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45 Cards in this Set

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The use of the Gram stain in microbiology is important because it differentiates…..

bacterial cells with different types of cell walls

In Gram’s stain, what colour are Gram–negative cells?


Which taxon is NOT Gram–positive? A) Streptomyces B) Bacillus C) Pseudomonas D) Streptococcus E) Staphylococcus

Pseudomonas is Gram–negative

Which feature(s) differentiate(s) Actinobacteria from Firmicutes?

relative G+C content in their genomes?

Which bacterial genus is used for fermenting cabbage to make homemade sauerkraut?


Staphylococcus aureus is known to cause ALL of the following diseases EXCEPT A) wound infection B) arthritis C) boils D) dental caries E) septicemia.

dental caries

In comparison to bacteria that do have cell walls, ________ is a consequence of mycoplasmas lacking a cell wall.

In comparison to bacteria that do have cell walls, FREQUENT EXISTANCE AS OBLIGATE SYMBIONTS is a consequence of mycoplasmas lacking a cell wall.

A moistened swab rubbed onto a person's forearm then onto a nutrient agar plate with 7.5% NaCl would MOST likely result in the isolation of ________ spp.


Which organisms would MOST likely be isolated from aerobic growth conditions with acetate and a soil sample heated to 80°C for 10 min?

Which organisms would MOST likely be isolated from aerobic growth conditions with acetate and a soil sample heated to 80°C for 10 min?

Mycolic acids are exclusively present in Mycobacterium spp. and can be distinguished by a(n) ________ staining procedure and is a diagnostic utility to identify mycobacteria.

Mycolic acids are exclusively present in Mycobacterium spp. and can be distinguished by an ACID FAST staining procedure and is a diagnostic utility to identify mycobacteria.

Which of the following is LEAST commonly associated with endospore–forming bacteria? A) coccus–shaped B) defense C) dormancy D) saprophytic E) heat–resistance


Streptomyces grow by

polarized growth

Which of the following bacterial genera are Gram positive? Escherichia, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus


Which bacterial genus lacks a cell wall? Mycoplasma, Mycobacteerium, Corynebacterium, Lactoccus


Which of the following bacterial genera form spores? Streptomyces, Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycobacterium

Streptomyces, Bacillus, Clostridium

Which type of protein is repsonsible for cell-entry of anthrax toxins?

primary antigen

Which of the following bacterial genera are used for yoghurt production? Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Lactococcus

Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus

An example of a magnetotactic bacterium is….


Caulobacter crescentus is a model organism used to study…..

Cellular differentiation

The genus Neisseria is associated with which two diseases?

Gonorrhoea and Meningitis

Bordetella pertussis causes which disease?

Whooping cough

Name the bacterium associated with the phrase 'wolfpack'

Myxococcus xanthus (it is a social predator)

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) layer is found ONLY in the cell walls of

Gram–negative Bacteria

Which of the following organisms is Gram–negative? A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis B) Escherichia coli C) Bacillus subtilis D) Streptomyces coelicolor E) Clostridium difficile

B) Escherichia coli

Although the inner leaflet of the Gram–negative outer membrane is composed mainly of phospholipids, the outer leaflet of the outer membrane also contains

lipopolysaccharides (LPS).

In Gram–negative bacteria, the space between the membranes if called the:


Which bacterial cell envelope component is made of N–acetylglucosamine and N–acetylmuramic acid?


polysaccharide can also be referred to as:


The inner membrane of Gram–negative bacteria can also be referred to as the:

Cytoplasmic membrane

Which component of the bacterial cell envelope is degraded by the enzyme lysozyme?


Give four examples of industrial/environment applications of bacteria

Antibiotic production, Enzyme production, Degradation of pesticides, Degradation of hydrocarbons

Which of the following is not required to isolate a microorganism from the environment? A) A medium that is selective for the desired organism B) A medium that is de–selective for undesired organisms C) Growth temperature similar to the environment D) 37°C growth temperature E) 4°C growth temperature

4°C growth temperature

Which of the following are not used for the cultivation of aerobic bacteria? A) agar plates B) agar shake–tubes C) shake flasks D) microtiter dishes E) enrichment culture


Give four examples of typical properties of oligotrophic bacteria

1. Grow continuously 2. Grow slowly 3. Nutrient uptake enzymes with high affinity 4. Have Nutrient uptake enzymes with low specificity

Give four examples of features of viable but non cultureable bacteria

Do not divide, Cannot grow on standard growth media, Morphologically smaller, Reduced nutrient transport / respiration / synthesis of macromolecules

A soil sample was diluted into a nutrient broth, then spread onto a plate and grown for one week at room temperature. Several colonies appeared dusty or fuzzy and yet were identified as bacteria–not as fungi. Which genus do these isolates likely belong in?


Give four reasons why bacteria form biofilms

protection from predation, protection from antibiotics, allows occupancy of a favourable niche, allows cells to communicate / be close together

What is the major disadvantage in enumeration bacteria by direct counting?

Cannot distinguish between live and dead bacteria

Bioremediation of uranium depends on

metal–reducing bacteria

What factors most likely limited the rate of petroleum degradation after the Exxon Valdez oil spill off the coast of Alaska?

temperature and inorganic nutrient concentrations

Some benefits of growing in a microbial biofilm formation include….

niche occupancy, nutrient trapping, communication

100 µl of a 10-7 dilution of a bacterial culture were plated onto an agar plate giving 46 colonies. What was the titre of the original culture?

4.6x10e9 cfu/ml

Examples of bacterial genera that can degrade plastic include….

Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Bacillus

Advantages of metagenomic analysis over 16S amplicon sequencing for bacteria community analysis include….

identification of all genes, discovery of new genes

The major bottleneck in antibiotic discovery is…

rediscovery of existing compounds