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30 Cards in this Set

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What musta meal include for it be a balance diet?

Appropriateproportions of Carbs, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Fibre

What do carbohydrates do?

Provides your body with energy

What does protein do?

Build, repair and grow muscle, to make enzymes

What do lipids do?

store and supply of energy

What does Vitamin A do?

immunity, sight, skin (fish)

What does Vitamin D do?

keeps bones, teeth, and muscles healthy, can cause rickets (egg)

What does Vitamin C do?

heals wounds, protects cells, lack of it can cause scurvy (oranges)

What does calcium do?

strong bones, muscle contractions, osteoporosis (milk)

What does iron do?

makes red blood cells (meat), anemia

Why might the energy requirements of your diet vary?

pregnancy, age, gender

Describe the structure of the human alimentary canal.

the digestive system

What is the function of the mouth?

Where food enters the alimentary canal and digestion begins

What is the function of the oesophagus ?

Muscular tube which moves ingested food to the stomach

What is the function of the stomach?

Muscular organ where digestion continues

What is the function of the small intestine?

Where food is mixed with digestive enzymes and bile and where digested food is absorbed into the blood and lymph

What is the function of the large intestine?

Where water is reabsorbed

What is the function of the pancreas?

Produces digestive enzymes

What is ingestion?

food entering the digestive system

What is digestion?

Breaking down of large insoluble foods to smaller molecules

What is absorption?

the movement of digested food molecules from the intestine to the blood

What is assimilation?

movement of food molecules into cells of the body where they're used

What is egestion?

when faeces is passed out of the body

How does peristalsis work?

The muscles work together to produce wave-like contractions. These have a ‘squeezing action’ that pushes the bolus through the gut.

How do enzymes digest starch?

amylase turn it into maltose then to glucose

How do enzymes digest Lipids?

Lipases turn it into fatty acids and glycerol

Where is the bile produced and stored?

produced in the liver, stored in the gallbladder

What is the role of bile?

to neutralise the stomach acid (HCl) and emulsifies liquids

Describe the structure of Villi:

small finger-shaped structure

What do the villi do?

where absorption happens

How do enzymes digest protein?

protease to amino acids