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105 Cards in this Set

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3 Dietary Categories of Animals

Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores


Cattle, Gorillas, sea urchins and snails mainly eat plants and algae.


Lions, owls, spiders, and whales-mainly eat other animals


Animals that mainly eat both plants and animals

Omnivores include:

humans and crows, cockroaches, and raccoons

Many aquatic animals are _________ feeders


Filter Feeders

sift small organisms or food particles from water. For Example: A whale uses baleen, comb-like plates attached to the upper jaw to strain small invertebrates and fish from enormous amounts of water.

Filter Feeding is a type of suspension feeding

which also involves capturing food particles from the surrounding medium.

Substrate Feeders

live in or on their food source and eat their way through it. Example: leaf miner caterpillar, maggots

Fluid Feeders

suck nutrient-rich liquids from a living host. Example: Aphids tap into the sugary sap in plants. Blood thirsty mosquitos

Female mosquitos such on blood while male mosquitos

live on plant nectar

Bulk Feeders

Most animals including humans that ingest large pieces of food.

4 Stages of Food Processing

Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Elimination


The act of eating


the breakdown of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb


the cells lining the digestive tract absorb the products of digestion-small molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars.


undigested material passes out of the digestive tract.

2 phases of digestion that takes place in my mouth

Mechanical breakdown and chemical breakdown

Chemical Digestion

Protein-Amino Acids


Nucleic acid-Nucleotides

Fat-Glycerol Fatty Acids

A food vacuole

a Cellular organelle in which enzymes break down food. Sponges digest their food entirely in food vacuoles

Gastrovascular cavity

a compartment with a single opening that functions as both the entrance for food (mouth) and the exit for undigested waste(anus)

Alimentary canal

a digestive tube extending between two openings a mouth at one end and an anus at the other.*Food moves in one direction

Food entering the mouth usually passes into the _____________.


The _________________may channel food to a crop, gizzard or stomach


A pouch-like organ in which food is softened and stored


Stomachs and gizzards

also may store food temporarily, but they are more muscular and they church and grind the food.

Where does Chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occur mainly in the


Undigested materials are expelled through the


What is the advantage of an alimentary canal vs gastrovascular cavity

Alimentary canal has specialized regions which can carry out digestion and absorption sequentially.

Human Digestive System

Chew Food in the oral cavity, use your tongue to push the food into your pharynx. After you swallow, muscles propel the food through your alimentary canal by Peristalsis, alternating waves of concentration and relaxation of the smooth muscles lining the canal.

What enables you to process and digest food even while lying down



muscular ring like valves regulate the passage of food into and out of the stomach; it works like a drawstring to close the stomach off, keeping food their between 2-6 hours; long enough for stomach acids and enzymes to begin digestion.

Final steps of digestion and nutrient absorption occurs in the

small intestine over a period of 5-6 hours.

Undigested material moves slowly through the

large intestine taking 12-24 hours and feces are stored in the rectum and then expelled through the anus.

A Grasshopper has a crop where food is stored


Oral cavity



alternating waves of contraction of the smooth muscles lining the canal.


muscular ringlike valves regulate the passage of food into and out of the stomach

If i swallow while upside down, what makes food get from my mouth to my stomach?


3 pairs of__________ glands are stimulated to deliver saliva through ducts to the oral cavity.


The tongue manipulates food and helps shape it into a ball called a


The tongue pushes the bolus into the pharynx during the act of swallowing



the epiglottis directs the closing of the trachea, ensuring that the food will go down the esophagus.

Another name for the larynx

adams apple

Breathing and swallowing are coordinated by

the epiglottis

After the initial voluntary act of swallowing, thenth involuntary contractions of smooth muscles in the rest of the esophagus takes over


Gastric juice

a digestive fluid that the stomach secretes which is made up of a protein-digesting enzyme, mucus and strong acid.
Ph of gastric juice is

about 2 which is enough to break apart the cells in food and denature proteins.
Gastric cells have 3 types of cells that secrete different components of gastric juice.

Mucous cells (dark pink)-secrete mucus

Parietal cells (yellow)-secrete hydrogen & chloride ions

Chief cell (light pink) secrete pepsinogen, an inactive form of the enzyme pepsin

The hormone________ circulates in the bloodstream returning to the stomach.


a nutrient-rich broth known as


Gastreophageal reflux disease(acid reflux strong enough to hurt the lining of the esophagus

Ulcers are caused by an acid tolerant bacerium called

small intestine

master organ for chemical digestion and for absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream


where chyme squirted from the stomach mixes with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and gland cells in the intestinal wall


produces pancreatic juice, a mixture of digestive enzymes and an alkaline solution that neutralizes the acidity of chyme as it enters the small intestine.


produces a chemical mixture called bile


contains bile salts, which act as emulsifiers (detergents) that break up fats into small droplets making the fats more susceptible ot attack by digestive enzymes.


stores bile until it is needed in the small intestine

4 types of large molecules in the small intestine

carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and fats

enzymes ends in ase or ose

ase-example maltase

enzymatic digestion




polypeptides-amino acids

Nucleic Acids-

DNA and RNA- Nitrogenous bases, sugars and phosphates


Fat globules-fatty acids and glycerol

What moves the mixture of chyme and digestive juices along the small intestine


villi(singular villus)

large circular folds with numerous small finger like projections


many tiny projections

Some nutrients are absorbed by simple diffusion, others are ...

pumped against concentration gradients into the epithelial cells.

Hepatic portal vein

transports blood into the liver, giving the liver first access to nutrients absorbed in the intestines

the liver removes excess ________from the blood and converts it to glycogen which is stored in liver cells.


Blood leaving the liver may have a very different makeup than the blood that entered is because

The liver converts many of the nutrients it receives to new substances.

Liver cells synthesize

plasma (important in blood clotting)and lipo-proteins that transport fats and cholesterol to body cells

Liver converts alcohols or other drugs to inactive products that are excreted through the


Large intestine (2x as large as the small intestine)

Processes whatever remains after the nutrients have been absorbed


pouch that receives undigested matter


a small finger like extension of the cecum contains a mass of white blood cells that make a minor contribution to immunity.


a bacterial infection of the appendix is very dangerous and even deadly.


the main portion of the large intestine; 1 function is to complete the re-absorption of water that was begun in the small intestine.


waste of the digestive system becomes more solid as water is re-absorbed and they move along the colon by peristalsis.

Escherichia coli

colon bacteria produces important vitamins including several b vitamins and vitamin k.


final portion of the colon which stores feces until they can be eliminated

ruminants (cattle, sheep and deer)

its stomach has 4 chambers containing symbiotic microbes; Example a cow regurgitates food form the 1st two chambers and 'chews its cud" exposing more plant fibers to its microbes for digestion.

What are two advantages of a long alimentary canal in herbivores?

It provides increased time for processing of difficult to digest plant material and increased surface area for absorption of nutrients.


(1 kcal=1000 calories)

discussing human diet and activity

metabolic rate

the sum of all the energy used by biochemical reactions over a given time interval.

basal metabolic rate


the # of kilo-calories a resting animal requires to fuel these essential processes for a given time

BMR for humans

Males-1600-1800 kcal per day

females-1300-1500 kcal per day

essential nutrients

materials that must be obtained in preassembled form because the animals cells cannot make them from raw material.

Examples of essential nutrients

essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans

animals can make vitamin c as needed

essential fatty acids

must be obtained by our diet since our body cannot naturally produce it. Plant based foods (seeds, grains and vegetables) usually provide us with ample amounts of essential fatty acids.

essential amino acids

8 remaining amino acids that cannot be produced by the human body; meat or animal by products such as eggs, milk and cheese.


eating a combination of beans and corn can provide the essential amino acids

(beans, peanuts or soybeans) & (wheat, corn or rice) often provides the right balance.


an organic nutrient required in very small amounts in your diet.


simple inorganic nutrients also required in small amounts

recommended dietary allowances (RDAs)

minimum amounts of nutrients that are needed each day as determined by a national scientific panel.


health problems caused by an improper or insufficient diet


too-high body mass index (BMI)

Leptin levels

cues the brain to suppress appetite, the loss of body fat decreases leptin levels , signaling the brain to increase appetite.

low-density lipoproteins (LDL's)

Bad Cholesterol

correlate with a tendency to develop blocked blood vessels, high blood pressure and heart attacks.

high-density lipoproteins (HDL's)

Good cholesterol

may decrease the risk of vessel blockage


increases LDL and lowers HDLs

Breast cancer is linked to

diets high in fats or carbohydrates

Colon Cancer is linked to

diets rich in saturated fats or red meat


chemicals that help protect cells from damaging molecules known as free radicals

Foods high in antioxidants

berries, beans, nuts, dried fruit, green and black tea, red wine and dark chocolate

American Cancer Society (ACS)

eat a variety of healthful foods with an emphasis on plant sources