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80 Cards in this Set

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Roles of Mitosis in Multicellular Organisms
-cell replacement : tissue renewal
Roles of Mitosis in Unicellular Organisms
-asexual reproduction (binary fission)
-reproduction of some protists and yeast
Binary Fission
the process whereby bacteria copy their chromosomes and then divide into two different cells
Somatic cells vs. Gametes
-stretched out, the DNA from one human somatic (body) cell would be more than two meters long
-human somatic cells each contain 46 chromosomes in the nucleus
-gametes ( reproductive cells) contain 23 chromosomes
a condensed single strand of DNA along with its associated structural proteins
Cell division vs. mitosis
-cell division includes entire division of cell : mitosis and cytokinesis
-mitosis is only prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase NOT cytokinesis
Organization of Chromosome
-chromatin :: long and thin strands of DNA (uncoiled) ; difficult to divide
-chromosomes :: DNA only coils into chromosomes when cell division is about to take place
-chromatid :: chromsomes that are attached with their replica by the centromere
Organization of Chromosome 2
-DNA wraps twice around a group of histone proteins to coil
-DNA condenses further into chromosome
histone complex
group of 8 histone proteins
all of the genes possible in an organism
-humans have 22 somatic chromosome that code for genes
plus 2 sex chromosome (XX or XY)
the relaxed form of DNA during non-dividing stages of the cell cycle
region of DNA where the chromatids are closely attached
-in the beginning, chromatids are attached everywhere with cohesons but the enzyme separase separates the chromatids everywhere but at the centromere
sister chromatid
a replica of a chromosome
-term is typically used while the chromosomes are attached
homologous chromosomes
chromosomes that code for the same thing
-ex. mom and dad each give a copy of their chromosomes :: the chromosomes that code for the same traits pair up and are called homologous chromosomes
22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes that makes up a human genome
-karyotype includes homologoues chromosomes from mom and dad
(total of 92 chromatids :: each chromosome from mom and dad are replicated :: 23 replicated chromosomes from mom and 23 replicated chromosomes from dad)
The cell cycle
Cell is growing and chromosomes are replicated
-made up of several phases
G1 S G2
G1 phase
"1st gap"
cell grows
S phase
-cell continues to grow
-chromosomes replicate as well as other organelles, and proteins
cell grows even more as it prepares to go through mitosis
M phase
cell divides
-includes mitosis and cytokinesis
Stages of Mitosis
Chromosome Walking
In Anaphase, the chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell
-kinetochore proteins at the centromere depolymerize the microtubule attached to the chromosome into tubulin
-as the microtubles shorten, the chromosomes move closer to the spindle poles
-tublin attaches to nonkinetochore microtubules at the centrosomes to elongate the cell for cytokinesis
Cytokinesis in Animals
occurs through cleavage
-cleavage furrow is the 1st sign of cleavage
~begins as a shallow groove in the surface of cell near th old metaphase plate
-in the cytoplasm, a ring of actin filiments form along with myosin proteins
~the actin filaments contract and pull like a drawstring until until cell is "pinched" in two
Cytokinesis in Plants
-no cleavage furrow
During telephase, vescicles from the golgi form and gather in the middle of the cell
-they form a cell plate when they combine
-cell wall materials are carried into vescicles and they collect in cell plate as it grows
-cell plate enlarges until its surrounding membrane fuses with the cells plasma membrane
-a new cell wall has emerged from the contents of the cell plate
Regulation of the Cell Cycle
growth factors (like hormones)
density and anchorage dependence
*cancer involves a los of control over the cell cycle
Platelet derived growth factor
-increase the WBC and platelet formation when you have an open wound
*assist with regulation of cell cycle
G1 checkpoints
-Restriction G1 check point : growth point after which the cell is committed to cell division
G2 checkpoints : check point that commits to mitosis
M checkpoint : ensures chromosome attachment prior to anaphase ; moving past it allows cytokinesis
Go (G not) Checkpoint
state of arrest for cells :: during most of your life, most of cells are in this phase :: some cells, like nerve, stomach, and fat cells are permanently in this phase once they've reached maturity
cyclin dependent kinase
kinase protein requires the prescense of cyclin to activate
concentration of it flucuates in the cell curing cell cycle
-when cyclin levels rise, kinase levels rise
a MPF : mitosis promoting factor
-when it attaches to cyclin, it pushes cell towards going through cell division
EX. of cell regulation
cancerous cells
-escaped cell cycle controls
-divide excessively and invade other tissue
-do not exibit density-dependent or anchorage dependent inhibition
a mass of abnormal cells
remains at the site of tumor
-does not spread to other tissue
invasive, cancerous
-moves through tissues
stem cells that can become anything
~4 days of totipotent stem cells
can still become anything bit cannot become any organism
-lost the ability to fice rise to the nourishing cells for the embryo
can make more than one type of tissue but not all
specific type of tissue
Where does mitosis occur?
in normal body cells or “somatic” cells – diploid cell (2n)
Where does meiosis occur?
in germ cells or sex cell production – haploid cell (1n)
Sexual vs. Asexual
-Sexual reproduction requires meiosis to produce gametes.
-Asexual reproduction only requires mitosis. (no sex cells involved)
Sexual Reproduction
-Chromosomes are duplicated in germ cells (diploid - 2n cells located in ovaries & testes)
-Germ cells undergo meiosis and cytoplasmic division to produce haploid (1n) cells
-Cellular descendents of germ cells become gametes
-Gametes (1n)meet at fertilization to produce zygotes (2n)
Sexual Reproduction
-Gamete production
Produces genetic variation among offspring
Asexual Reproduction
-Single parent produces offspring
-All offspring are genetically identical to one another and to parent
Sexual Reproduction Shuffles Alleles
-Through sexual reproduction, offspring inherit new combinations of alleles, which leads to variations in traits
-This variation in traits is the basis for evolutionary change
Chromosome Number
Sum total of chromosomes in a cell
-Germ cells are diploid (2n)
-Gametes are haploid (n)
Meiosis halves chromosome number
-Sum total of chromosomes in a cell
Somatic cells
-Chromosome number is diploid (2n)
-Two of each type of chromosome
-Chromosome number is haploid (n)
-One of each chromosome type
(1n) cells have a single copy of each chromosome
(2n) cells have two copies of each type of chromosome
Human Chromosome Number
-Diploid chromosome number (2n) = 46
-Two sets of 23 chromosomes each
One set from father
One set from mother
-Mitosis produces cells with 46 chromosomes --two of each type
-Meiosis produces cells with 23 chromosomes – one of each type
Homologous Chromosomes
-Carry Different Alleles
-Cell has two of each chromosome
-One chromosome in each pair comes from mother, other from father
-Paternal and maternal chromosomes carry different
Replicated homologous chromosomes physically pair together & located near one another in preparation for meiosis.
Meiosis: Gametes Formation
Gametes are sex cells (sperm, eggs)
Arise from germ cells
Plants & some algae: Diploid stage called sporophyte produces haploid spores called gametophyte stage
-Two consecutive nuclear divisions
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
-DNA is NOT duplicated between divisions
-Four haploid nuclei are formed
Crossing Over
-Each chromosome becomes zippered to its homologue
-All four chromatids are closely aligned
-Non-sister chromosomes exchange segments
Effect of Crossing Over
After crossing over, each chromosome contains both maternal and parental segments
Creates new allele combinations in offspring
Principal of Independent Assortment
The tetrads will line up at the equator independently of each other (in terms of maternal and paternal chromosomes)
Factors Contributing to Variation Among Offspring
-Random alignment of chromosomes at metaphase I (Independent Assortment – 8 million different combinations of chromosomes
-Crossing over during prophase I
-Random combination of gametes at fertilization
Random fertilization
Any of the telophase II combinations can be selected to form the child.
Prophase vs. Prophase I
Prophase (Mitosis)
-Homologous pairs do not interact with each other
Prophase I (Meiosis)
-Homologous pairs become zippered together and crossing over occurs
Advantages of asexual reproduction
makes more, more quickly
-if organism can survive, then this helps populate
:: perpetuation of successful combo of genes/alleles
less energy is required
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction
-fewer offspring
-no genetic variation
:: all cells die if exsposed to an environment not conductive to their survival
2 Types of Sister Chromatid Cohesions
-between homologous = chiasmata - separates in AI
-between chromatids = centromere - separates in AII
where hologous chromosomes cross over
Law of Segregation
2 alleles for a trait, one on each chromosome, separate during gamete formation adn end up in fifferent gametes
when cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body
substances that cause cancer
symptoms of cancer
fatigue, unexplained weight loss, night sweats, cough, blood found in vomit, urine feces, persistent pain, sores in mouth, painless sores, and growths on the skin
causes of cancer
genetic mutations, exposure to carcinogens, overexposure to radiation, and toxic substances
Diagnosis of cancer
biopsy, MRI, CT scan, Xray
removal of part of a tumor which is then studied for signs of cancer in a lab
the use of magnets and radiation to view the structure and function of organs and detect abnormalitiees
CT scan
cross section views using small amounts of radiation to view particular organd to detect abnormalities
picture of hard tissues of the body using low doses of radiation to see if abnormalities exist
radiation therapy
uses x-rays, gamma rays, or other rays directed at the tumor in high doses to shrink the tumor for surgery
use of drugs to kill cancer cells
-more useful when the cells have spread to other tissues