindamycin)
inhibits P450
bone marrow toxicity-->fatal aplastic anemia
causes gray baby syndrome
peptidyl transferase forms a peptide bond btw amino acids
ID the drug based on the following:
blocks translocation of the peptide chain
DOC in penicillin allergic patients
DOC mycoplasma pneumoniae
increase the risk for QT interval prolongation-->torsades
risk of torsades is magnified by other drugs that also inhibit P450
Which bacterial toxin is a protein synthesis inhibitor in eukaryotes?
diptheria toxin
folate inhibitors are the DOC for what types of infections?
prophylaxis for toxoplasma and pneumocystis
any drug that inhibits DNA synthesis cause what adverse effect?
bone marrow supression
ID the drug based on the following:
inhibits purine synthesis by being incorporated into RNA and DNA
used especially for the tx of ALL
hepatotoxic and caused bone marrow supression
ID the drug based on the following profile:
pyrimidine antagonist by incorporation into DNA
used especially for non-lymphocytic leukemia
caused bone marrow supression and is hepatotoxic
has its own "syndrome" marked by fever, malaise, bone pain, conjunctivitis, rash, and chest pain
ID the drug based on the following profile:
inhibits thymidine synthesis
special use in slow growing tumors (breast, colon, GI)
causes bone marrow depression
5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
antibiotic cytotoxins (actinomycin D, doxorubicin, bleomycin) are used in the treatment of?
Drug ID:
interferes with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, at high does inhibits DNA synthesis
severe necrosis if escapes into tissue
CI in active chickenpox or shingles
actinomycin D (dactinomycin)
Drug ID:
creates radical oxygen species that causes DNA breaks between base pairs
causes bone marrow suppression
cardiotoxic and can cause cardiomyopathy
tissue necrosis if escapes from tissue
doxorubicin (adrimycin)
"ruby red heart"
Drug ID:
binds to DNA and creates radical oxygen species resulting in DNA breaks
nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, skin toxic, and causes fibrosis of the lung
"blows apart DNA"
Drug ID:
effective against gram positive and negative
prolongs QT interval
risk of joint cartilage injury in the young
tendon rupture in the old, specifically the Achilles
also can cause false + on an opiate screen
Drug ID:
transcription inhibitor
used to treat mycobacterium, leprosy, TB
prophylaxis for neisseria meningitis
significant hepatotoxicity, bone marrow supression, and thrombocytopenia
Drug ID:
used to treat breast and lung cancer, ALL, and lymphoma
dose limiting alopecia, stomatitis, bone marrow suppression, immunosupression
actinomycin D
chemotherapeutic drug can cause hemorrhagic cystitis that may progress to bladder fibrosis
chemo drug that can cause pulmonary fibrosis
chemo drug that can cause nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, and peripheral neuropathy (parathesias and loss of proprioception)
How to differentiate if pulmonary edema is d/t ARDS or cardiogenic?
capillary wedge pressure
<12 non-cardiogenic (ARDS)
>12 cardiogenic
pt presents post-partum with dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hemoptysis. CXR shows wedge shaped opacification at the distal edges (hamptons hump)
possible from amniotic exposure to maternal blood
What are the severe adverse reactions when aminoglycosides are combined with:
neuromuscular blockers
loop diauretics
enhanced blockade
What are the severe adverse affects when MAOIs are combined with:
hypertensive crisis
hypertensive crisis
What two drugs can cause drug induced lupus?
procainamide (antiarrhythmic)
hydralazine (hypertensive agent, relaxes smooth mm by limiting Ca++ release)
What do the following drugs have in common:
all are bactericidal
What do the following drugs have in common:
all are bacteriostatic
Define the mechanism of resistance:
transmission of DNA from bacteriophage
uptake from environment
transmission from sex pili
pt presents with cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, and hoarsness. If lung cancer is suspected, what is the worst screening tool and will definitely get you laughed at.
only visible at 1 cm and by that point it has most likely metastized
Type of lung cancer that can produce myasthenia gravis-like condition known as what? Mechanism?
small cell carcinoma
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
d/t induction of abs to tumor that cross react with pre-synaptic Ca++ channel
Renal cell carcinoma can metastasize to lung and secondarily cause polycythemia d/t what?
overproduction of eythropoietin
Type of lung cancer that presents in non-smokers, seen in lung periphery and sub-pleura. Arises from previous lung scar. CEA used to follow treatment. Characterized by mutated K-RAS oncogene
Lung cancer not related to smoking, seen in lung periphery, reacts with surfactant. Arises in Clara and type II pneumocytes
broncoalveolar carcinoma
Carcinoma in lung periphery, highly anaplastic, pleomorphic giant cells with leukocyte fragments in cytoplasm
large cell carcinoma
giant cells = emperipolesis
Central hilar mass in broncus, strong association with smoking, hypercalcemia d/t PTH like peptide, keratin pearls and intracellular bridges (desmosomes), masses for cavity
small cell carcinoma
Similar to small cell carcinoma, ACTH secretion and possibly ADH secretion-->SIADH. PN Kulchitsky cells (small, dark blue cells similar to lymphocytes
small cell (oat cell) carcinoma
Lung cancer that causes recurrent diarrhea, skin flushing, and wheezing. Also present Kulchitsky cells
bronchial carcinoid tumor
tx with 5-HT antagonist
Lung cancer that causes dyspnea, hemoptysis, and pneumothorax. Arises in smooth mm. Tend to obstruct
Difference in apnea and central apnea?
apnea - absent airflow despite breath despite effort
central - no attempt is made
Syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea. Daytime sleepiness
Pickwickian syndrome
Definition of non-allergic asthma
d/t a single high dose exposure to toxic material (MC chlorine). Pt develops asthma because of direct muscosal injury
pt presents with fever, chills, lung infiltrates in CXR, leukocytosis, and dyspnea that has lasted 2 days. Chronic low level exposure to antigen leads to what?
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
pulmonary fibrosis
Exposure to this toxic inhalant produces granulomas and fibrosis, looks like sarcoidosis
PN for this inhalant are giant cells
giant cell pneumonitis (cobalt exposure)