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147 Cards in this Set

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_________" vitamins are absorbed without the involvement in fat

Water Soluble vitamins

Excess Intake are excreted in the _______


All water soluble vitamin functions as co-enzyme except _________ & __________ which must be metabolically converted to their active form.

VItamin c & Biotin

What Vitamin function in the release of energy from fuel molecule ?

Vitamin B1 (THIAMINE)

________ reacts with ATP to form TPP (thiamin pyrophosphate).

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is converted to TPP by the enzyme called _________________.



_________ serve as an important co-factor for PDHC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex)

Vitamin B1

_________ serve as an important cofactor for OGDH (ALPHA KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE).

Vit B1

In TCA cycle

__________ serves as important cofactor in BCKD (BRANCHED-CHAIN KETOACID DEHYDROGENASE)

Vit B1




Are Also Require Cofactor From B2, B3, LIPOIC ACID AND PANTHOTHENIC ACID.



_________ are co-enzymes required in Transketolase & Transaldolase reaction.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine defficiency is associated with elevated level of ____________ & _____________

Pyruvate & Lactate

____________ is the richest source of Vitamin B1

Brewer's yeast


Unpolished rice.

•Whole grain (maize).


Prolonge defficiency of vitamin B1 leads to __________

Wet Beri-Beri

Deficiency of vitamin B1 is common in people with ________, _________, ________&__________




Post-operative patients

Oedema is a deffieciancy of what Vitamin?

Vitamin B1

Oedema is a deffieciancy of what Vitamin?

Vitamin B1

_____ vitamins are carrier co-enzyme that exist as FAD & FMN absorbed from small intestine.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 function in variety of ___________ reaction.

Redox Reaction

Catalysed by

Oxidase: Fatty Acid synthesis

Reductases: TCA cycle

Dehydrogenases: Amino Acid synthesis

___________ Vitamins are necessary for Aerobic Respiration & Tissue maintenance.

Vitamin B2

What is the other name for Vitamin B2


The major Dietary source of Vitamin B2 is





•Green leafy vegetable

Desquamation is a deficiency symptoms of what vitamins

Vitamin B2


•Angular stomatis


•Inflammation of tongue

•Hyperbilirubinemia in newborn ( treated by phototherapy)

______ vitamins are essential coenzyme in numerous CELLULAR REDOX REACTION.

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

The Amide derivative of vitamin B3 ( niacin) is _______________


Nicotinamide are the precursor of the co-enzyme ________&__________


Excess B3 can cause _________

Liver Damage

Sufficient quantity of vitamin B3 can be synthsized Endogenously from ___________________.


Dietary source of Vitamin B3 are




Deficiency of ______________ is PELLAGRA.

Vitamin B3

The major symptoms of vitamin B3 are

Photosensitive Dermatitis skin

•Impaired Digestion


•Mental confusion

______________ vitamins diffieciancy have not been observed.

Vitamin B5 & vitamin H

Other name for Vitamin B5 is _________

Panthothenic Acid.

Panthothenate is a precursor of co-enzyme A, that participates in ______________

Acyl Transfer Reaction

______________ is the carrier for Acetyl group obtained from degradation of carbohydrate & lipids.

Co-enzyme A

Coenzyme A also carries the Acetyl group and malonyl group used in F.A synthesis. T/f


Dietary source of vitamin B5 are

Beef liver


•Soya beans

•Wheat germ

The biological active form of vitamin B6 is ___________&____________

Pyridoxamine phosphate

Pyridoxal phosphate

Mostly involved in Amino Acid metabolism.

____________ vitamins functions in Transamination & oxidation reaction.

Vitamin B6

Some women uses vitamin B6 as

Menstrual pain killer

Vit B6 are used in various transmitter such as _______, ________&_________.




Convulsions in infant and peripheral Neuropathy is caused by the diffieciency of _____________ vitamins.

Vitamin B6.

Inflammation of the mouth is caused by ___________ defficiency

Vitamin B6

Other name for Vitamin H is


Dieatary source of Vitamin H

Peanut and Liver

__________ is a coenzyme for cellular carboxylation reaction

Vitamin H (Biotin)

Vitamin H is used in carboxylation of Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA in the preparation for Fatty Acid Synthesis. T/f


Vitamin H are synthesised by _____________.

Intestinal flora.

Raw eggs contain a protein called _________


________ binds Biotin very tightly & prevent it's absorption.


Vitamin B9 is also called ________

Folic acid

Deficiency Syptom of vitamin B9 is

Megaloblastic Aneamia

Mycrocytic Aneamia

Growth failure

Folic acid is also called __________which is converted to _____________



TetraHydrofolate is the primary carrier of ____________.

One carbon unit in the cell.

Position 7 & 8 carries hydrogen in ___________.

Dihydrofolate (DHF)

Position __ & __ carries hydrogen in THF.

Position 5 & 8

(The monoglutamic acid esterified to PABA end of the molecule )

The function of THF derivative is to __________________

Carry and transfer various form of one carbon unit during biosynthetic reaction.

( The one carbon are either methyl, methylene, methenyl, formal/formine groups.)

The dietary form of folate is available _____________


Commonly found in yeast & leafy vegetable and animal liver.

Folic acid is synthesizes by the ______________

Intestinal bacteria

Vitamin B12 is also called


The active form of vitamin B12 is



Deficiency of vitamin B12 is

Perniciuos Anemia


Change in intestinal mucosa


____________ are required in catabolism of F.A with odd number

Vit B12

____________ are needed in the conversion of PROPIONYL COA to SUCCINYL COA in TCA cycle

Vitamin B12

________ are needed in the conversion of Homocyteine to Methionine.

Vit B12

Vitamin c is also called

Ascorbic Acid

Active form of vitamin C is

DihydroAscorbic Acid

_____________ is known as Anti- scurvy Agent.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C participates in __________ reaction and promote intestinal absorption of iron.

Hydroxylation reaction

___________ participates in

•A.A metabolism

•Synthesis of Norepiphrune

•Synthesis of Collagen

Vitamin C

Many of the deficiency symptoms appear to be the result of the defective __________ in the absence of VIT C

Collagen synthesis

Drugs Known to increase urinary excretion of Ascorbate are:



Chronic Diarrhoea

Fat soluble vitamins function participates in Diverse biochemical reaction such as:

Vision, blood clothing e.t.c

FAT soluble vitamins are transported and absorbed by ____________.

Chylomicrons complex.

Absorption of fat soluble Vitamins depends on _____________, ___________&_____________.

Bile salt

•Pancreatic secretions

•Healthy mucosa cells

Factors that may lead to fat soluble vitamins defficiency are via

Dietary source


•Failure to absorb Vit from food.

The mal-absorptive state of Fat soluble vitamins include:

Biliary tract Disease

•Pancreatic Disease

•Alcohol liver Disease

There is increase in Vit need in infant during pregnancy & lactation when there is Tumor in the body. T/f


The Adequacy of Vitamin depends on _______&_________

The amount absorbed

•Need of the body

Two groups of related compounds have vitamin A activity, mention them



Retinoid comprises of ______, ________&________

Retinol, Retinal & Retinoic acid

They are preformed vit A, found only in foods of animal origin.

Carotenoid is found only in _________


Carotenoids are cleaved in the intestinal mucosa by ____________ to yield retinal which is reduced to retinol

Carotene dioxygenase

Retinol is stored in the liver as _______________.

Lipid esters.

__________ is heat stable but sensitive to ultraviolet light (UV).

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has two major functions; mention them

1) Vision

2) Regulation of gene expression and tissue differentiation.

The role of vitamin A in vision was discovered in __________ by __________


George Wald

Vision is based on the absorption of light by ___________

Photoreceptor cells.

Vertebrates have two kinds of photoreceptor cells called ________&__________ because of their distinctive shapes.

Rods & Cones

__________ function in bright light and they are responsible for colour vision


_________ function in dim light but they do not receive colour


The photoreceptor molecules in Rods are called ___________.


_______ are slender elongated structure densely packed with photoreceptors molecules.


Rhodopsin is made up of light –sensitive ________ protein covalently linked to ______________ that serves as the prosthetic group in the retina.


11-cisretinal (retinaldehyde)

The photoreceptor molecule present in the cones is called ____________.


Any one of the cones contains only one type of opsin and is sensitive to only one colour.

All _____________&___________ acid regulate growth, development and tissue differentiation.

Transretinoic acid & 9-cis-retinoic

Retinoic acid binds to ___________ like other hormones and regulate the transcription of specific genes.

Nuclear receptor

________________ is required for bone remodelling & Resistance to infectious diseases especially in children.

Vitamin A

Lack of vit. A leads to dysfunction of epithelia cells, for example the skin becomes keratinized and scally and mucour secretion is suppressed. T/f


Normal levels of vit.A are required for __________ production, females also require vit.A for normal reproductive cycles.

Sperm production

__________ therapy has been shown to prevent noise damage to ear drum and sometimes improves inner ear deafness.

Vitamin A

Tropical applications of retinoic acid are now used to treat skin disorders such as ______________.


The anti-carcinogenic role of vitamin A has been established in animals. Tumour responsiveness to vitamin A treatment has been attributed to the presence of ___________________ for retinoic acid within the tumour.

Cytosol-binding protein receptor (CBPR)

The richest dietary sources of vitamin A is _________ known as cod liver oil.

Fish oil

___________ is the richest source of carotenoids.

Palm oil

Vitamin A is heat stable but very sensitive to ultra violet (UV) light. It is advisable to expose palm oil to sunlight; especially to melt it when it solidified. T/f


It is not advisable

Vit A is carried in the blood as _________________

vit A- Retinol Binding Protein (RBP) complex.

in protein malnutrition this carrier protein will not be available.

___________ lowers plasma retinol level due to its effect on RBP synthesis.

Zinc deficiency

In pregnancy, there is a measurable drop in plasma vit A by __ weeks after conception. It further decreases to half the pre-conception level after 12 weeks.

6 weeks

Liver disease can also cause vit A deficiency because it participates in its ________________

Transportation and storage.

_____________ is the major effect of vitamin A deficiency.

Preventable blindness

The earliest sign of vit A deficiency is a loss of sensitivity to ________, followed by impairment to adapt to dim light and night blindness.

Green light

hypogeusia (loss of taste sensitivity) is related to what vitamin deficiency

Vit A

______________ is involved in tissue differentiation including the immune system cells.

Vitamin A

vitamin A must first bind to RBP, in the absence of RBP, the excess unbound vitamin A causes ___________.

Tissue damage

________&________ are also affected due to the role of vitamin A in vitamin D metabolism.

Liver & Bones

Since 1882, it has been known that rickets (muscle hypotonia and skeletal deformities) could be cured with ________

Cod liver oil

Scientists discovered that the active component of cod liver oil was __________

vitamin D.

Scientists discovered that the active component of cod liver oil was __________

vitamin D.

Vitamin D that exist naturally in fish oil is called ____________

Cholecalciferol or vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 is modified in the liver to ______________________

25-hydroxylcholecalciferol or calcidiol

Vitamin D3 is modified to ______________ in the kidney.

1,25dihydroxylcholecalciferol or calcitriol

The synthetic vitamin D commonly used in food fortification is called ________________

Calciferol or Vitamin D2.

__________ may not be regarded as vitamin because enough quantity is synthesized in the body under normal conditions.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin from ultraviolet activation of ______________ to produce vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).


Vitamin D can not be synthesized in the absence of sunlight, vitamin D supplement is used during winter in temperate egions. T/f


Women that cover all their body may also experience vitamin D deficiency.

____________ is the most abundant vitamin D in the plasma with normal concentration of about 30mg/ml.


The main function of Vitamin D is ______________________________

Regulation of calcium absorption and homeostasis

(it regulates the concentration of calcium in the plasma).

Vit D also facilitates phosphate absorption. These functions are performed in conjunction with parathyroid hormones and vitamin A. T/f


___________ functions as Nuclear receptor hormone to regulate gene expression, cell proliferation and differentiation.

Vitamin D

For this reason vitamin D has been speculated to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Osteoporosis is another bone disease associated with aging but can be treated with vitamin D supplement like osteomalacia. T/f


It can not bee treated with vitamin D

Effects of excess vitamin D in the plasma include calcification of soft tissues such as liver and kidney, this is called __________.


Vitamin E is also known as ___________. There are four types based on the position of attachment of methyl groups (α,β, ϓ and δ).


The ______________ is the most potent Vitamin E.


This vitamin was referred to as fertility vitamin when it was discovered, because it restored fertility in infertile rats but failed in human. T/f


The major known function of vitamin E in man is its role as _____________________ especially in red blood cells.

Fat soluble antioxidant

Its antioxidant functions include chain breaking and free radical trapping in cell membrane.

Diet rich in poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deplete the body of vitamin E due to generation of ____________.

Peroxide radicals

The common dietary sources of vitamin E are fats and oils with different tocopherol content. Soya, corn and palm oils are rich in vitamin E. T//f


The only known symptom of vitamin E deficiency is ______________

Hemolytic anemia

due to red blood cell membrane fragility.

_____________ is essential for a child born with fat malabsorption syndrome.

Vitamin E

______________ is also known as blood clotting vitamin.

Vitamin K

There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K ; mention them

Phylloquinone : is the normal dietary form found in green vegetables,

Menaquinone : it is synthesized by intestinal bacteria.

Infants absorbed sufficient vitamin K in the _________ where it is synthesized but adults absorbed vitamin K in the _____________ where there is no bacteria synthesis.


Upper small intestine

Gastrointestinal infection or diarrhea and antibiotic therapy without vitamin K supplement can cause ________________ in infants.


____________ plays an important role in the ϒ- carboxylation of glutamate residues in amino terminal region of prothrombin.

Vitamin K

The reaction is catalyzed by vitamin K carboxylase

Presence of vitamin K antagonist can also create a condition similar to vitamin K deficiency. Examples of such compounds include ____________&________________

Dicoumarol (found in sweet clover)


Warfarin (a natural anti-coagulant).

_____________ , a derivative of coumarol is used clinically to prevent thrombosis in patients that are prone to clot formation in the artery.
