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39 Cards in this Set

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Single set of unpaired chromosomes

Gametes have only 1 set of chromosomes



2 complete sets of chromosomes (one from each parent)

Somatic cells of adults have 2 sets of Homologous chromosomes



Mature haploid male/female germ cell, able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form zygote.

Have only one set of chromosomes

Hap. Mix can bond with


Diploid cell resulting from the fusion of 2 haploid gametes, a fertilized ovum.

2 hap= di


The action of a male and female gamete creating a diploid zygote

Action of?...

Homologous chromosomes

Chromosome pairs (one from each parent) that are similar in length, gene position, and centromere location.

Zygotes undergo mitosis to produce what?

Diploid cells

Germ-lime cells undergo meiosis to produce what?


Meiosis includes how many rounds of division? And what are they and what do they include?

2, meiosis I and meiosis II. They each include prophase, metaphase Anaphase and telophase.

2, 4 different includes

Chromosomes coil tighter and become viable, nuclear envelope disappears, spindle forms. What phase?

Prophase 1


Crossover happens between what 2 chromosomes and what process?

Nonsister chromatids. Synapsis

Nosis syn

Synapsis happens during what phase?

Prophase I

Crossovers and sister chromatids cohesion lock homologues together, microtubules connect to kinetochores of sister chromatids so that homologues are pulled toward opposite poles

Metaphase I


Microtubules pull the homologous chromosomes apart, but sister sister chromatids are held together at centromere.

Anaphase I

Homologues do not pair, kinetochores of sister chromatids remain separate; microtubules attach to both kinetochores on opposite sides of the centromere. What phase?

Metaphase of Mitosis

Microtubules pill sister chromatids apart

Anaphase for mitosis

Nuclear envelope forms aroind each daughter cell, sister chromatic are no longer identicle because of crossing over, cytokinesis may or may not occur after phase. Meiosis II occurs after an interval of variable length. What phase?

Telophase I

Resembles a mitotic division but with 23 and not 46 sets of sister chromatids.

Meiosis II

Nuclear envelope dissolves and new spindle apparatus forms

Prophase II


Nuclear envelope re-forms around 4 sets of daughter chromosomes; cytokinesis follows.

Telophase II

What are these increasing?

Independent assortment- reassortment of genetic material

Crossing over- DNA exchange between arms of nomsister chromatids

Random fertilization- zygote forms a new individual fusion of 2 gametes

Meiosis increasing genetic variability

Something (m) increasing something (g,v)

Traits that you can see

Physical appearance


Specific make up of traits

Total set of alleles an individual contains


2 of the same allele


Different alleles


2 alleles for a gene segregate during gamete formation and are rejoined at random, one from each patent during fertilization.

Physical basis: behavior of chromosomes during meiosis

Principle of Segregation

Genes (alleles) independently separating from one another when reproductive cells develop. (During the production of gametes)

Traits are transmitted independently of one another.

Independent assortment

Refers to allele which had more than one effect on phenotype. Effects are difficult to predict because that affects one trait often performs other, unknown functions. This can be seen in human diseases such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia


Heterozygote is intermediate in phenotype between 2 homozygotes (red flowers x white flowers= pink flowers)

Incomplete dominance

Heterozygote shows some aspect of the phenotypes of both homozygotes. (Type AB blood)


XX =What

Female sex chromosome

XY = What

Male sex chromosome

When one gene masks the affect of another gene the ratio is modified. This phenomenon is called what?



The failure of sister chromatids to separate during and after mitosis is called what



Any pattern of inheritance in which traits do not segregate in accordance with Mendels laws of inheritance.

Non-mendelian inheritance

The presence of an abnormal # of chromosomes In a cell. For example, a human cell having 45 or 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.


What is the monomeric unit of RNA and DNA.


Nucleotides are made of what?

Nitrogenous base, 5 carbon sugar (ribose/deoxyribose) and (at least) 1 phosphate group

How is a nucleotide linked?

Through a phosphodiester bond, a covalent bond is formed between the 5' phosphate group of one nucleotides and the 3'- OH group of another