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123 Cards in this Set

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Mechanisms that Generate ATP

1.) Substrate level phosphorylation(not that much made)

-enzyme transfers phosphate group from organic substrate to ADP

2.) Oxidative Phosphorylation (bulk of ATP)

-Energy is stored as a H+ gradient across a membrane then used to make ATP

Glucose Breakdown in Stages (With Oxygen)

1.)Glycolysis: glucose-->pyruvate (in cytosol)

If O2 is available

2.)breakdown of pyruvate (mitochondrion)

-formation of acetyl- CoA (in matrix)

-citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) (in matrix)

3.)Oxidative Phosphorylation (in mitochondrion)

-electron transport chain (in inner membrane)

-ATP synthesis (by chemiosmosis)

Glucose Breakdown in Stages (Without Oxygen)

1.)Glycolysis: glucose-->pyruvate (in cytosol)If O2 is available

If O2 is not available

4.) Fermentation (in cytosol)

-Lactic acid fermentation

-alcohol fermentation

Cellular Respiration

-cellular respiration is the oxidation of glucose (or other molecules)and the capture of energy in a useful form

-works by shutting electrons in a series of energy releasing reactions

-other molecules also feed into the pathway for oxidation (pieces of fatty acids, amino acids)

-intermediates are drawn off from the pathway to serve as precursors in biosynthetic reactions

Redox reactions

-including a special kind: the electron transport chainenergy is released during transfers of electrons from one molecule to another

-redox reactions: oxidation – reduction reactions oxidation = loss of electrons; reduction = gain of electrons electrons are often transferred in H atoms common electron carriers: NADH, NADPH, FADH2


Energy is stored as a H+ gradient across a membrane which is then used to synthesize ATP


-Including the mechanisms that generate ATP

ADP + Pi--> ATP

-substrate level phosphorylation: phosphate group is picked up from another organic molecule

-oxidative phosphorylation: electron transport and chemiosmosis

-Creates bulk of ATP

Citric Acid Cycle

-takes place in the mitochondrial matrix

-completes the oxidative of organic fuel

-produces: ATP, NADH, FADH2, CO2

-Every turn of the citric acid cycle releases one acetyl group equivalent as two CO2

Electron Transport

-built into the inner mitochondrial membrane

-electrons donated to the electron transport chain by NADH, FADH2

-electrons lose energy as they are passed along

-Energy is used to pump H+ ions against the gradient into the intermembrane space

-Represents stored energy (potential energy)

-Energy stored as the H+ gradient is used by ATP synthesis to make ATP (2H +2e+ 1/2 O2 --> H2O)


-harvesting chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate

-takes place in the cytosol

-starts the oxidation of glucose; 2 ATP, 2 NADH

-divided into two phases: the energy investment phase and the energy payoff phase

-No O2 is needed, is cytosolic, is universal in life

Formation of Acetyl- CoA

-pyruvate is groomed for this citric acid cycle

-pyruvate is transported to the mitochondrial matrix

-in the mitochondrian

-CO2 is removed from pyruvate (decarboxylation)

-NADH is formed

-Coenzyme A is attached (formation of Acetyl- CoA)

Cellular Respiration Formula

6O2 + C6H12O6-->ATP energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O (and heat)

The Citric Acid Cycle

-takes place in mitochondrial matrix

-completes the oxidation of organic fuel

-produces: ATP, NADH, FADH2, CO2

-Every turn of the citric acid cycle releases one acetyl group equivalent as two CO2

** don't need to memorize all steps but need basic idea and what is produced**

Electron Transport

-built in the inner mitochondrial membrane

-electrons donated to chain by NADH and FADH2

-Electrons lose energy as the pass along

-Energy is used to pump H+ ions against the gradient into the inter membrane space

-The energy stored as the H+ gradient is used by ATP synthase to make ATP

Blocking of ATP synthesis

-is fatal to many organisms

-Suffocation- no O2-->e transport stops --> no H+ gradient --> no ATP made

-Poisons- same (cyanide)

-Uncouplers- no H+ gradient--> no ATP made (DNP- former diet drug)


-Occurs after glycolysis when there is no oxygen

-Allows NADH (from glycolysis) to dump its electrons and cycle back to glycolysis as NAD+ (allows glycolysis to keep going)

-anaerobic alternative to aerobic respiration

Physiology Definition

-The whole natural history or natural sciences

-the study of the function of organisms

Anatomy Definition

-the study of the structure of organisms

Tissue (Definition and Categories)

Integrated group of cells with a common function





Epithelial Tissue

-Sheet of tightly packed cell lining organs and cavities

-Functions:-barrier (against injury, fluid loss)

-exchange surface

-absorption and secretion of chemical solutions

Types of Epithelial Cells


-simple- single layer

-stratified- multiple layers

-pseudo stratified- appears stratified but is single

number of cell layers

-cuboidal (like dice)

-columnar (like bricks on end

-squamous (flat like tiles)

Connective Tissue

cells and extracellular matrix (to bind and support other tissue)

-cells are sparsely populated

-matrix- web of fibres embedded in uniform foundation

-collagenous fibres: collagen; non elastic

-elastic fibres: rubbery quality

-reticular fibres:collagen; thin and branched

Types of Connective Tissue

1.)Loose connective tissue (all three types)

2.)Fibrous connective tissue (collagenous fibres)

3.)Adipose Tissue (loose connective tissue)

4.)Cartilage (collagenous fibres in matrix)



Muscle Tissue

-muscle is the most abundant tissue in most animals

-function: most fibres contract when stimulated by nerves

Types of Muscle Tissue


-Responsible for voluntary movements (skeletal muscles)


-Lacks in striation (intestine)


-striated but cells branched

Nervous Tissue

-functions: sense stimuli and transmit signals from one part of the animal to another


-Neurons: functional units of nervous tissues, transmits nerve impulses

-Glia: support neutrons structurally, metabolically and functionally

Organs and Organ Systems

Organs- specialized centres of body functions composed of several different kinds of tissue

Organ System-Group of organs that work together to perform vital body functions

Hormones and Nerves


-slow acting but lasts a while

-limited to cells that have the receptor


-very fast and brief signal

-Limited to cells that are connected by specialized junctions to an axon and if the junction is a chemical synapse


-regulating the internal environment

-19th century French physiologist

-first to note relative stability to internal environment

-recognized the ability to survive in varying environment depends on ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment


-Early 20th century

-Coined term "flight or flight response"



-management of the body's water content and solute composition

-71% of earth surface covered by water

-seawater-3.5% salt (sodium and chloride)

-freshwater-<0.1 mos/L of salt


-with medium -body fluids= same osmotic pressure as medium


-animal that does not actively adjust its internal osmolarity because it is isoosmotic with its environment


-animal whose body fluid has a different osmolarity than that of the environment

- animal that lives in a hypoosmotic environment must dischargeexcess water

- animal that lives in a hyperosmotic environment must take inwater

-expends energy to control its internal osmolarity

Freshwater Animals


-gain water by osmosis and food

-lose salts by diffusion and in urine

-regain salts in food and by active uptake from surroundings

-excrete large amounts of dilute urine

Regulating the Internal Environment

Mechanisms of homeostasis moderate changes in the internal environment

-internal environment of vertebrates- interstitial fluid

-homeostasis-the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment despite internal changing conditions


-homeo- sameness, stasis- standing still

-homeostatic mechanisms maintain internal conditions within a relatively small range of values... not at a constant value

- accomplished by complex coordination of processes via chemicaland/or electrical signalling

Marine Invertebrates


-Total osmolarity= seawater

-individual [solute] doesn't equal seawater

-conform to osmolarity of ocean but regulate internal ionic composition

Marine Vertebrates


-lose water by osmosis

-gain salt and water by food and drinking seawater

-dispose of salt by active transport out of gills and in urine

-produce small quantities of urine


-organisms that cannot tolerate substantial changes in the external osmolarity (stenos=narrow, haline=salt)


-Organisms that can tolerate substantial changs in the external osmolarity (eurys= wide, broad)

Transport Epithelium

-layer of specialized cells that regulate solute movements

-Most important feature: ability to move specific solutes in controlled amounts in particular direction

-cells join by tight junctions

-in most animals: arranged into tubular networks with extensive


-life without water

-ability to survive in a dormant state when an organisms habitat dries up

Osmotic Balance on Land

-largest problem: desiccation

-adaptions that reduce water loss are key to survival on land

- water loss reduced by

-body coverings

-nocturnal habit

-drinking and eating moist foods

-using metabolic water

Nasal Glands

-in beak of birds

-removes excess sodium chloride from blood


-adaptions that reduce water loss

water loss reduced by:

-body coverings

-nocturnal habitat

-drinking and eating moist foods

-using metabolic water

Kangaroo Rat

-animal lives in cool burrow during daytime

-fur for insulation

-derives water for seeds

-concentrates urine and dehydrates feces

-condenses respiratory moisture in nasal passages

Homeostatic Systems

a) sensor (or receptor):the sensor perceives a change and notifies the

b) integrator (or control centre):the integrator compares the sensor’s input with an internal setpoint; it then gives orders to the

c) effector: the effector brings about a response

Negative Feedback


-change in internal environment is counteracted

-change in variable--> triggers control mechanisms--> counteract further change

Positive Feedback


-change in internal environment is augmented

-change in variable-->triggers mechanisms--> amplify change


regulation of body temperature

-conduction-transfer of energy between objects in direct contact of each other

-convection-transfer of heat when air or liquid goes past the body

-radiation-anything above absolute zero is going to emit some radiation

-evaporation-liquid to gases state

Evaporative Cooling

the property of a liquid whereby the surfacebecomes cooler during evaporation, owing to a loss of highlykinetic molecules to the gaseous state

Thermal Strategies

- combination of behavioral, biochemical, and physiologicalresponses that ensure that body temperature is within anacceptable limit

Types-tolerance:body temperature is allowed to change with ambient temperature

-regulation: does not change with ambient temp.


Classification of Thermal Strategies

based on the source

-ectotherm: environment determines body temperature

-endotherm: animal generates internal heat to maintain body temperature

based on the stability

-poikilotherm: variable body temperature

-homeotherm: stable body temperature

Ectotherms + Endotherms

-ecto- body temperature close to environmental temperature

-endo- use metabolic heat to maintain stable body temperature

Costs of Ectothermy

-inability to physiologically regulate body temperature(regulation is accomplished through behavioral controls)

-restricted to geographical regions with appropriate ambienttemperatures

-very limited time of high activity/energy bursts

-not as good at avoiding predators through ‘flight’

Charles Blagden

-experiment with walls made with iron

-put people, dog and friends into room and made the temperature 121 celsius for one hour. everyone was okay but steak was cooked

Benefits of Ectothermy

-lower metabolic rates

-slower, low energy approach to life

-require less food and water  spend less time foraging

-can function with much smaller body masses than endotherms

Costs of Endothermy

-considerable metabolic cost; requiring high metabolic rate

- requires consumption of large quantities of food and water lots of time spent foraging

- very susceptible to dehydration in hot/dry climates

- only small amount of energy budgeted for growth and reproduction

- small body size is rare due to surface area constraints on heat loss

Benefits of Endothermy

-can sustain long periods of intense activity

-enzymes function optimally in narrow range of body temperatures

-can be active at times of day or year that are too cold forectotherms

-not limited to geographic areas

-more likely to survive weather fluctuations


-fur, fats and feathers


-Increase in the diameter of superficial blood vessels

-results in elevated blood flow in the skin

-triggered by nerve signals that relax the muscles of the vesselwalls

-in endotherms, usually warms skin, increasing the transfer ofbody heat to cool environment

-circulatory adaptions


-decrease in the diameter of superficial blood vessels

-reduces blood flow and heat transfer

-circulatory adaptions

Countercurrent Heat Exchanger

-special arrangement of blood vessels

-facilitates heat transfer from arteries to veins

-helps trap heat in the body core

-important in reducing heat loss in many endotherms 55

Cooling by Evaporation

-way to lose heat and balance temperature

-sweating, panting, mucus secretion

Behavioural Responses

-to help maintain internal body temperature

-change in posture

-moving around the environment

Adjusting Metabolic Heat Production


producing heat (heat= metabolic byproduct)

-high basal metabolic rate

-shivering thermogenesis

-non shivering thermogenesis

-temporary/seasonal endothermy

-body size (large size helps retain metabolic heat)

High Basal Metabolic Rate

production of large amounts of metabolic heat that replace the flow of heat to the environment

Shivering thermogenesis

↑ muscle activity = ↑ heat production

Non-shivering Thermogenesis

-↑ metabolic rate, e.g. due to hormonal changes

-↑ mitochondrial activity  produce heat instead of ATP

- brown fat specialized for rapid heat production

Feedback Mechanisms in Thermoregulation in Mammals

-neurons in the hypothalamus function as a thermostat

-sensory cells (e.g. warm and cold receptors in the skin)signal the hypothalamus when temperatures increase ordecrease

-the hypothalamus responds by activating or inhibitingappropriate mechanisms

Bioenergetics of Animals

-animals are heterotrophs that harvest chemical energy from the food they eat

-ingest energy will be either -used to do work, stored, excreted, or released as heat

-heat produced by metabolism-used for doing work or used for maintaining body temperature

Metabolic Rate

-amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time; sum ofall the energy-requiring biochemical reactions occurringover a given time interval

-can be measured by monitoring an animal’s rate of

• heat loss

• oxygen consumption

• carbon dioxide production

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

-stable rate of energy metabolism measured in mammalsand birds under conditions of minimum environmental andphysiological stress (i.e. at rest with no temperature stressand after fasting)

Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR)

- a measure that is similar to BMR but used for an animalwith varying body temperature that is maintained at aselected body temperature

-in other words: an animal’s resting and fasting metabolism at a given bodytemperature

Influences on Metabolic Rate


- internal work (chemical, osmotic, electrical, and mechanical)

- external work (for locomotion and communication)

- tissue growth and repair

- time of day, season

-age, sex, stress, type of food being metabolized


-adjustment to changing temperatures

-production of stress-induced proteins, e.g. heat-shock proteins

-in birds and mammals: adjusting the amount of insulation and varying the capacity for metabolic heat production

-in ectotherms: adjustments at the cellular level and production of cryoprotectants


physiological state in which activity islow and metabolism decreases (maybe no food or water available)


long-term torpor, evolved as an adaptationto winter cold and food scarcity, e.g. squirrel, bear


summer torpor, also characterized by slowmetabolism and inactivity, e.g. some amphibians, fish,invertebrates

Daily Torpor


-body temperature drops by about 10 degrees

Frozen Wood Frog

-sugar is pushed through the circulatory system used as an antifreeze

-when animal touches an ice crystal the freezing begins

-is an ectotherm

Open Vs. Closed Circulatory System

most invertebrates have open

-fluid isn't called blood but "hemolymph"

-tubular heart and pores

few invertebrates have closed

-fluid is known as blood

-small branch vessels in each organ

-multiple hearts (axillary hearts)

Vertebrate Circulatory System

-Single circuit-fish

-Double circuit (only single ventricle)- amphibians

-Double circuit (4 separate ventricles)-mammals and birds

-Double circuit (2 ventricles and a right systemic aorta)- reptiles except birds

SLIDE 21**

Mammalian Circulation

-separate pulmonary and systemic circuits

-pressure differences possible

Cardiac Output

heart rate x stroke value

human- 70 beats/min

mouse-500 beats/min

Systole and Diastole


-heart muscle contracts chambers pump blood


-heart muscle is relaxed and chambers fill with blood

-between beats

Cardiac Cycle

inherent activity ofthe heart; can be modified byoutside influences

1.)signals from SA node spread through atria

2.) signals are delayed at AV node

3.)bundle branches pass signals to heart apex

4.)signals spread through ventricles

*SA node is the pacemaking node*

Blood Vessels

vein and artery from outside to inside

-connective tissue, smooth muscle, endothelium

-atrial goes from artery, venule goes to vein


-basal lamina, endothelium

-single layer of cells

Blood Pressure and Blood Flow

Velocity varies inversely with totalcross-sectional area of vessels

Blood pressure systolic pressure

– ventricles contracting diastolic pressure

– ventricles relaxing force of the heartbeat falls almost tozero in veins, venules

Measurement of Blood Pressure

-recorded as two numbers; the first number is the systolic pressure, thesecond the diastolic pressure

-in healthy resting human: 120 mm Hg at systole and 70 mm Hg atdiastole

Regulation of Blood Flow

-blood volume

-blood flow is directed to active tissue

-control mechanisms

-relaxing/ contracting of pre capillary sphincters

-constriction/dilation of arterials

-transfer from capillary to cell is NEVER DIRECT. always goes through interstitial fluid

Lymphatic System Functions

Fluid balance

-there is a net leakage of fluid and proteins from blood capillaries

-lymph capillaries collect lost fluid and return it to blood circulation

defence- lymph nodes have defense cells

-lymph capillaries pick up fats absorbed by the small intestine,transfer it to blood

The Lymphatic System

movement - one-way valves, contraction of skeletal muscles lymph does not circulate in a closed circuit


-tonsils – handle infections in the mouth


Spleen Functions


-red blood cell destruction

-blood reservoir


–the site of maturation of T lymphocytes (of the immune system)

Blood Composition and Volume

-cellular elements

-plasma: blood minus the cells (55% of cell)


-heart rate (70 beats/min at rest) x stroke volume (75mL) --> 5.25 L/min

-Hematocrit- packed cell volume

-normal value is 45% regulated

-departures are adaptive or pathological

Substances Transported by Blood



-waste products

-respiratory gases (not nearly as much as the others)

Types of Blood Cells

White blood cells (Leukocytes)

-basophilis, lymphocytes, eosinophilis, monocytes, neutrophilis

Platelets (only fragments of cells)

Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)


-(roman) god of the healing art

Erythrocytes Shape

-biconcave dick (oval in camels)

-small size (mammals: 5-10 μm)

-large surface area

Erythrocyte Contents


-spectrin- predominant component of the membrane skeleton

-glycolytic enzymes- active carbohydrate metabolism (anaerobic)

-carbonic anhydrase-catalyzes CO2->bicarbonate

-no organelles or ribosomes

-mammals- no nucleus--> more space for hemoglobin

Formation of Erythrocytes (erythropoiesis)


-4 days- from stem cell to erythrocyte

-begins in bone marrow, completed in circulating blood

-Initiated when not enough O2 reaches tissues


-100 million cells per minute

-balanced with destruction of erythrocytes

Human Red Blood Cells (RBC's)

-5-6 million RBCs / mm3

-biconcave shape

-lack nucleus

-lack mitochondria

-life time of 120 days

-manufactured in red marrow of certain bones

-age or damaged cells phagocytosed bywhite blood cells in spleen and liver

Destruction of Erythrocytes

-Break apart in capillaries due to mechanical stress

-eaten by macrophages (defensive phagocytes) in spleen and liver

Severe Blood Loss

-blood pressure decreases causing decrease in blood flow from the damaged area

-constriction of blood vessels causing decrease in blood flow

-coagulation (clotting)

Can be stopped by:

platelet plugs (early) or fibrin clots (later)

Blood Loss Process

-endothelium of vessel in damaged exposing connective tissue; platelets adhere

-platelets form a plug

-seal is reinforced by a clot fibrin



-damaged cells

-plasma (factors include calcium and vitamin K)


-small short lived fragments of a cell

-2-3 μm; 50.000 - 300.000/mm3

-do not respond to undamaged endothelial wall

Activated by- exposed collagen fibres in damaged tissue of vessel wall

-‘foreign’ surfaces and thrombin

Upon activation- form of platelet plug

- release of clotting factors and change shape

Platelets Contain

-actin and myosin, to help them contract

-chemicals that help the coagulation process to begin

-chemicals that attract other platelets

-chemicals that stimulate blood vessel repair

-chemicals that stabilize a blood clot

Blood Clot Formation Stage 1

Sensing of damage

tissue damage (endothelium); exposure to foreign substance

--> exposure to collagen

clotting factors:

-released from platelets and injured tissue

-plasma proteins synthesized in liver, circulate in inactive form

Blood Clot Formation Stage 2

Thrombin Activation

-thrombin: enzyme, absent from circulating blood

-prothrombin circulates in plasma

-activation of blood factor -->prothrombin → thrombin

- thrombin --> fibrinogen → fibrin

Blood Clot Formation Stage 3

Clot Formation


-release substance that cause contraction of blood vessels

-sticky platelets form plug

-initiate formation of fibrin clot

- fibrinogen: soluble protein in plasma

- fibrin: insoluble, fibrous protein

-clot seals wound until vessel wall heals

Clotting Dynamics

-opposing clotting: anticlotting agents, e.g. heparin

- favouring clotting: activated platelets, activated blood factors,thrombin, fibrin

Clot Dissolution (fibrinolysis)

-plasmin• main enzyme of fibrinolysis

• cleaves fibrin in multiple locations

• acts to dissolve a fibrin clot

• produced in inactive form (plasminogen) in the liver

-plasminogen• cannot cleave fibrin, but has an affinity for it

• incorporated into the clot when it is formed

-clot lysis: complex process involving proteolytic enzymes,activators and inhibitors of plasmin and other proteases 27


-triggered by sensory stimuli

-travel to brain in action potentials (APs) via sensory pathways

Nervous System Functions

-rapid communication

-information processing

-sensory input


-motor output

Afferent and Efferent

afferent neurons- from periphery to the central nervous system

efferent neurone-from CNS to the periphery

Problem: conversion of stimulus into a neuronal signal



-sensory adaptation


Problem: encoding information about stimulus

type of stimulus- type of activated receptor


• number of activated receptors

• frequency of action potentials


• location of activated receptors

• timing of receptor activation (for sound and smell)

duration- pattern of action potentials

Problem: interpretation of information

-process and integrate sensory information, starting in the sensory pathways and culminating in the brain

-hierarchical and parallel process of information

-different parts of the brain process different perceptions

-incorporation of information from different modalities inhigher association centres

Receptor Types





-electromagnetic receptors

Sensory Reception by Hair Cells

-spontaneously active

-direction of bending of hairs conveys information

-normal bend of hair- most neurotransmitters

-straight hair- fewer neurotransmitters

-opposite bend of hair- least neurotransmitters


-ability to discriminate various aspects of the stimulus

-meaningful interpretation of sensory data