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36 Cards in this Set

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How soon after thawing should fresh frozen plasma be transfused?
within 24 hours
what temp should thawed cryoprecipatate be stored at?
20-24 C (room temp) and be transfused within 6 hours after thawing
what is the purpose of the major cross match?
verify donor ABO packed cell compatibility
how many ug if IgG anti D are in one vial? (vial is 1500 IU)
300 ug
conversion is 1ug to 5 IU
How often can you donate blood?
once every 8 weeks
when should a prewarm technique be preformed?
when you suspect a cold antibody
a patient will be immune to Hep B if they make an antibody to which antigen?
Hep B surface antigen
What temp should platelets be stored at?
20-24 C (RT)
when is a rise in titer significant?
where there is a two tube increase or more
Granulocyte concentrates need to be administered withing how many hours of collection?
24 hours
Which antibody is the most likely cause of a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction?
Anti- Jka
Plasma exchange is a viable curing method to which condition?
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
lectin from the seeds of Dolichos biforous make what ABO typing reagent?
anti A1
which RBO type group has the most H antigen?
Group O
which blood group system may show a cell typing change during pregnancy?
what should you do if a patient starts to feel jaw numbness during a platlete aphoresis procedure?
slow the flow rate down
what should happen to the platelets after they complete the second spin in the prep from whole blood?
allow to rest for 1-2 hours
Which immunoglobulins are capable of fixing complement?
IgG and IgM
what is the correct method is most reliable for determining the appropriate dose of IgRh to give to patients after delivery?
Flow Cytometry is the most accurate.
What does ezymatic treatment do to the following systems?
Kell- nothing
Duffy- destroys
MNS- destroys M and N but may not fully destroy S
What is the McLeod phenotype is associated with which antigen system?
McLeod phenotype is associated with a decreased expression of the Kell antigen (K ag)
which one antigen system is most suseptable to destruction via enzyme?
Duffys or FyA and FyB
When preparing blood components, How do you spin the blood and plasma to obtain concentrated platelets?
spin whole blood on low, then express off the PRP then spin the PRP on high and express off the top PPP to leave platlet concentrates at the bottom of bag two
Antibodies of the Rh system react best a what temp/phase?
37/AHG phase
Which D antigen carriers have the ability to also create anti D in their blood?
partial D and Partial weak D
what test is used to screen if FMH is contraindicated when the newborn has a weak D?
a rosette test because of false negatives due to the weak D
how many vials are needed to supplement a 0.85% bleed with the mothers total blood colume of 4565 mL.
0.85 x 4565= 38.8 ml bleed
38.8ml/30 ml per vial= 1.3 rounds to one
1+1 extra vial= 2 vials
which symptom of HDFN is associated with low levels of glucuronyl transferase?
jaundice, glucunonyl transferase is a liver enzyme that conjugates bilirubin into its water-soluble, excretable form.
what is the proper storage tem for fresh frozen plasma?
-20 C
Does the ability to produce anti D vary among Rh neg individuals?
yes! some may start making anti D in as little as 0.1 ml exposure, some may not at all!
Which antigen system is well developed on fetal blood upon birth?
Kell (K)
What percent of the population is Rh positive?
What is the Kleihauer Betke tused used for?
differentiate between maternal and fetal red cells
Does HDFN vary significantly among different races and ethnicities?
yes! anti D varies significantly so the frequency of HDFN in the children would also!
What is the prozone effect related with?
false negative because prozone effect is antibody excess!
What is the DAT principle?
AHG detects antibody already coated to red cells